Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Tabernacle of David
Elder L.
March 8, 2011
Homework (Appendix II): good vs. evil
It was interesting to read the use of dancing in both good and evil circumstances. I liked how dancing before the Lord is used to glorify God and in worship and praise while dancing for selfish, sensual, carnal reasons just glorifies satan/devil [I do not capitalize—no respect].
This section reminds me of a favorite movie Footloose that was released when I was first in high school. This movie was about a town preacher who got the town to pass anti-dancing laws following the death of his son from driving under the influence coming back from dancing at a bar. The new kid, Ren, played by Kevin Bacon, becomes the hero as he stands up to this preacher in trying to get a Sr. High prom put on.
One of the highlights is in the Ren character standing up to the town council and using a Bible with highlighted Scriptures of Psalm 149:3 & 2 Samuel 6:14-16. My parents and I really liked this movie and it connected with teens and their rebellious ways, had great music and dancing, and it showed how good persons could go to controlling and judgmental extremes. The sad thing about this movie is that it glorifies dancing for sensual, earthly pleasure. It’s easy to pull for the new kid and great to see some reconciliation and healing come between this kid and the preacher over him taking his daughter to the Prom. This movie used dance and great music to make money—another earthly focus.
I want to contrast the above with my experiences this summer. I attended the CCM (Contemporary Christian Ministries) Celebration (family camp) Reunion in June 2010. I went up the whole week with the attitude to serve rather than be ministered to. We had a “soaking room” for prayer, meditation, drawing apart with the Lord. I had to skip out on classes, but I made time to be with the Lord. I also had volunteered to help with the Sr. High group which I did being there to help the young adult leaders. Peggy dropped me off on Sunday, but she could not be there all week and came back up on Wednesday night. We were secretly engaged, but we shared this with quite a few of our friends. We had quite an encounter after I was delivered of some junk—encounter with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and Abba Father God. Our friend Dan, who helped with wedding, prayed a prayer of unity over us and “seemed to marry us in the sight of God”. I bring this up because we were so blessed through this experience and others like a youth “fire tunnel” (double prayer line). I also had a role in getting the baptism re-scheduled later so a father in Texas could make it to Iowa to be a part of the service. The Spirit and a friend motivated me to call and everything fell into place for the blessing of this family. Before the baptism, I was so excited and was going to give a prayer for the service. I got dressed in my swimsuit in case they needed any more help or there were anymore baptisms. I went ahead of Peggy to the pool where the baptisms were being held. Peggy had an accidental fall breaking bones in both legs. She experienced a miraculous healing following 3 rounds of prayer over her. This among many other experiences led to a joy that could only be expressed in movement. I could not keep still. I was so filled with joy and overflowing that I just had to dance before the Lord. I use this example to express my desire to not take experiences with the Lord for granted and expressing how rich, how blessing, how wonderful dancing before the Presence of Lord is compared with the carnal, sensual dancing of my younger days.
This blog is about my quest in seeking for spiritual endowment (outpouring of the Spirit, Spiritual gifts) on my spiritual journey since moving from Ohio to Independence in Missouri--site of my denomination's World HQ--Community of Christ and holy site for many Restoration groups. This blog will seek to promote and support Prayer Furnaces (24/7/365) In Zion (P.F.I.Z.) for the building up of the Centerplace of Zion/New Jerusalem.
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tabernacle of David Homework (Appendix III): ark
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Tabernacle of David
Elder L.
March 22, 2011
Homework (Appendix III): ark
The book on pg. 265 under “C. The Ark in the Promised Land” under #4 states, “The Ark is positioned between Mt. Ebel, the Mt. of Cursing, and Mt. Gerizim, the Mt. of Blessing” (Joshua 8:30-35, Deuteronomy 28). The text had me thinking in regards to the statements that the Ark and its journey’s mirrored the life of Jesus Christ. There were a lot of interesting parallels, but I would like to just focus on this one.
It occurred to me that Jesus Christ hung on a cross between two thieves—one who cursed him and one who blessed him (Luke 23:39-43 contrasted with Matthew 27 that implies both of the thieves cursed him; gospels agree that he was crucified with 2 others, but this story is found only in Luke). The one thief “railed on him”, but the other rebuked him saying they were receiving their just reward, “but this man hath done nothing amiss” and asks Jesus to “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 27:43) This situation kind of rebukes those that say you cannot be saved on your death bed and cannot be saved without being baptized. The 2nd thief showed faith, and Jesus blessed that faith with a promise.
This mirrors the image of the Ark (Jesus Christ on the cross) as being between the cursing (1st thief on the cross cursing, questioning him) and the blessing (2nd thief on the cross having faith and insight into Jesus and obtaining the promise for the next life). I really appreciated this parallel. Jesus is in the middle as our mediator between life and death, light and darkness, covenant and sin/disobedience, blessing and cursing. Jesus is also our “Way, Truth, and Life” (John 14:6) and way to obtain the Presence/Favor of the Father. Like the 2nd thief, our just reward for our sins is death. Romans 5:8 states, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” This is a powerful image between the Crucifixion and the three crosses and the Ark and the Mount of Cursing and Mount of Blessing.
[I thought about a comparison with this same imagery and the Parable of the Sheep (blessing) and Goats (cursing) in Matthew 25:31-46, but I will just stick with the above for my paper.]
Faith Bible College
Tabernacle of David
Elder L.
March 22, 2011
Homework (Appendix III): ark
The book on pg. 265 under “C. The Ark in the Promised Land” under #4 states, “The Ark is positioned between Mt. Ebel, the Mt. of Cursing, and Mt. Gerizim, the Mt. of Blessing” (Joshua 8:30-35, Deuteronomy 28). The text had me thinking in regards to the statements that the Ark and its journey’s mirrored the life of Jesus Christ. There were a lot of interesting parallels, but I would like to just focus on this one.
It occurred to me that Jesus Christ hung on a cross between two thieves—one who cursed him and one who blessed him (Luke 23:39-43 contrasted with Matthew 27 that implies both of the thieves cursed him; gospels agree that he was crucified with 2 others, but this story is found only in Luke). The one thief “railed on him”, but the other rebuked him saying they were receiving their just reward, “but this man hath done nothing amiss” and asks Jesus to “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 27:43) This situation kind of rebukes those that say you cannot be saved on your death bed and cannot be saved without being baptized. The 2nd thief showed faith, and Jesus blessed that faith with a promise.
