
Monday, January 25, 2010

Some favorite quotes on the endowment

Where that endowment is, there is the church of Jesus Christ. Where that endowment is not, there the church of Jesus Christ is not. F. Henry Edwards, “Your Heritage, the Endowment”, 1950

We expect this “space”, this building set on a hill which we have created with the Lord’s help will be made increasingly sacred by the Endowment, the presence of the Spirit. Velma Ruch, Summoned to Pilgrimage, 1994

All this ministry must increasingly have its part in preparing God’s earthbound ministers to rise above the limitations of their worldliness, to fire their hearts and souls with the vision of what the Eternal Father would do through them, to share with them a vision of things to come, and to purify, enable, and to make strong in might, faith, and in loving outreach ere He can safely delegate to these His servants, vast spiritual powers of endowment. Earl Curry, The Endowment, 1957

Jesus promises endowment to men on mission for him, with him. Expectation was to be contingent on endeavor. Roy Cheville, Expectations for Endowed Living, 1972

We seek endowment in order to understand and do more perfectly the will of God. Without that point of view there can be no Zion. With it we can see Zion as God’s program for endowing us individually and as a group with resources which enable us to share in Jesus’ ministry to the captive, the blind, and the poor. Maurice Draper, “Endowment for Redemptive Ministries”,1974

It is not your numbers, it is not your numbers that matter, it is the power of the Holy Spirit in you that is revived and remade, and transformed, and filled, so that you are a people of Endowment. And if two can put 10,000 to flight, then a handful of My people, filled with My Holy Spirit, living in the Spirit of Zion, can transform this earth. Bob Slasor, “Inspired Counsel to CCM Leadership Summit”, 2007

We should anticipate marvelous spiritual endowment in the Temple because endowment is an experience of a prophetic community….Endowment will occur when divine grace is matched by a humble, human desire to be like Jesus. Richard Brown, “Keys of Temple Endowment”, 1990

I was shown love conquering hate, selfishness, and kindred evils. I saw that we should pray more for love to abound, that all our Zionic program will go forward under the endowment of God’s power to bring it to pass. I saw the implements we were using to make smooth the rough places and remove every obstacle ahead of us for Zion and “The Plains of Peace.” Our powers and God given talents are to overcome evil with good. Addie Spaulding Stowell, The Red Man’s Hope (A Biography of Elder Hubert Case), 1963

We can have the endowment when we extend ourselves, when we go as far at it is possible for us to go. When we energize to the limit of our capacity, then there is called forth to us those reserves of spiritual light and power which God has in His own keeping. Arthur Oakman, “Spiritual Endowment”, 1966

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Daily Prayer for Peace--January 23

Country – Israel
Coordinator –Cindy Frerking
Leader – Randall Lawrence, Peggy Johannes
Musician –Jan Van Otterloo

Daily Prayer for Peace
Saturday, January 23, 2010 – 1:00 p.m.
Gathering in Silence
Call to Prayer
Lighting of Candle

Invitation – Please introduce yourself and the musician

We greet you in the name of the Prince of Peace, and thank you for your presence. Each day in this Temple, dedicated to the pursuit of peace, we pray to God for peace in our world. In addition, each day we pray for a different country.

Today we will remember the people of Israel in our prayers. Located in the Middle East, Jewish leaders proclaimed the State of Israel independent in 1948. Since then, six Arab-Israeli wars have torn at this ancient land, the holy land of several major religions, without ending the deep tensions between the two sides. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs have fled to neighboring states, while Jewish immigrants have settled in Israel. To secure peace, Israel in 1982 ended its 15-year occupation of the Sinai Peninsula, returning it to Egypt. A Palestinian rebellion that began in 1987, took hundreds of lives before peace negotiations resulted in a 1993 accord that granted Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank city of Jericho. The Israeli military withdrew from all West Bank cities by 1997—and also left southern Lebanon in 2000. However, peace talks stalled, a second rebellion started in September 2000, and most of the West Bank was reoccupied by 2002. Peace seems to be a far off dream.

Let us worship together and lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation for peace unto the ends of the earth.

Scripture Reading - Please announce the scripture reference I John 3:14, 16-17 NRSV

We know that we have passed from death to life because we love one another. Whoever does not love abides in death. We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us—and we ought to lay down our lives for one another. How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?

Prayer for Peace - Please state by whom the prayer was written by -
Alyce Hougas, St. Joseph, Missouri

God of the Universe and Father of us all, create within us the desire for peace. Give us discernment to find avenues of common ground where adversaries may acknowledge each other as children of God.

Grant us wisdom to distinguish compromise of cherished personal ideas from the compromise of your holy principles.

We acknowledge you to be Perfect Peace. Help us to become more like you and to share your qualities of peace with those about us. May our inner peace be the catalyst that brings us to bold action which will not diminish or cease until your purposes come to fruition.

Our prayer is offered in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Hymn - Please announce the hymn number - Lord of All Nations
Hymns of the Saints #467

Prayers of the People - Please state, “Please join us now, praying the prayers of the people. During the moments of silence, you are invited to pray silently or meditate.”

O God, you are the way of peace. Come into the brokenness of our lives and our land with your healing love. Help us to be willing to bow before you in true repentance, and to bow to one another in real forgiveness.

