
Monday, May 24, 2010

Removing satan's seat homework 1

Homework 1: Name 8 things (ways) how the devil enters into the House of God. Explain and back it up with the Word of God.

I began with something of a “laundry list” of 8 ways in which the adversary attacks us and the church: 1) Pride/ego/arrogance (2 Chronicles 26:16-20 example of Uzziah, Luke 18:9-14 parable of publican vs. Pharisee), 2) Gossip/lies (Proverbs 25:18, Psalm 57:4), 3) Hidden sins (Revelation 2:20, Ezekiel 8), 4) Conflict/control (Revelation 2:20 spirit of Jezebel), 5) Lack of prayer/vigilance, 6) Focus on works (Revelation 2:4-5 loss of First Love–Jesus), 7) Addictions/lusts (demonic)–sexual issues, 8) Distraction/material possessions/cares of world (Revelation 3:17, Mark 10:17-25 rich young man, parable of sower). As you can see, I began to find support for these 8 ways and found many other related things that match up like laziness/sloth (2 Thessalonians 3:6-13), idolatry/things before God (Matt. 6:33 “seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness...”), fear/worry (“take no thought...”), “counterfeit Christians” (parable of wheat & tares). My Life Application Bible KJV (p. 12 chart) even listed strategies of the devil as doubt, discouragement, diversion, defeat, and delay (devil and all “d” words–>damnation in hell).

I then changed my mind about my approach to this assignment. I decided to focus on the armor of God (belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, helmet, and sword) listed in Ephesians 6:13-17. (see below) This includes 6 things, but many of these deal with multiple strategies of satan. [Again, I refuse to capitalize this proper noun despite the book title and proper English due to refusal to show any respect to devil.] This use of the armor of God provides an effective guideline for the paper and begins to delve into strategies of spiritual warfare and how to “remove satan’s seat” in our lives and defend against the attacks of the adversary.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;

One, it is important to “armor up” (put on our armor) every day and request protection by the Spirit and angels every day and night. (Psalm 121:5-7, Matthew 2:13) This starts with the belt of truth. In John 14:6, Jesus states, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” I have heard that the Roman belt was key for the soldier with the sword and breastplate attached to his belt. Thus, offense (sword) and defense (rest of armor) in spiritual warfare rest on Jesus with “righteousness as the girdle of his loins and faithfulness as the girdle of his reins” (Isaiah 11:5) which resulted in wisdom & understanding, counsel & might, knowledge, fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2). Through this and more, Jesus resisted temptations (Matt. 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13, Mark 1:12-13) of physical needs (hunger: stones–>bread), emotional needs (security, manipulating God for a sign: casting himself off pinnacle of temple & proving God’s protection and calling as Christ/Messiah), and psychological needs (significance, power/achievement: worship me and get all kingdoms of world). The devil preys on our bodies and their needs, our emotions, and mind/thoughts. Jesus shows how to deal with these temptations–prayer and fasting and relationship with Father (Matt. 4:1-2).

Two, we need the “breastplate of righteousness” (right living in relationship with God, Jesus, and Spirit) as crucial in our discipleship walk. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 states, “But, let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.” The devil often likes to attack our heart and emotions, self-worth, and trust. The above verse points out that “righteousness” is centered in “walking by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7) and showing love as disciples (John 13:35). Righteousness prevents the adversary from preying on our emotional needs.

Three, we are told to walk literally in “gospel of peace” or shalom (wholeness of body, mind, spirit, soul). We are challenged to be ready to spread the Gospel–“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” (Matthew 28:19) Isaiah states, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;...” (Isaiah 52:7). Our course speaks about the importance of growing to be able to keep the devil from catching up and entrapping us in various ways.

Four, the “shield of faith is able to withstand the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16). 1 John 5:4 says, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” We see that faith will help us overcome the cares of the world (material possessions, worry, stress, fear of man) and attacks of the wicked (illness, addictions, temptations of flesh, and lust).