This mirrors the image of the Ark (Jesus Christ on the cross) as being between the cursing (1st thief on the cross cursing, questioning him) and the blessing (2nd thief on the cross having faith and insight into Jesus and obtaining the promise for the next life). I really appreciated this parallel. Jesus is in the middle as our mediator between life and death, light and darkness, covenant and sin/disobedience, blessing and cursing. Jesus is also our “Way, Truth, and Life” (John 14:6) and way to obtain the Presence/Favor of the Father. Like the 2nd thief, our just reward for our sins is death. Romans 5:8 states, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” This is a powerful image between the Crucifixion and the three crosses and the Ark and the Mount of Cursing and Mount of Blessing.
[I thought about a comparison with this same imagery and the Parable of the Sheep (blessing) and Goats (cursing) in Matthew 25:31-46, but I will just stick with the above for my paper.]
Tabernacle of David Assignment 1
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Tabernacle of David
Elder L.
Tabernacle of David assignment 1: What is it?
First, I would understand that this relates to King David of Judah/Israel who followed after King Saul who courted God’s disfavor. Most understand that David’s son, King Solomon, a man of peace, as opposed to King David, a man of war, built the Temple dedicated to the Lord, and the Lord God of Israel’s Presence (Shekhinah Glory) then enveloped the whole Temple like a cloud—very much like Moses on the mountain getting the Law and leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
Tabernacle would seem to indicate a connection with Moses and the Tabernacle of Moses (really God) that was portable and went with the Israelites everywhere they went. Tabernacle of David would seem to indicate that David restored something very much like the Tabernacle of Moses—portable, though it did not move because the Israelites mostly controlled Judea and Palestine thanks to the exploits of David and his mighty men.
Tabernacle of David would seem to indicate that King David played a role in honoring God through worship, prayer, and in seeking His will. We know that David got his start as a shepherd boy composing psalms to God and playing them in the wilderness. It would seem that there is a connection between music to God and seeking intimacy with God (David was a “man after God’s own heart”) that then can manifest courage in the face of battle whether lions, bears, or the giant Goliath. Music and prayer/intercession seem central to spiritual warfare.
I know that David set up worship leaders, music leaders for 24/7/365 worship, praising God and honoring God. David in his psalms and life was also prophetic for Jesus so I would expect the Tabernacle of David to foreshadow and point to the ministry of Christ and His Bride/Kingdom.
Faith Bible College
Tabernacle of David
Elder L.
Tabernacle of David assignment 1: What is it?
First, I would understand that this relates to King David of Judah/Israel who followed after King Saul who courted God’s disfavor. Most understand that David’s son, King Solomon, a man of peace, as opposed to King David, a man of war, built the Temple dedicated to the Lord, and the Lord God of Israel’s Presence (Shekhinah Glory) then enveloped the whole Temple like a cloud—very much like Moses on the mountain getting the Law and leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
Tabernacle would seem to indicate a connection with Moses and the Tabernacle of Moses (really God) that was portable and went with the Israelites everywhere they went. Tabernacle of David would seem to indicate that David restored something very much like the Tabernacle of Moses—portable, though it did not move because the Israelites mostly controlled Judea and Palestine thanks to the exploits of David and his mighty men.
Tabernacle of David would seem to indicate that King David played a role in honoring God through worship, prayer, and in seeking His will. We know that David got his start as a shepherd boy composing psalms to God and playing them in the wilderness. It would seem that there is a connection between music to God and seeking intimacy with God (David was a “man after God’s own heart”) that then can manifest courage in the face of battle whether lions, bears, or the giant Goliath. Music and prayer/intercession seem central to spiritual warfare.
I know that David set up worship leaders, music leaders for 24/7/365 worship, praising God and honoring God. David in his psalms and life was also prophetic for Jesus so I would expect the Tabernacle of David to foreshadow and point to the ministry of Christ and His Bride/Kingdom.
Revelation Current Endtime Events Book Report
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Revelation Current Endtime Events
Dr. E.
12/7 or 14/2010
Finals Assignment: Book Report—Journal of the Unknown Prophet (Legacy to a renegade generation) by Wendy Alec
This prophetic book by Wendy Alec was published in 2002. I read it awhile back, but I know that it deals with the end-times so I decided to read it again. It is composed of 7 volumes: One-Mercy, Two-The Endtime Ministry, Three-The Church of the Last Age, Four-Judgement (Note: Wendy Alec is English so thus the different spelling), Five-Babylon, Six-The Father, Seven-Last Day’s Assignments Against the Elect. Volume 6 on “The Father” really spoke to me a number of years ago, but the whole book spoke to me in a deeper and more understandable way now. I will attempt to deal with each volume to a certain extent then I will deal with my overall impression of the book.
Like John accompanied by an angel for Revelation, the author is accompanied by Jesus Christ while shown these various prophetic visions and having these various prophetic/Spirit-ual encounters. The first volume (section) on mercy is almost like the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and new set of beatitudes with chapters focused on everything from “those passed over” to “those on the point of giving up” (other chapters include “…wronged”, weary, “ensnared in sin”, “….desperate”, “…in…grief”, “abandoned”, depressed, “betrayed”, “…misjudged”, “friends”, “….forsaken”, “bound in a homosexual lifestyle). These chapters include “the desert place” and “run to Me” and “My healing touch”. One quote that matches well with Dr. Nick’s messages on seeking the Healer and not the healing is this one:
“For you see, beloved, you do not need faith in miracles, you need faith in the One who works the miracles. You see, beloved, you do not need faith in healing, you need faith in the One who heals. You need faith in the One who spoke the Word—in the One who IS the Word made flesh.” (p. 53)
Volume 2 focuses on Endtime Ministry especially the 5-fold ministry of Evangelists, Teachers, Pastors, Prophets, Apostles (Ephesians 4:11). It also includes “Intercessors”, “Pastors/Elders/Home Cell Leaders-Great Joining”, and “Stadium Evangelism”. This section describes it as the “last great call to fight in the Epic Battle of the Ages” (p. 75) The chapters challenge those with these callings to a deeper commitment, a deeper relationship with Jesus, the Spirit, and Abba Father, and a greater anointing than ever before. Let me share an interesting comment—“And My intercessors shall join with My prophets and become a mighty and fearsome army.” (p. 102) When it speaks about the stadium evangelism, “But surely I tell you that in the last great outpouring, the stadiums that you see shall be crammed from one city to the next…..no advertising will be needed…stadiums shall be crammed to overflowing in every city across every nation.” (p. 107)
Volume 3 deals with the church of the last age. It has sections on preparing for a time of suffering, the prerequisites to healings, miracles, and power, and the harvest. It also has special chapters on certain end-time nations: China, Arab nations, Germany, and Israel (“Intro”, “My Beloved-the Father Speaks”, “Betrayal by Her Allies”). This is how it begins: “For up until now, it has been an easy thing to walk in the West as a follower of Mine….How I weep for you, My beloved Church, for I tell you, there is none, not one, who is truly equipped for the day that will come upon you.” (p. 119) Over and over, ministers and teachers and more are implored to teach and prepare for what is coming for “…all that is temporal shall in a day perish.” (p. 121)
“And then My glorious Church shall rise. Oh yes THEN shall My glorious Church rise. For surely I came for a Church more glorious than My first Church. I came for a Church where each man and woman and son and daughter laid their life down for the proclamation of My Gospel. Where the cost is counted and embraced that My name might be glorified, that all may be one, that to suffer for My sake is the pearl of great price, that My Gospel may be preached to all nations. That is My glorious Church. That is My spotless Bride, that shall rise at the end of the age.” (p. 122)
The prerequisite for healings, miracles, and power in the end times will be to seek Jesus and Him alone, seek His presence and not His miracles, seek Him in worship. On these that He can trust then He will pour out His Spirit in abundance. For the end-time harvest, this book calls for greater degree of holiness, separation, and consecration. It speaks of the earth being “…covered with My glory and the glory of My Gospel…” (p. 129).
