
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ways satan and satanic forces will use to try to overthrow the Church from within:

Here's some thoughts by Earl Curry from his autobiography "The Shaping of a Destiny".

Ways satan and satanic forces will use to try to overthrow the Church from within: (lowercase ‘s’ per me)

1. He will tempt leadership and priesthood to abuse their powers of office, and cause them to seek for mastery and domination.

2. He will tempt the Church-its ministry and its people-toward an arid intellectualism, that neither nourishes nor sustains.

3. He will tempt all of us to substitute lessor interests and concerns for the greater and really important ones.

4. He will tempt us to become deeply involved in worldly movements and concerns, which have some value, but not Kingdom building value.

5. He will try to bring about a distrust of spiritual gifts and guidance, and of spirituality in general.

6. He will encourage counterfeit spirituality and life.

7. He will try to cause disrupting division, and paralyzing dismay.

8. He will try to overwhelm the church, and the world, with reading matter that is evil, corrupting, and wicked in its devastating influence.

9. He will deceive with the notions, philosophies, theologies, and theories of men.