Five, the last piece of defensive armor involves the “helmet of salvation” (Ephes.. 6:17) and “hope of salvation” (1 Thess. 5:8). Jesus linked the breaking of God’s commandments with thoughts initially (Matthew 5:22, 28). The devil will attack us using our thoughts, dreams, imagination, questions, doubts. This piece would protect us from attacks on our mind, will, and thoughts.

Six, the last piece of armor is “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;” (Ephes. 6:17). Hebrews 4:12 describes, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The challenge is to know our Scripture as Smith Wiggleworth, the anointed revivalist and healer, did--“Read the Word, Consume the Word, Believe the Word, and Act on the Word”. That’s all he read and studied.

In conclusion, I have listed more than 8 ways with my opening paragraph plus mentioning the temptations of Jesus with physical needs, emotional needs, and psychological needs. We could add spiritual needs to this. I have heard it said that we all have a “God-sized hole” in us that we try to fill in different, ineffective ways. I want to fill it in only One Way. (John 14:6, Mark 12:29)

Removing satan's seat assignment 1

Assignment: Why are you taking this class? What do you expect to receive from this class?

I am taking this class because the nine hours of this class will give me enough to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Ministry of the Prophet for next year’s F. B. C. graduation. I already have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Toledo in Ohio. I am presently an unemployed Registered Nurse in Missouri (used to be an R.N./B.S.N. in Ohio–to give you a little of my background). This education plan sets me up to take 5 classes each term to be able to get my first Master’s degree, Ministry of the Prophet. This would put me on track to graduate with my first Doctorate degree in Ministry of the Prophet in May 2012. I had the honor of ushering the graduation so I am motivated to get my first doctorate as soon as possible and to work at becoming an instructor at Faith Bible College in the future.

Plus, I am taking this course because it is in the morning on Monday’s which allows me to be able to go to church services (First People congregation–Native American ministries) on Monday nights at 6:30 pm in Kansas City. I am not Native American myself, but I have many friends among them including a mother figure (“adopted church mom”) and mentor who is a leader among them.

In addition, I wanted to take a course with my friend and fellow church member, Jana, who is a fellow student in this class. Since spring classes, I have been interested in this book, Removing satan’s Seat, and what it is about in relation to spiritual warfare. [I know that it is improper English and grammar to not capitalize a proper name and book title. However, I do not want to give any respect whatsoever to the devil.] This is mostly due to Dr. Zalmer Nichol’s (Dr. Nick’s) recommendations in (Blood) Covenants class during 2010 Spring Term for Faith Bible College, my first term of classes . He spoke about Pastor John Posey addressing why so many churches (especially in the U.S.) seem mostly powerless and weak and what we can do about it (“removing satan’s seat”) and these demonic influences within churches. It definitely caught my interest in regards to deliverance personally and with churches in general.

Dr. Nichols has spoken about the spiritual attacks on Faith Bible College instructors teaching spiritual warfare and deliverance. I walk in the ministry of priest/prophet/prayer warrior (intercessor). This puts me on the “front lines” in regards to spiritual attacks and ministry with Faith Bible College and with Ebony & Ivory Ministries. I received a Rhema word of knowledge in 2003: “Randall, you have been in the midst of a great struggle in your life. A battle between the forces of the universe has been waging and you have overcome that battle. You have chosen to follow the Lord Jesus though the warriors [demonic] have been valiant in trying to tear you from that decision.” The struggle and battle(s) in my life continue. In 2008, I experienced the worst spiritual attack of my life while leading the prayer support for a mission trip to Mexico. This attack “put me out of commission” in a manner of speaking for 1 ½ months with allergy and sinusitis symptoms and initially tremendous back & neck pain. I called for the Elders 3-4 times (James 5:14) in 2 days with a prophetic woman telling me about 8 black arrows, which she removed, including labels of “mono” in my back.. I had warnings of this attack through dreams and other means (due to pride and other circumstances like living in a house under demonic influences).