The book goes on to speak about endtime nations—China, Arab nations, Germany, and Israel. Prophecy is given of a very short season for a mighty move of God in China even with the government, but then the worst kind of persecution will rise up in response. The book gives prophecy about visitations of Jesus and His Church arising in a powerful way among Arab nations especially with Egypt which protected Jesus as a baby (Matthew 2:13-15). The book has 3 chapters on the role of Israel with the warning—“For truly I tell you that to disregard the cause of Israel and her people is to disregard the cause of the Most Holy Father Himself”. (p. 147) It goes on to describe how they will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and Lord and Savior—“Him that thou pierced” (p. 151,??) Germany will have a divine mandate to stand by Israel—satan twisted this calling into the Holocaust of the Jews by Nazi Germany. It finishes by speaking how Israel will be betrayed by her allies. (Note: The United States of America is conspicuously absent from this list of end-time nations.)
Volume 4 is focused on “Judgement” (English spelling)—“My Father’s House-A Place of Whoredoms”, “…Against Shepherds”, “….Leaders”, “Those with Crooked Tongues”, “The Word-An Idol in Men’s Hearts”, “…Those Who Serve Mammon”, and “The Spirit of Treachery”. It is a warning to focus on the Jesus and ministering to the people rather than on money-making, power, a building. It is about the accountability of ministers, leaders, and congregations in the Western church. The shepherds and their hearts will be weighed and judged—are you truly feeding and tending the sheep with right intent?!? There is a challenge to the generals (church leaders), challenge to watch your speech (criticism, gossip, backbiting), warning about the Bible having become an idol-“…embraced the Book of the Lord and have neglected the Lord of the Book.” (p. 183) There is also warning about pride, building and neglecting the poor and missionaries, and being too worldly. The final “judgement” is on treachery and betrayal—brother vs. brother, minister vs. minister, and considering status above the mission of the church—to the meek, lowly, humble, poor, etc.—betrayal of message of Christ.
Volume 5 focuses on “Babylon”—“…disobedient sons of men in this renegade generation” (p. 199)—Media, Politicians, World’s Trading Systems, False Secular Church. After the “judgements” (on the above) then there is an appeal from Jesus to the politicians, lawyers, media moguls, business executives, and all who have forgotten. The Media is castigated as having become “propagators of death and of violence, of destruction, of moral decay, and of every evil known to mankind” (p. 206) and feeding persons rebellion, lawlessness, and blasphemy. Politicians and leaders are judged on blood of fetuses crying out (abortions) and removing of faith in God and prayer from schools. It speaks that “…the trading systems of the great nations shall, even in a matter of a forty-eight-hour period, collapse.” (p. 213). There is judgment on a False Secular Church that has focused on power and influence and trades in substance, arms, violence, murder, extortion, and innocent lives. There is a final appeal and longing of Jesus to the world leaders in “Babylon”—world system.
Volume 6 is my personal favorite “The Father”—“Beyond the Veil”, “The Son’s Yearning for the Father Revealed”, “The Voice of the Father”, “The Vision”, and “Journey into Heaven”. The vision starts with the author walking beside Jesus in Heaven on the way to the Father. The connection and love between Father and Son are shown in the focus and Love of Jesus for His Abba Father. The throne room of Heaven is described as immense with millions if not billions of personages/angels—“so great a cloud of witnesses…” (Hebrews 12:1) The author describes herself as not particularly worthy, dirty, mired in sin, battered and bruised in the battle. The Almighty Father is very much like the Father in the Prodigal Son story (Luke 15) with a focus and incredible, infinite, “beyond words” Love and then embrace for the author in the midst of Heaven and the Almighty’s Throne Room and in the midst of “the witnesses”—
“…I felt him lift me and draw me to Himself and my face was buried in His embrace and it seemed like I was drowning in His all-consuming love for me. And He held—it felt like for all eternity—and again He whispered my name and I felt His tears fall onto my hands and onto my hair.
And still I clung to Him. And still He held me. And Heaven waited…” (pp. 249-250)
This section brings tears to my eyes with how it demonstrates the All-encompassing Love of the Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, and His love for His children.
