
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jesus, the Real St. Patrick, and the Power of Forgiveness

Jesus, the Real St. Patrick, and the Power of Forgiveness—Sermon 3.16.2012

A. Introduction: Forgiveness and flowing with the Holy Ghost go together. You want more power than you must forgive your enemies, yourself, and others (who do you blame?--maybe even forgive God for your pain, suffering, past)

B. Power in forgiveness (forgiving enemies): Luke 23:34 (Jesus on the Cross), Acts 7:58b-60a (Stephen getting killed/stoned)

1. St. Patrick finding God & Christ in captivity, escaping, & forgiving captors—slave of Ireland  slave of Gospel
2. Patrick went after captor, former master Milchu first, but he (Milchu) burned himself and his house up (suicide) before Patrick could testify/preach to him

C. Forgiveness connected with receiving (flowing with) the Holy Spirit: John 20:22-23—true representation of St. Patrick (not wearing green but being disciple of Christ)

1. “The Breastplate” of St. Patrick

Christ shield me today against poison, against burning, against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me abundance of reward,
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

D. Overcoming evil/serpents/demons: Mark 16:15-18—Show (These signs shall follow…) and tell (preach Gospel) See also Luke 10:19

1. St. Patrick and the legend of ridding Ireland of “snakes”/removing “snakes” from island

E. Conclusion: I want the “snakes”/demons out of Independence, out of Kansas City—get your training, forgive God, yourself, others, your enemies, move in power through forgiveness and humility

Monday, March 5, 2012

End Time Warriors Midterm

Randall Q. Lawrence
End-Time Warriors—Spring 2012
Dr. Eva

Midterm: Are you an End-Time Warrior?

Yes!!! Absolutely!!! I have had a number of experiences in my life that have pointed to this calling. These events (prophetic dreams, prophetic blessings, and more) highlighted the War between God and satan, Jesus and the devil, Light and darkness.

For far too long in my life, I have allowed the devil and demons to “push my buttons”, lead me around, undermine my ministry and witness for Christ, break my heart, confuse my thinking and understanding, lead me into sin and temptation and more. I really did not have a clue about spiritual warfare until coming to Missouri in 2007, and I really did not understand it properly or have the proper examples/mentors until beginning my education with Faith Bible College and Ebony & Ivory Ministries.

I had a prophetic dream after asking the Lord as a teenager what to do with my life. He gave me 2 dreams in one night. The dreams dealt with deliverance ministry in using the Name of Jesus in spiritual warfare (Philip. 2:9-11) and in becoming vulnerable (trusting of God) and in dealing with the devil/demons having known me and in having been allowed to “work me over” for most of my life.

I also had a prophetic blessing which spoke about (demonic) “warriors working” to pull me from God, but I chose God. (“A battle between the forces of the universe has been waging and you have overcome that battle. You have chosen to follow the Lord Jesus though the [demonic] warriors have been valiant in trying to tear you from that decision. You must recognize that, yes, there is a great war going on in the hearts of the people. You have seen through the deceptions of the great deceiver…”—2003 Evangelist Blessing).

The above experiences and more have pointed to the need for training in spiritual warfare and how little I have known and walked in my past. I’ve only begun to get a handle on the mighty weapons of our warfare to pull down strongholds of the enemy (2 Cor. 10:4), destroy the works of the devil (thief, destroyer) in the Name and Blood of Christ (1 John 3:8), and to get myself and others free of demonic and worldly influence (Gal. 5:13). I praise God for what I’ve learned through Ebony & Ivory Ministries and through Faith Bible College-my training ground, my covering, my mentors and teachers, my learning and greater anointed walk/adventure. This is definitely the time for End-Time Warriors of Jesus Christ to rise, prepare and fight!

Blood, Name, and Spirit Midterm

Randall Q. Lawrence
Blood, Name, and Spirit-Spring 2012
Dr. Nick

Midterm: The Blood

To be honest, I did not really have a clue (about the Blood of Jesus and what It means) growing up in a church that was not Pentecostal or Charismatic. In reading the Bible, I knew blood sacrifice was very important in the Old Testament; Jesus Christ’s (bloody) sacrifice was and is all important in the New Testament and in our lives.

I remember going to see “The Passion” with my Dad in the theater. We both cried our eyes out at the Sacrifice of Jesus (John 18-19, Matt. 26-27, Mark 14-15, Luke 22-23)—He became a bloody, painful mess, endured the unendurable for all of us (“cup & baptism”-Matt. 20:22-23, 26:39, “Lamb that was slain”--Rev. 5:6-14)! It was a graphic depiction of the physical suffering of Jesus Christ (see Isaiah 53—Suffering Servant “…by His Stripes we are healed…”-v. 5) that greatly impacted the two of us!

However, I did not really begin to understand the importance of the Blood of Jesus until Ebony & Ivory Multicultural (church with Faith Bible) and through many of your (Dr. Nick’s) sermons and your classes. I have really gained an appreciation for the Power in the Blood of Christ—demons/devil/hell is routed (Rev. 12:11), believers are protected and healed and delivered (Ephes. 1:7-12), lives and families are changed and made whole (Acts 26:18). There is victory, I mean VICTORY, V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!! (Rev. 19:11-16) in the Blood of Jesus.

I knew that the Name of Jesus was powerful (Philip. 2:9-11), but I really feel like I still even after over 2 years here that I barely understand the power in the Blood of Jesus. It (understanding and pleading the Blood of Jesus-Rev. 7:14, 1 Pet. 1:2) is kind of like an iceberg that has most of its mass under water and a small amount above the surface. This is the impression that I get from my time here, from your (Dr. Nick’s) book ‘The Blood’, from your sermons, from the ministry of war here and in the world, and from my journey with the Lord and Holy Spirit over the last 5+ years but especially the last 2+ years.

There is protection in the Blood. There is healing and deliverance in the Blood of Jesus Christ. There is Spirit-filled anointing in the Blood. There is power to pull down the strongholds of the enemy in the Blood. There is freedom and adventure in the Blood. There is sanctification in the Blood. There is holiness and righteousness through His Blood and Sacrifice. There is witness in the Blood. There is contact and connection with the Holy Spirit through the Blood. The Old Testament blood sacrifice was nothing but the prophetic type and shadow for the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus Christ in His New Covenant/New Testament. There is power and victory in the Blood of Jesus!