
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reading books on revival (prayer--->endowment)

I recently finished a book on Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles. It was compiled by Robert Liardon and used the documents of Frank Bartleman who was considered one of the main prayer intercessors before the start of the Azusa Street Revival. Most Pentecostals in one form or another trace their origin and beliefs back to the Azusa Street Revival.

One thing is clear in reading this book is the importance of prayer intercession in paving the way to revival (endowment). I experienced a little glimpse of this hunger for God and prayer for the kingdom (revival, endowment) in an open, "inter-Restorational" (between Restoration groups) prayer meeting at Outreach Restoration church. IMHO, it is important to have more of these.

I cannot help but comment about the amount of prayer that IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer) put in before its "Student Awakening" (revival, endowment). They put in over 10 years of night and day prayer (24/7/365) prior to this "awakening".

I just looked at the latest Herald and see where giving is down. We, IMO, are in need of revival, endowment, and awakening.

Frank Bartleman (and others) were desperate for God and a fresh move of the Spirit so they became desperate in prayer. I am now reading a book on Charles Finney who speaks about the importance of confession (of sins) and a spirit of prayer as precursors to revival. These were important aspects of IHOP-KC's student awakening.

We (in the Community of Christ) need to be hungry for a move of God, desperate for a move of the Spirit, and enter into unending, ceaseless, continual prayer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"What would you do with revival?"

"What would you do with revival?" It's an interesting question....We are promised revival in Doctrine & Covenants 163.

I finished my 40 day fast on Tuesday, February 9. It was called by Evangelist Bev Moor during the CCM Leadership Summit in November 2009. He challenged us to ask God what we need to change about ourselves and to focus on the challenges faced by the church going into World Conference 2010. I could not do a food fast like I was originally planning so I decided to fast from facebook games and TV. I could not do the fast because I came down ill with a bad sinus infection starting on New Year's eve and before that I spent at onething09 in downtown KC with IHOP-KC. Being ill is not real conducive to a food fast so I switched to the above which I was spending too much time with facebook games and TV. I have had good TV fasts before. I used to do these before I got more into food fasts after reading Mahesh Chavda's Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting.

I am not big on Lenten fasts. I'm not Catholic, but I still decided that I wanted to do another fast. I will trust God to give me strength to get through this second one.

I did not do very well with Bev's challenge about journaling and asking God what to change. I am getting that challenge with my Faith Bible College classes and with the Spirit's prompting. I have another Chavda book from onething09 called 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting which I want to use with this fast.

I need to share a testimony from the 40 day fast from January 1, 2010 to February 9, 2010. On February 8, I felt that God wanted me to share with Dr. Nick, CEO & founder of Faith Bible College here in Independence, MO. I have been real impressed at his messages regarding getting beyond division and denominations by focusing on Jesus and what we have in common. I was focused during the fast after feeling better on my church and WC 2010. I, however, felt that God wanted me to ask Dr. Nick this question: "What would you do with revival?" I did not even feel that I needed an answer, but I told him about the fast, and we talked along with his "bishop?" Pam, another member of FBC. I've been really impressed at the feel at Faith Bible and the mixing of white, black, Latino, and more. We talked and then prayed, and the Spirit confirmed this question along with a discussion of the answers. We were blessed by the Spirit which confirmed to Dr. Nick the question, and we lifted Dr. Nick, his team, Faith Bible up for revival, a mighty move of the Spirit, and for God's blessing. I feel that confirming even now.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Five-step Traditional Prayer

Five-step Traditional Prayer by Randall Lawrence

My Lord and God, the Eternal Christ, Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, my Savior, my Redeemer, Lord from the manger, the Cross-bearer, Risen Lord of the open tomb, Son of Man, God of Spilled Blood and Broken Body, our Christ of Communion, our Hope of Glory, Ancient of Days, and Returning Messiah:

Your creation knows no end. Living Word that spoke and formed worlds without end, Holy God of Israel who took a babe in a basket, Egyptian prince-turned-murderer, and led him to become shepherd and then deliverer of an enslaved people. This is a type and shadow of your Restoration work of creation and for all kindreds, tongues, peoples, and tribes. The God of Deliverance, Manna, and Promised Land became the God of Temple, Wisdom, and Shekhinah Glory, and further became God of the grove, Restoration in the latter days, God of continuing Revelation, Temple of the Peace of Christ, and God of gathering of peoples, records, and endowing Grace.

God, mindful of the life of the sparrow and hairs on my head, You have created this vast cosmos of planets, sun, stars, galaxies, and unfathomable distances. Jehovah-God, You sustain this spinning blue-green globe of life in this vast and wonderfully created universe. We barely touch the mysteries of outer space and inner microscopic space let alone the mysteries of Heaven. You created mankind in Your Image and Likeness and for the purpose of dwelling in Your Presence and Your company and in community with You, Creator God, You, Sacrificial Son and Savior, You, Loving Great Spirit. This is my calling and Your calling on me and all.