Volume 7, the final section, covers the “Last Days Assignments Against the Elect”—“Unleashing of the Endtime Seducing Spirits”, “The Falling Away”, “Pride and Self-Righteousness”, “Discouragement and Strong Delusion”, “Seduction, Lust, & Jezebel”. Jesus speaks with the author as the veil is taken away to show satan’s strategy of using his evil and dark principalities and powers to target the “champions of God and Jesus”. This is lucifer’s end-time strategy—outpouring of evil and darkness directed at the “champions of God and Christ” in 3 parts: first, lust of flesh and lust of eyes—area of morality—seduce My children away from the Father; two, pride—of life, pride & self-righteousness—stronghold of Jezebel; three, discouragementstrong delusion and The Great Blinding (p. 262). (This matches with what Dr. Nick shared about a pastor’s conference with secret sin of “pornography” for both male and female pastors.) Jesus warns about the danger of activity over intimate fellowship and relationship. When the author asks about overcoming, then Jesus speaks about repentance and maintaining first love for Me (p. 279, Revelation 2:4), keeping yourself from idols and fervent in the Spirit, and finally the cross—“..take up the cross daily and die to everything in their souls and their minds which opposes My truth….continual daily crucifying of their flesh…” (pp. 279-280)—
“…when you feel that hell is sucking you in—it is then that you must cry out to Me. Cry out to My Father. Cry out Our Name, and in that very second, We will come to you and rescue you. We will draw you in and protect you from every wile of the evil one [‘evil one’ not capitalized by me]…” (pp. 280-281)
(Note: The book finishes with index of Scripture references. I counted 62.)
Faith Bible College
Revelation Current Endtime Events
Dr. E.
12/7 or 14/2010
Finals Assignment: Book Report—Journal of the Unknown Prophet (Legacy to a renegade generation) by Wendy Alec
This prophetic book by Wendy Alec was published in 2002. I read it awhile back, but I know that it deals with the end-times so I decided to read it again. It is composed of 7 volumes: One-Mercy, Two-The Endtime Ministry, Three-The Church of the Last Age, Four-Judgement (Note: Wendy Alec is English so thus the different spelling), Five-Babylon, Six-The Father, Seven-Last Day’s Assignments Against the Elect. Volume 6 on “The Father” really spoke to me a number of years ago, but the whole book spoke to me in a deeper and more understandable way now. I will attempt to deal with each volume to a certain extent then I will deal with my overall impression of the book.
Like John accompanied by an angel for Revelation, the author is accompanied by Jesus Christ while shown these various prophetic visions and having these various prophetic/Spirit-ual encounters. The first volume (section) on mercy is almost like the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and new set of beatitudes with chapters focused on everything from “those passed over” to “those on the point of giving up” (other chapters include “…wronged”, weary, “ensnared in sin”, “….desperate”, “…in…grief”, “abandoned”, depressed, “betrayed”, “…misjudged”, “friends”, “….forsaken”, “bound in a homosexual lifestyle). These chapters include “the desert place” and “run to Me” and “My healing touch”. One quote that matches well with Dr. Nick’s messages on seeking the Healer and not the healing is this one:
“For you see, beloved, you do not need faith in miracles, you need faith in the One who works the miracles. You see, beloved, you do not need faith in healing, you need faith in the One who heals. You need faith in the One who spoke the Word—in the One who IS the Word made flesh.” (p. 53)
Volume 2 focuses on Endtime Ministry especially the 5-fold ministry of Evangelists, Teachers, Pastors, Prophets, Apostles (Ephesians 4:11). It also includes “Intercessors”, “Pastors/Elders/Home Cell Leaders-Great Joining”, and “Stadium Evangelism”. This section describes it as the “last great call to fight in the Epic Battle of the Ages” (p. 75) The chapters challenge those with these callings to a deeper commitment, a deeper relationship with Jesus, the Spirit, and Abba Father, and a greater anointing than ever before. Let me share an interesting comment—“And My intercessors shall join with My prophets and become a mighty and fearsome army.” (p. 102) When it speaks about the stadium evangelism, “But surely I tell you that in the last great outpouring, the stadiums that you see shall be crammed from one city to the next…..no advertising will be needed…stadiums shall be crammed to overflowing in every city across every nation.” (p. 107)
Volume 3 deals with the church of the last age. It has sections on preparing for a time of suffering, the prerequisites to healings, miracles, and power, and the harvest. It also has special chapters on certain end-time nations: China, Arab nations, Germany, and Israel (“Intro”, “My Beloved-the Father Speaks”, “Betrayal by Her Allies”). This is how it begins: “For up until now, it has been an easy thing to walk in the West as a follower of Mine….How I weep for you, My beloved Church, for I tell you, there is none, not one, who is truly equipped for the day that will come upon you.” (p. 119) Over and over, ministers and teachers and more are implored to teach and prepare for what is coming for “…all that is temporal shall in a day perish.” (p. 121)
“And then My glorious Church shall rise. Oh yes THEN shall My glorious Church rise. For surely I came for a Church more glorious than My first Church. I came for a Church where each man and woman and son and daughter laid their life down for the proclamation of My Gospel. Where the cost is counted and embraced that My name might be glorified, that all may be one, that to suffer for My sake is the pearl of great price, that My Gospel may be preached to all nations. That is My glorious Church. That is My spotless Bride, that shall rise at the end of the age.” (p. 122)
The prerequisite for healings, miracles, and power in the end times will be to seek Jesus and Him alone, seek His presence and not His miracles, seek Him in worship. On these that He can trust then He will pour out His Spirit in abundance. For the end-time harvest, this book calls for greater degree of holiness, separation, and consecration. It speaks of the earth being “…covered with My glory and the glory of My Gospel…” (p. 129).
The book goes on to speak about endtime nations—China, Arab nations, Germany, and Israel. Prophecy is given of a very short season for a mighty move of God in China even with the government, but then the worst kind of persecution will rise up in response. The book gives prophecy about visitations of Jesus and His Church arising in a powerful way among Arab nations especially with Egypt which protected Jesus as a baby (Matthew 2:13-15). The book has 3 chapters on the role of Israel with the warning—“For truly I tell you that to disregard the cause of Israel and her people is to disregard the cause of the Most Holy Father Himself”. (p. 147) It goes on to describe how they will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and Lord and Savior—“Him that thou pierced” (p. 151,??) Germany will have a divine mandate to stand by Israel—satan twisted this calling into the Holocaust of the Jews by Nazi Germany. It finishes by speaking how Israel will be betrayed by her allies. (Note: The United States of America is conspicuously absent from this list of end-time nations.)
Volume 4 is focused on “Judgement” (English spelling)—“My Father’s House-A Place of Whoredoms”, “…Against Shepherds”, “….Leaders”, “Those with Crooked Tongues”, “The Word-An Idol in Men’s Hearts”, “…Those Who Serve Mammon”, and “The Spirit of Treachery”. It is a warning to focus on the Jesus and ministering to the people rather than on money-making, power, a building. It is about the accountability of ministers, leaders, and congregations in the Western church. The shepherds and their hearts will be weighed and judged—are you truly feeding and tending the sheep with right intent?!? There is a challenge to the generals (church leaders), challenge to watch your speech (criticism, gossip, backbiting), warning about the Bible having become an idol-“…embraced the Book of the Lord and have neglected the Lord of the Book.” (p. 183) There is also warning about pride, building and neglecting the poor and missionaries, and being too worldly. The final “judgement” is on treachery and betrayal—brother vs. brother, minister vs. minister, and considering status above the mission of the church—to the meek, lowly, humble, poor, etc.—betrayal of message of Christ.
