
Friday, February 25, 2011

Scripture references to night and day prayer

It is not difficult to prove night and day prayer ("prayer furnaces" to use IHOP-KC terminology) with our 3 books of Scripture....prayer without ceasing, pray continuously--Enos 1:6, 2 Nephi 14:12, 15:4; Alma 16:219-222, 17:69-70, 3 Nephi 8:50, 9:38, "pray, prayed" is used 27x in 1st 38 verses of ch. 9 of 3 Nephi, 3 Nephi 12:14; Doctrine & Covenants 3:1e, 17:6e, 18:6a, 25:1b, 32:3e, 85:36b-c, 38c; 90:8d, 98:11a-d (Luke 18:1-8), 157:12, ...and probably more that I missed.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Simple yet radical plan to save the Community of Christ

Simple yet radical plan to save the Community of Christ:

Malachi 3:10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.

Community of Christ gives God a tithe (10% of income).

Proposal for First Presidency and Presiding Bishopric of C. of C.:

This is radical yet simple. I am greatly concerned about the statement from WC 2010: “20% give 80% and the average age is 69.” What does this statement tell me? If I round up the average age to 70 and go back to when this group was 20 (age to increase tithing with better jobs and higher pay), then this tells me that the last, very loyal group to this church reached “maturity” in 1960. You could make an argument that most of what we’ve done for the last 50 years has been ineffective based on this statistic. I will not make that argument, but I put it out there for consideration. I appreciated you (Prophet-President Steve Veazey) stating, “My family and I will sacrifice and give more…”, but that seemed to be missing the point. You are one of the 20%. It seems to me that the church is in desperate need for reproduction of loyal, generous, tithe-paying disciples. I can and will make the argument that we have done an ineffective job of keeping the last 4-5 generations of young adults. The declining tithing statistics bear this out.

My story: my mentor and Sunday School (S.S.) teacher (born in 60’s) is the only one left of his generation active in the church. I (1969—born in 70’s)have a couple of persons from my generations that became adult converts—were not active in S.S. when I was younger. I do not know of any young adults (born in ‘80’s) following me that are active nor of any in next generation (born in ‘90’s) still active in church (New Philadelphia). I have been to enough congregations especially here in Central MC to realize this is the rule rather than the exception

You might ask how a church gives a “tithe” to God. Good question. I do not know, but I know that what we do now (expenses, ministry, education, etc.) would not be a tithe. Saying it is would be like me keeping my tithing as my right as a minister of the Gospel. As a prophetic church and people, I do not feel this problem is insurmountable. Basically, as a concerned member and Priest, I see the writing on the wall for the “death” of this church as we know it in 5-20 years if we do not turn around these trends.

Thank you for your consideration. God, peace, blessings, and endowment be with you, your ministries, and the church! In Christ, Randall Q. Lawrence 2/23/2011

24/7 Prayer in the 20th Century

24/7 Prayer in the 20th Century

In 1973 David Yonggi Cho, Pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, established Prayer Mountain with night and day prayer. Prayer Mountain was soon attracting over a million visitors per year, as people would spend retreats in the prayer cells provided on the mountain. Cho had a commitment to continuous prayer, to faith and to establishing small discipleship cells in his church. Perhaps as a result, Cho’s church rapidly expanded to become the largest church congregation on the globe, with membership now over 780,000.

On September 19, 1999, the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, started a prayer and worship meeting that has continued for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week ever since. With a similar vision to Zinzendorf, that the fire on the altar should never go out, there has never been a time when worship and prayer has not ascended to heaven since that date.

At the same time, in many other places around the world, God placed desires and plans for 24/7 prayer in the fabric of diverse ministries and in the hearts of leaders. This has resulted in 24/7 houses of prayer and prayer mountains being established in every continent of the earth.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day in our life 10-15 years from now...

Peggy and I were laying in bed together. I started to envision our life together 10-15 years from now.

We are awakened in bed by 10 years old Jonas and 8 year old Rachel prior to school and an older Sophie and Shiloh II getting out of hyper-kids way. It's my morning off like Dr. Nick's on Friday. I have to go into the school (School of the Prophets)later, but we get the morning to ourselves. Kids are prepped and off to school. Other kids stop by to greet (& hug) "Mama Peggy" and me as they go to school. I get paper, and Peggy and I enjoy paper and time together on front porch (facing into community)--3 Trails Cohousing is a developed a community going into the 2nd generation. Peggy and I eventually take the coffee's over to the community house ('Emma') to meet and greet neighbors and friends.

Mom and Dad are part of the community (help with kids).

Side-note: Robin & Scott (my sister and brother-in-law) live in another part of the city. Kids (Miranda, Mackenzie, and Tanner) are on fire for the Lord and keep out any trace of strongholds (demonic or otherwise). Robin & Scott are healthy, happy, and enjoying kids and their families.

We wait at Community House (Emma) to greet Mark & Cherie H. from Lamoni and to hear about the great things that God is doing in Lamoni and with Graceland (GHOP)--1st 24/7 Prayer furnace--begun there and then (prayer movement) moved down here.

Peggy is spending day with Mark & Cherie while I go into office. I have School of the Prophets at old FBC building while Dr. Nick, Dr. Eva are at Sunshine (Sonshine) building nearer to Temple Lot (all 64+ acres). My office is Dr. Nick's old office. Peggy gives tour to Mark & Cherie--takes them over to Larry & Sharon N.'s place. Sharon is there--all have prayer with Sharon--giving prophetic word to Mark & Cherie then children get back from school--children jump into prayer and give more words (words of knowledge) to Mark, Cherie, Peggy, and Sharon. "Does this happen all the time? Yes. We get concerned if it does not..."

(Beautiful spring day, blossoms, birds are singing, blue sky with puffy clouds--prayer walk back and forth to and from work)

I get back for brief meeting for 3 Trails Cohousing then supper--sandwiches--tuna, sloppy joe with special salads--Mark & Cherie are our special guests--share about Graceland & Lamoni.

Graceland-GHOP--24/7/365--going strong--fire dept. came a # of times because Glory of God is so strong that people thought college (university) buildings are on fire. People cannot come on campus without being "hit" (by the Spirit). Graceland along with university extension in Indep. focus on youth drama, music, worship/intercession. Nursing school and more basically out of business...

Centerplace details--strong 24/7 prayer furnace with Temple & Auditorium, 24/7 with LDS building, 8-12 hours a day with Remnant and Restoration in building (Remnant building) 6 hours a day with Temple Lot (no denominationalism--kids move freely between)----also 24/7 with Faith Bible--at least 3 24/7 prayer furnaces (not counting Graceland) along with 2 part-time prayer furnaces.

Groves and Centerpoint along with many other hospitals in area are out of business and now focused on providing housing for all the persons gathering--kids have put 2-3 hospitals and 5-7 nursing homes out of business. Housing is going up for all the young adults (gathering).

devil/satan has tried to "flood" Centerplace, but we have been able to counter his every strategy (prophets know...)

Kids/young adults actually have to be reined in from too many resurrections of dead. My kids bragged about 10 resurrections with last conference. I counter, "....but 5 of the persons were ready to die and be in Heaven..."

Temple ministries include interacting with Church of the Firstborn...Randall--Earl Curry, Joseph Smith, Jr., Joseph Smith III, Joseph Luff, and more.....Dr. Nick--Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman, A. A. Allen, and more....

No one is truly gone....