At this point, we have had one class with Dr. M., and I have read up to the section in the book that covers “Pride”. We discussed a number of things in class including our reasons for taking this class and what we hoped to get out of it. I was thrilled that most everyone seemed to get into the discussion of the topic already. One brother felt lead to point to the deliverance (by Paul and Jesus and Spirit) story in Acts 16 with the young woman in Philippi who had a spirit (demonic) of divination. We discussed how the spirit would mislead and draw attention through proclaiming the truth (not unlike devil in attempting to tempt Jesus in wilderness by quoting Scriptures–Matt. 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13, Mark 1:12-13). It, among other things like leaving a cult (another student in class) focused on demons everywhere, provided some great material to discuss the importance of “removing satan’s seat” in our lives, our churches, and our communities. I expect to learn and claim what Jesus said when the 70 returned (Luke 10): “...I beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:18-19)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Covenant with God

My covenant with God is pretty simple. I felt a calling to this area in 1996, but I kept denying the pull the Spirit to come to this area. In 2006-2007, my life in Ohio disintegrated with the loss of my marriage, my contact with my stepson (closest thing to my own child), my job, my ministry as a priest in my church, and I was in the process of losing my house. I was depressed and felt lost–going through that “wilderness” experience of feeling separated from God. I refused to take communion in my shame and guilt over the fallout from my failed marriage and due to getting involved with women that I should not have. Every door in Ohio closed so that the only door open was to come to Missouri.

A little over 3 years later, I am in a completely different place. I testify that God is good, so very good. My covenant is simple: I focus on the dreams of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have placed my personal dreams (of family, children, ministry) and my wants in His hands; my focus in my life is on His dreams, His dreams for His people, for this city, for ministry. He takes better care of my dreams and needs than I can and ever have. For example, since the end of 2006, I desired to go on a mission trip to Mexico with a group with whom I am associated. This trip came to pass in 2009 just as God promised the year before in 2008.

It is a struggle, at times, because my desires and my will still subtly try to “sneak” into His Will and my actions. I do not give into feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, depression, and despair the way that I used to do. In place of these, my Lord and King calls me to intercession, calls me to prayer, calls me to walk out my faith. He has blessed me so much with a grace for fasting and mighty prayer (“prayer the Spirit works through you”), grace for a prophetic walk with dreams and spiritual experiences, grace for my calling as a priest, prophet, and prayer warrior, grace for seeking, finding, and building, grace for preaching hope and Jesus as the Living Word, grace for being with the right persons at the right time–Faith Bible College, Ebony & Ivory Ministries, Contemporary Christian Ministries, and more.

My passion is for endowment which is based on Luke 24:49–“...tarry ye in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high...” I know this as endowment, but it can have many names such as outpouring of the Spirit, anointing, unction, revival, mighty move of God, baptism of the Spirit and fire and more. My life and prayers center on this concept and seeking, knocking, asking, and claiming in the name of Jesus Christ

My church has a prophetic background and history. Part of the background is a calling for a “school of prophets”. This, unfortunately, has not been realized. However, I feel blessed by the Spirit and an inquisitive friend in being led to Faith Bible College as a “school of Spirit” and “school of prophets”. In a few short months, I have been blessed with physical, emotional, and spiritual healings, blessed with a place of new friends and family and teachers, blessed with walking in a calling on my life for many years, blessed in having the gift of tongues opened to me, blessed in being challenged in my stewardship and tithing of time, talent, treasure, and truth (thanks Rev. Dr. Moody), and being blessed with a desire to walk out my baptismal (water, Spirit, fire) covenant, callings, discipleship, and vision with new friends, mentors, and fellow students and teachers at Faith Bible College. My gratitude and thanksgiving in God and the leading of the Spirit grows with my life “Be-attitudes” and blessings..