Volume 5 focuses on “Babylon”—“…disobedient sons of men in this renegade generation” (p. 199)—Media, Politicians, World’s Trading Systems, False Secular Church. After the “judgements” (on the above) then there is an appeal from Jesus to the politicians, lawyers, media moguls, business executives, and all who have forgotten. The Media is castigated as having become “propagators of death and of violence, of destruction, of moral decay, and of every evil known to mankind” (p. 206) and feeding persons rebellion, lawlessness, and blasphemy. Politicians and leaders are judged on blood of fetuses crying out (abortions) and removing of faith in God and prayer from schools. It speaks that “…the trading systems of the great nations shall, even in a matter of a forty-eight-hour period, collapse.” (p. 213). There is judgment on a False Secular Church that has focused on power and influence and trades in substance, arms, violence, murder, extortion, and innocent lives. There is a final appeal and longing of Jesus to the world leaders in “Babylon”—world system.
Volume 6 is my personal favorite “The Father”—“Beyond the Veil”, “The Son’s Yearning for the Father Revealed”, “The Voice of the Father”, “The Vision”, and “Journey into Heaven”. The vision starts with the author walking beside Jesus in Heaven on the way to the Father. The connection and love between Father and Son are shown in the focus and Love of Jesus for His Abba Father. The throne room of Heaven is described as immense with millions if not billions of personages/angels—“so great a cloud of witnesses…” (Hebrews 12:1) The author describes herself as not particularly worthy, dirty, mired in sin, battered and bruised in the battle. The Almighty Father is very much like the Father in the Prodigal Son story (Luke 15) with a focus and incredible, infinite, “beyond words” Love and then embrace for the author in the midst of Heaven and the Almighty’s Throne Room and in the midst of “the witnesses”—
“…I felt him lift me and draw me to Himself and my face was buried in His embrace and it seemed like I was drowning in His all-consuming love for me. And He held—it felt like for all eternity—and again He whispered my name and I felt His tears fall onto my hands and onto my hair.
And still I clung to Him. And still He held me. And Heaven waited…” (pp. 249-250)
This section brings tears to my eyes with how it demonstrates the All-encompassing Love of the Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, and His love for His children.
Volume 7, the final section, covers the “Last Days Assignments Against the Elect”—“Unleashing of the Endtime Seducing Spirits”, “The Falling Away”, “Pride and Self-Righteousness”, “Discouragement and Strong Delusion”, “Seduction, Lust, & Jezebel”. Jesus speaks with the author as the veil is taken away to show satan’s strategy of using his evil and dark principalities and powers to target the “champions of God and Jesus”. This is lucifer’s end-time strategy—outpouring of evil and darkness directed at the “champions of God and Christ” in 3 parts: first, lust of flesh and lust of eyes—area of morality—seduce My children away from the Father; two, pride—of life, pride & self-righteousness—stronghold of Jezebel; three, discouragementstrong delusion and The Great Blinding (p. 262). (This matches with what Dr. Nick shared about a pastor’s conference with secret sin of “pornography” for both male and female pastors.) Jesus warns about the danger of activity over intimate fellowship and relationship. When the author asks about overcoming, then Jesus speaks about repentance and maintaining first love for Me (p. 279, Revelation 2:4), keeping yourself from idols and fervent in the Spirit, and finally the cross—“..take up the cross daily and die to everything in their souls and their minds which opposes My truth….continual daily crucifying of their flesh…” (pp. 279-280)—
“…when you feel that hell is sucking you in—it is then that you must cry out to Me. Cry out to My Father. Cry out Our Name, and in that very second, We will come to you and rescue you. We will draw you in and protect you from every wile of the evil one [‘evil one’ not capitalized by me]…” (pp. 280-281)
(Note: The book finishes with index of Scripture references. I counted 62.)
Revelation Current Endtime Events assignment on personal focus of ministry
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Revelation Current Endtime Events
Dr. E.
Assignment: To whom are you called?
My present calling involves learning about being an armor-bearer to Dr. Nick with Ebony and Ivory. This calling involves acting as an associate minister on Friday nights in the role of Elder/Usher and whatever needs done. In the Community of Christ, I am in the role of Priest which is a family, prayer-centered (intercessory prayer), teaching, ministering, and preaching role with First People Community of Christ Turtle Island (Native American ministries). This priestly role is secondary to my continuing education with Faith Bible College and working toward a Master’s in Ministry of the Prophet degree.
My future and present calling is to young adults and probably Sr. High along with other adults. Since the engagement of Peggy and me, I have felt a calling to work toward the establishment of a “house of prayer” (24/7/365) at Graceland University in Lamoni, IA. At Cheville chapel for Celebration 2010 (CCM Reunion—Contemporary Christian Ministries family camp), Peggy and I (along with our friend Dan who helped with our wedding on 7-16-2010) experienced a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and Abba Father God. Part of this experience involved intercessory prayer. I was led to pray for a joining of a three-fold cord (Ecclesiastes 4:12) involving the Restoration Movement (LDS, RLDS/C. of C. , Restorationist’s, Remnant, Temple Lot), the Prayer/Prophetic Movement, and the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement. I also felt led to pray for the establishment of a Graceland House of Prayer (GHOP).
This experience occurred 6-25-2010. After coming back home, I asked God to give me something that I could do to help the work in this direction. I used Romans 4:17 and Hebrews 11:1 as a guideline for claiming the above. I felt the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to “plant seeds” so I planted 20+ seeds at Spectacular ’10 (sports, arts, leadership camp) at Graceland in July (IHOP-KC seeds at Graceland). I then planted 20+ seeds for prayer for GHOP-Graceland House of Prayer (Graceland seeds at IHOP-KC) during a Prayer and Prophetic conference in October 2010. It is slow going, but I need to pray more and do some more seed planting and allow God to work on others.
These experiences along with other prophetic experiences point to a shift in my ministry from mainly adults to mainly young adults and youth in the future. God has inspired my understanding that this move of God will begin at Graceland and then work its way down to Independence, MO. I am claiming this insight.