Words cannot express my thanksgiving for my life, the air I breathe moment to moment, water to drink, shelter in the form of divine-blessed home, food to be thankful for, family and friends of faith and love---like Nephi, being born of goodly and Godly parents. Lord and God, above this, I thank you for Ruach/Pneuma—Breathe of the Spirit, Living Water supplied by You like the woman at the well (John 4), sacred “homes” of your Temples, your congregations of disciples, my family and friends of support, inspiration, and Your Divine Providence.

Forgive my trespasses and debts. Forgive my procrastination, worry, fears, complaints, and lack of stewardship. Forgive my negative attitude at times and self-centeredness. Forgive my stumbling and clumsy discipleship walk. Forgive my attempts to run ahead, do things my way and not in Your Way, and forgive me for believing I know better than You, Lord and God. Forgive my impatience, my hypocrisy of profession and going through motions without a broken heart and contrite spirit. Forgive my arrogance, pettiness, unreliability, putting myself above others. Forgive me for taking Your Broken Body and Spilled Blood for granted. Forgive my short-sightedness and hesitancy in listening to Your Still, Small Voice. Forgive my stubbornness used for my ends instead of used to continually pray, thank, walk, talk, share, and most of all, love You, Lord and God. Let me not take Your forgiveness for granted breath by breath, minute by minute, moment by moment, day by day, month by month, year by year, and person by person, and event by event.

Lord and God, I lift my family and friends up for Your Presence, Healing, and Blessing. Thank You for Your Promises to always be with us. Thank You for angelic protection, guidance, and their ongoing presence(s) in our lives like the ongoing Presence of Ruach, Pneuma, Spirit of Wind and Fire, Gentle and Mightly Breeze of Healing, Flame of Gospel Gifts and Prophecy. Lord, I lift up my neighbors, my community, and City on a Hill, my state of Centerplace, my country of the New Jerusalem, the world in need of Zion and Zionic communities of Christ. Be with and bless these local, state, country and other national leaders and officials and workers. Bless them with wisdom, revelation, knowledge, and discernment found in You, Your Life, Your Ministry, Death on the cross, and in Your Resurrection to New Life. Lord and God, I pray blessings and strength for the homeless, for the children, for First Nations and indigenous peoples, for the sick and infirm, for the outcast and marginalized, for women and families, for the jailed and prisoners of state, for the persecuted, for the faithful and the unfaithful, for the abused and abusers, for the unlovely and unloved, for the orphan, widow, widower, and alien, for immigrant, refugee, and citizen, for the poor and rich, for the minorities and for those in power and majority. I lift Your children, white, black, brown, yellow, red—all shades and colors, all races, ethnicities, and nationalities, all religions, creeds, churchs and organizations.

Lord and God, thank you for this time and season in my life—40 years of faith and doubt, blessing and heartbreak, Spirit-ful highs and lonely lows, for being with me and blessing me throughout all these years showing me birth and death, sickness and healing, love and affection, faithfulness and unfaithfulness—mine and others, betrayal and depression, joy and destiny. Thank you for honoring prayers and dreams 15-20 years ago—priesthood and part of a zionic community near Your Holy Temple and more. Thank you for giving me more dreams along with my health, wealth, my calling, my priesthood, and my church.

Lord and God, I am nothing without You but have everything I need and more with You. I desire to consecrate and “steward” my whole life—my finances, my time, my present and presence, my goals and dreams, my future and ambitions—to Your yoke and Your Will. You heal, bless, give, and honor me even when I attempt to run ahead, get in the way rather than in the Way, and think I know best. I desire a direct testimony of the Book of Mormon and know it will come in Your Way at just the right time. Thank you for the trip to Mexico and testimonies of the Hill Cumorah Expedition Team and their mission and goals and journey which I’ve been blessed to be a part of—Thank You! I desire to see like Nephi, the Brother of Jared, Enoch, Moses, Earl Curry, and others—to see the big picture of the Fullness of the Gospel and Your Plan for this world. I thank you for my blessings and my calling regarding the School of the Prophets. Lead me, I pray, and teach me to follow like John the Beloved and the 3 Nephites. They remain nameless but faithfully carry Your Name and Gospel. I thank You for my cross to bear, teach me to bear it, my race to run, teach me to run it humbly, courageously, and lovingly. I thank You for my trials, tribulations, and heartbreaks. Through my mistakes and wrong paths, Lord and God, You have taught me courage, persistence, prayer for enemies and adversaries, toughness and stubbornness, and Your faithfulness to always be with me even to the end. “Well done, good and faithful servant!” is the pronouncement and goal of my heart and my life.

I pray all this through Your Holy Name, Jesus, through Your Broken Body and Spilled Blood, my Redeemer and Savior, Judge and Bridegroom, Lord of Zion and whole world, and God of worlds without end, my Eternal Christ. Amen.