The People Pray in Silence (20 seconds of silence)

We pray for all interfaith initiatives, and all occasions which bring together people of different traditions and customs. Help us to see the good in all people, and teach us to be the best Christians that we can be and to cooperate with one another in spite of differences.

The People Pray in Silence (20 seconds of silence)

We especially remember the people of Israel. Bless the peacemakers as they seek to find peaceful ways to resolve the issues in their country.

The People Pray in Silence (20 seconds of silence)

We thank you and praise you for love that sustains us, for wisdom that directs us, and for desire that beckons us toward peace in our world.

The People Pray in Silence (20 seconds of silence)

We hear you calling, O God, to continue to engage in spiritual transformation as we build the peaceable kingdom on earth. We lift up in prayer our church leaders who are preparing for World Conference in April. May we be open to the Holy Spirit as we join our hearts and minds to seek your will and direction.

The People Pray in Silence(20 seconds of silence)

At this time we remember our private concerns. Hear our petitions we humbly ask.

The People Pray in Silence (20 seconds of silence)

Lord, we pray for the joining of the stick of Joseph with the stick of Judah as Ezekiel prophesies. We thank you for this house of prayer, this house of fasting, this house of faith, this house of learning, this house of glory, this house of order, THIS HOUSE OF GOD. In Mozambique, Heidi & Rolland Baker and others minister in the power of the Spirit and in tremendous love with great healings and miracles and with care for the orphans and others. I would lift up Haiti for ministers and missionaries of power, of healings and miracles, and of tremendous and great love for orphans and for all those in need. [part that I added..]

The People Pray in Silence (20 seconds of silence)

We pray these things in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Sending Forth

We conclude our service today with Ministry of Music. You are invited to remain to pray or meditate in the quiet of this place for as long as you may wish.

Go now and bring peace to those around you.

Ministry of Music

Monday, January 11, 2010

Down and out with illness

I've been down and out with illness. I have a tendency to have cold symptoms that quickly turn into sinus infections. This one began with the days before New Year's and lasted up to the present though abated greatly on Saturday so I could finally get out and about. I got a Christmas present of the enhanced Daily Bread on January 9. I like the new format with the country for the Daily Prayer for Peace in the Temple and with a spiritual practice every day.

Please share the following with those serving in a capacity to share information about resources and coordinate group orders through Herald House. Remind your congregation they can always shop Herald House online at


2010 Daily Bread: We are each called to deepen our discipleship and the 2010 Daily Bread is a simple and compelling way to engage in that process. This year the Daily Bread includes many new features in addition to the uplifting stories from members and leaders all over the world.
9780830914371 $15.95

Friday, January 1, 2010

God's Power & Light District

We had quite a night in going to the final night of the onething09 conference at Bartle Hall put on by IHOP-KC. We got down there in time for the meeting on IHOPU. We found the room just in time, but I quickly decided that this was not a good forum to ask about my acceptance and later rejection (withdrawal of acceptance).

We went back to the main area, found some seats, checked out the bookstore and had time to enjoy the atmosphere. I was able to share my inspiration (see previous blog) on a "giant Jesus" with arms outstretched with His heart matching the IHOP symbol behind the stage. I shared this with an artist connected with IHOP who seemed interested, but he encouraged Peggy to maybe paint this picture. I know that it made for a powerful image to use for intercessory prayer to pray that a light wave matched the beating of Jesus' heart and this light wave touched the souls of all 20,000+ in attendance in helping them overcome the adversary and obstacles in their lives.

I picked up a couple of books--40 days of Prayer and Fasting by Mahesh Chavda (there was only 2 left) and Messiah: First Judgment, Chronicles of Brothers, fictional book about Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. The latter book was on sale for $5, and I loved Wendy Alec's Journal of the Unknown Prophet about the vision she saw of the last days.

We were able to get some supper, meet an interesting guy from Alaska named Scott, and go to the bathroom before the 7pm session started. I even had a chance to go back and get Mike Bickle's commentary on the Book of Revelation. I picked up a couple of late Christmas gifts for Peggy (or early New Year's gifts) including another Misty Edwards' CD and prophetic/devotional CD that was on sale.

It's hard to describe the energy and fun and prayer and prophetic experiences that was onthing09 in downtown KC with IHOP-KC. It was quite an experience with all the joy, passion, great worship. We got to know a couple from Olathe next to us and a group of believers that had come all the way from Hong Kong. They had a time of praying for persons around you, and it was a great way to become close to strangers next to you. I know that I appreciated the prayers over me. One IHOP event staff (volunteer?) prayed over me and told me that he got that it was a time of "demarcation" for me and that "a seed was planted in deep rich soil" "for kingdom purposes". I prayed over the guy next to us and told him that I thought God was calling him like King David as a mighty prayer warrior who takes on the "Goliath's" (giants) that intimidate others and put them in fear.

Peggy was prayed over by wife of guy which I got a prophetic word for. She described it as almost like electrical feeling bursts of energy into her. She also saw the inspiration that Bill, the IHOP artist, had with my testimony of seeing a "giant Jesus" with arms outstretched toward the persons there. It was a great way to take out 2009 in prayer, praise, worship, and challenge, and a great way to bring in the New Year of 2010 with prayer, praise, and worship to our Lord and Savior Jesus!