Faith Bible College
Revelation Current Endtime Events
Dr. E.
Assignment: To whom are you called?
My present calling involves learning about being an armor-bearer to Dr. Nick with Ebony and Ivory. This calling involves acting as an associate minister on Friday nights in the role of Elder/Usher and whatever needs done. In the Community of Christ, I am in the role of Priest which is a family, prayer-centered (intercessory prayer), teaching, ministering, and preaching role with First People Community of Christ Turtle Island (Native American ministries). This priestly role is secondary to my continuing education with Faith Bible College and working toward a Master’s in Ministry of the Prophet degree.
My future and present calling is to young adults and probably Sr. High along with other adults. Since the engagement of Peggy and me, I have felt a calling to work toward the establishment of a “house of prayer” (24/7/365) at Graceland University in Lamoni, IA. At Cheville chapel for Celebration 2010 (CCM Reunion—Contemporary Christian Ministries family camp), Peggy and I (along with our friend Dan who helped with our wedding on 7-16-2010) experienced a profound encounter with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and Abba Father God. Part of this experience involved intercessory prayer. I was led to pray for a joining of a three-fold cord (Ecclesiastes 4:12) involving the Restoration Movement (LDS, RLDS/C. of C. , Restorationist’s, Remnant, Temple Lot), the Prayer/Prophetic Movement, and the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement. I also felt led to pray for the establishment of a Graceland House of Prayer (GHOP).
This experience occurred 6-25-2010. After coming back home, I asked God to give me something that I could do to help the work in this direction. I used Romans 4:17 and Hebrews 11:1 as a guideline for claiming the above. I felt the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to “plant seeds” so I planted 20+ seeds at Spectacular ’10 (sports, arts, leadership camp) at Graceland in July (IHOP-KC seeds at Graceland). I then planted 20+ seeds for prayer for GHOP-Graceland House of Prayer (Graceland seeds at IHOP-KC) during a Prayer and Prophetic conference in October 2010. It is slow going, but I need to pray more and do some more seed planting and allow God to work on others.
These experiences along with other prophetic experiences point to a shift in my ministry from mainly adults to mainly young adults and youth in the future. God has inspired my understanding that this move of God will begin at Graceland and then work its way down to Independence, MO. I am claiming this insight.
Rejection II Final
Randall Q. Lawrence
FBC Fall Term 2011
Rejection II
Dr. Z.
Rejection II Final: familiar spirits
I was interested in familiar spirits to an experience in 2008 with my former friend Mandy who claimed and supposedly walked in all kinds of prophetic giftedness. We (Peggy and I) and our former friends (Mandy & Dixie—actively practicing lesbians) were going to have some intercessory prayer together. The friendship was already strained, but we were trying to work on a little bit of reconciliation. I was chewing on some gum and wanted to throw it away so I told them that I would be right back since the trash container was a little walk away. When I returned, Mandy was claiming to be having Jesus speak through her (a common occurrence or claiming contact with an angel, archangel, or another Scriptural figure). I had predicted that Mandy would try something like this and also do not believe that Jesus would start a message and could not wait for me to return from throwing away my gum. I had felt a mighty, Spirit-filled prayer welling up inside of me. I deflated like a spent balloon, and asked, “God, is this of You….(pause) or is this a familiar spirit?!?” Immediately, the Holy Spirit confirmed to me that it was a familiar spirit.
Before attending Faith Bible College and taking this course, I cannot say that I really understood what a familiar spirit is. I knew that there were references to such a thing in the Bible. (O.T. references only with cases involving divination-Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:11; 1 Sam. 28:3, 7-9; 2 Ki. 21:6, 23:24; 1 Chr. 10:13; 2 Chr. 33:6; Isa. 8:19, 19:3, 29:4)
“First, a familiar spirit is a spirit that you are familiar with, through which you can manifest supernatural power. Second, a familiar spirit is one assigned to you and your family, to observe you and become familiar with you, so that he knows your weaknesses, sins, and strengths.” (p. 285) It goes on to say that, “Unfortunately, some Christians also have familiar (unclean) spirits, which masquerade as the Holy Spirit….appear as gifted people….minister in churches….manifest supernatural power….power displayed depends upon relative strength of the familiar spirit.” (p. 285)
I know that Mandy claimed healing from a multiple personality (narcissistic personality) disorder, addiction, and more. I also know that she had prayer for deliverance a number of times for the issue of homosexuality, but then she returned to the sin and even had a homosexual “marriage” ceremony (union). Later, we heard that she wanted to form promiscuous ties with other lesbians. We must be careful about performing a deliverance with someone going back to sin. (1 to 8 to 64 to 512 demons based on Luke 11:24-26 & 3 failed deliverances).
Thus, we can end up with someone claiming to be a prophetess, tongues-speaker and interpreter, healer (reiki master), prophetic dreamer and visionary, shaman, and more. “You will know them by their fruits…” (Mat. 7:15-20, Luke 6:43-45) which has now cost her partner her retirement, their house, their car, Mandy’s health (diabetes and now cancer).
When I examined what little I knew about Mandy, there were key factors all over the tree diagram from the roots (of Rejection-family, society, culture, peers) to the branches (of Fear—fantasy, terror, insecurity-inferiority, torment, perfection, self-pity & of Pride—paranoia, accusation, rebellion, stubborn, bitterness) to the rotting fruit (consumptive lifestyle, rage, nitpicking, poverty, abusive relationships, blame, cancer, and witchcraft).
In conclusion, I would not underestimate the power of a familiar spirit to mislead and deceive and underestimate the damage done by false (familiar spirit-led) and flesh-led prophets to the Body of Christ. I am not thrilled about being gullible and naïve to the above situation, but it gave me a very quick education in spiritual warfare, in discernment, and in appreciation of the true prophetic ministry vs. the false prophetic ministry.
After a recent retreat in which this person misled a senior prophetic minister and claimed an encounter with an archangel. I see that this familiar spirit continues to delude Mandy and others including her pastor who was claiming to speak for Jesus and be overpowered in the power of the Holy Spirit though others discerned it as “flesh” while I got the sense it was much worse with the influence of the demonic. This is not a spirit to underestimate or dismiss easily, and it can become a major strongman in destroying lives and health and misleading the persons affected and others.
[Note: names have been changed to protect this blogger]
FBC Fall Term 2011
Rejection II
Dr. Z.
Rejection II Final: familiar spirits
I was interested in familiar spirits to an experience in 2008 with my former friend Mandy who claimed and supposedly walked in all kinds of prophetic giftedness. We (Peggy and I) and our former friends (Mandy & Dixie—actively practicing lesbians) were going to have some intercessory prayer together. The friendship was already strained, but we were trying to work on a little bit of reconciliation. I was chewing on some gum and wanted to throw it away so I told them that I would be right back since the trash container was a little walk away. When I returned, Mandy was claiming to be having Jesus speak through her (a common occurrence or claiming contact with an angel, archangel, or another Scriptural figure). I had predicted that Mandy would try something like this and also do not believe that Jesus would start a message and could not wait for me to return from throwing away my gum. I had felt a mighty, Spirit-filled prayer welling up inside of me. I deflated like a spent balloon, and asked, “God, is this of You….(pause) or is this a familiar spirit?!?” Immediately, the Holy Spirit confirmed to me that it was a familiar spirit.
Before attending Faith Bible College and taking this course, I cannot say that I really understood what a familiar spirit is. I knew that there were references to such a thing in the Bible. (O.T. references only with cases involving divination-Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:11; 1 Sam. 28:3, 7-9; 2 Ki. 21:6, 23:24; 1 Chr. 10:13; 2 Chr. 33:6; Isa. 8:19, 19:3, 29:4)
“First, a familiar spirit is a spirit that you are familiar with, through which you can manifest supernatural power. Second, a familiar spirit is one assigned to you and your family, to observe you and become familiar with you, so that he knows your weaknesses, sins, and strengths.” (p. 285) It goes on to say that, “Unfortunately, some Christians also have familiar (unclean) spirits, which masquerade as the Holy Spirit….appear as gifted people….minister in churches….manifest supernatural power….power displayed depends upon relative strength of the familiar spirit.” (p. 285)
I know that Mandy claimed healing from a multiple personality (narcissistic personality) disorder, addiction, and more. I also know that she had prayer for deliverance a number of times for the issue of homosexuality, but then she returned to the sin and even had a homosexual “marriage” ceremony (union). Later, we heard that she wanted to form promiscuous ties with other lesbians. We must be careful about performing a deliverance with someone going back to sin. (1 to 8 to 64 to 512 demons based on Luke 11:24-26 & 3 failed deliverances).
Thus, we can end up with someone claiming to be a prophetess, tongues-speaker and interpreter, healer (reiki master), prophetic dreamer and visionary, shaman, and more. “You will know them by their fruits…” (Mat. 7:15-20, Luke 6:43-45) which has now cost her partner her retirement, their house, their car, Mandy’s health (diabetes and now cancer).
When I examined what little I knew about Mandy, there were key factors all over the tree diagram from the roots (of Rejection-family, society, culture, peers) to the branches (of Fear—fantasy, terror, insecurity-inferiority, torment, perfection, self-pity & of Pride—paranoia, accusation, rebellion, stubborn, bitterness) to the rotting fruit (consumptive lifestyle, rage, nitpicking, poverty, abusive relationships, blame, cancer, and witchcraft).
In conclusion, I would not underestimate the power of a familiar spirit to mislead and deceive and underestimate the damage done by false (familiar spirit-led) and flesh-led prophets to the Body of Christ. I am not thrilled about being gullible and naïve to the above situation, but it gave me a very quick education in spiritual warfare, in discernment, and in appreciation of the true prophetic ministry vs. the false prophetic ministry.
After a recent retreat in which this person misled a senior prophetic minister and claimed an encounter with an archangel. I see that this familiar spirit continues to delude Mandy and others including her pastor who was claiming to speak for Jesus and be overpowered in the power of the Holy Spirit though others discerned it as “flesh” while I got the sense it was much worse with the influence of the demonic. This is not a spirit to underestimate or dismiss easily, and it can become a major strongman in destroying lives and health and misleading the persons affected and others.
[Note: names have been changed to protect this blogger]
Rejection II Midterm: Leprosy and Cancer
Randall Q. Lawrence
Rejection & Its Roots II
Dr. Z.
Midterm: Leprosy & Cancer
I did a thorough search of all the Biblical references to leprosy. The earliest reference to leprosy is Exodus 4:6 with it as a sign of the power of God to be used by Moses with Pharaoh. The guidelines of the Mosaic Law for leprosy (other skin diseases, black mold?) are found in Leviticus 13 & 14. Stories or more guidelines are found in Lev. 22:4, Num. 5:2, 12:10, Deut. 24:8 plus 2 Sam. 3:29, 2 Kings 5 with story of Naaman, and 2 Kings 7:8.
New Testament references consist of 10 references found in Matthew (8:2-3, 10:8, 11:5, 26:6), Mark (1:40-42, 14:3), and Luke (4:27, 5:12-13, 7:22, 17:12-19)—some parallels and repetitions between these 3 Gospels. With prayer and continued research (not to mention the ending of fast), it quickly became apparent with the tremendous help of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ distinguished between healing of disease or injury and cleansing of lepers, leprosy.
A leper cried out to Jesus “If You will, make me clean….” (Matt. 8:2, Mark 1:40, Luke 5:12). Jesus willed it and then instructed him to follow the Levitical (Law of Moses) Guidelines. In addition, Jesus stayed in the house of Simon the Leper (Matt. 26:6, Mark 14:3) which points to the importance of our house being dedicated to the use of Christ Jesus. Jesus also spoke of the cleansing of Naaman (Luke 4:27) and cleansed a good Samaritan leper (Luke 17:12-19)—true good Samaritan story (not just a parable, story) about 1/10 cleansed leper—only one that sought the Cleanser and not just the cleansing. Jesus instructed the 12 Apostles to “cleanse the lepers” (Matt. 10:8) and pointed the disciples of John to evidence of His Messiah-ship and Christ-ship in the “cleansing of the lepers” (Matthew 11:5, Luke 7:22)
Central Biblical themes revolve around obedience (Naaman, Moses, 4 lepers, leper in Gospels), disobedience (Miriam & Aaron, Uzziah, Gehazi, Joab, Mark’s healed leper), gratitude (Samaritan leper/’foreigner’, Simon?), hospitality (Simon the leper), treatment involved cleansing, #7 (7 days, 7x2=14 days, sprinkling house 7x, Naaman dipping himself 7x in Jordan river), treatment involved sacrifice and showing oneself to priest, treatment/diagnosis focused on body (physical), clothes (Lev. 13:47-59), and houses (Lev. 14:33-53).
A couple of things warrant further exploration: (1) use of “cleansing” term in place of “healing” for cancer, (2) opening of revelation from Abba Father and the Holy Ghost through fasting, (3) also the examination of cleansing of body (physical, spiritual genealogy), clothes (emotions, countenance, mind, personal objects), home (family, friends, associations) which matched the Levitical Guidelines for leprosy in inner cleansing from cancer and from addictions.
[On a end note or tangent, this Gospel leper cleansing story (Matt. 8, Mark 1, Luke 5) runs counter to praying “If it be Your Will….” over the sick or injured. One cannot name a time when it was or is not the will of Jesus].
Rejection & Its Roots II
Dr. Z.
Midterm: Leprosy & Cancer
I did a thorough search of all the Biblical references to leprosy. The earliest reference to leprosy is Exodus 4:6 with it as a sign of the power of God to be used by Moses with Pharaoh. The guidelines of the Mosaic Law for leprosy (other skin diseases, black mold?) are found in Leviticus 13 & 14. Stories or more guidelines are found in Lev. 22:4, Num. 5:2, 12:10, Deut. 24:8 plus 2 Sam. 3:29, 2 Kings 5 with story of Naaman, and 2 Kings 7:8.
New Testament references consist of 10 references found in Matthew (8:2-3, 10:8, 11:5, 26:6), Mark (1:40-42, 14:3), and Luke (4:27, 5:12-13, 7:22, 17:12-19)—some parallels and repetitions between these 3 Gospels. With prayer and continued research (not to mention the ending of fast), it quickly became apparent with the tremendous help of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ distinguished between healing of disease or injury and cleansing of lepers, leprosy.
A leper cried out to Jesus “If You will, make me clean….” (Matt. 8:2, Mark 1:40, Luke 5:12). Jesus willed it and then instructed him to follow the Levitical (Law of Moses) Guidelines. In addition, Jesus stayed in the house of Simon the Leper (Matt. 26:6, Mark 14:3) which points to the importance of our house being dedicated to the use of Christ Jesus. Jesus also spoke of the cleansing of Naaman (Luke 4:27) and cleansed a good Samaritan leper (Luke 17:12-19)—true good Samaritan story (not just a parable, story) about 1/10 cleansed leper—only one that sought the Cleanser and not just the cleansing. Jesus instructed the 12 Apostles to “cleanse the lepers” (Matt. 10:8) and pointed the disciples of John to evidence of His Messiah-ship and Christ-ship in the “cleansing of the lepers” (Matthew 11:5, Luke 7:22)
Central Biblical themes revolve around obedience (Naaman, Moses, 4 lepers, leper in Gospels), disobedience (Miriam & Aaron, Uzziah, Gehazi, Joab, Mark’s healed leper), gratitude (Samaritan leper/’foreigner’, Simon?), hospitality (Simon the leper), treatment involved cleansing, #7 (7 days, 7x2=14 days, sprinkling house 7x, Naaman dipping himself 7x in Jordan river), treatment involved sacrifice and showing oneself to priest, treatment/diagnosis focused on body (physical), clothes (Lev. 13:47-59), and houses (Lev. 14:33-53).
A couple of things warrant further exploration: (1) use of “cleansing” term in place of “healing” for cancer, (2) opening of revelation from Abba Father and the Holy Ghost through fasting, (3) also the examination of cleansing of body (physical, spiritual genealogy), clothes (emotions, countenance, mind, personal objects), home (family, friends, associations) which matched the Levitical Guidelines for leprosy in inner cleansing from cancer and from addictions.
[On a end note or tangent, this Gospel leper cleansing story (Matt. 8, Mark 1, Luke 5) runs counter to praying “If it be Your Will….” over the sick or injured. One cannot name a time when it was or is not the will of Jesus].
Rejection I Final: Case Study
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Rejection & its fruits & roots
Dr. Zalmer Nichols
Class Final (1-Rejection): Case Study Solution:
Our case study (hypothetical) is built on an actual tragic situation where this young man was killed by a (former) homosexual lover. I bring this up because dealing with homosexuality becomes a life and death struggle (if not violence then HIV+ or another STD or Hepatitis).
I have been around a lesbian relationship built on abuse and control. One of these lesbians had had numerous “deliverances” done. Based on Luke 11:24-26, if a demon is removed (house swept clean) then it goes into the dry places and gets seven more worse than itself to inhabit the “clean house” body. [One can go from 1 to 8 to 64 to 512 = ‘general legion’.] Drastic as it may seem then I do not recommend deliverance without a supportive/loving/nonjudgmental intensive follow-up (recovery) for the person “delivered” out of homosexuality.
These homosexual persons have often dealt with rejection from family, friends, society, and even churches. They have built up massive defensive mechanisms (impossible to overcome without unconditional love), walls (unforgivable sin) not to mention having a lifestyle that leads them to a reprobate mind. I have met a number of lesbians who claimed to be “born this way” yet usually had some serious abuse (incest, rape) and/or neglect from their father, father figure, or male relative. A reprobate mind is difficult to overcome without intensive “therapy”—recovery in a very structured, disciplined discipleship program centered on Christ, group support (“homosexual anonymous”?), and intensive loving church-centered (worship-centered) program. There is a lot involved in the homosexual lifestyle—mental illness (narcissism, violence, control, fantasy, acting out, gender identity confusion, abuse to abusive), alcohol & drugs, club scene, “gay pride movement “ (masquerades as civil rights movement) and much more and societal rejection (family, friends, church, community).
A good way to evaluate the effectiveness will be if the former homosexuals speak in tongues and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and with fire. If they cannot, then there is still a barrier or defensive wall/mechanism in the way.
Faith Bible College
Rejection & its fruits & roots
Dr. Zalmer Nichols
Class Final (1-Rejection): Case Study Solution:
Our case study (hypothetical) is built on an actual tragic situation where this young man was killed by a (former) homosexual lover. I bring this up because dealing with homosexuality becomes a life and death struggle (if not violence then HIV+ or another STD or Hepatitis).
I have been around a lesbian relationship built on abuse and control. One of these lesbians had had numerous “deliverances” done. Based on Luke 11:24-26, if a demon is removed (house swept clean) then it goes into the dry places and gets seven more worse than itself to inhabit the “clean house” body. [One can go from 1 to 8 to 64 to 512 = ‘general legion’.] Drastic as it may seem then I do not recommend deliverance without a supportive/loving/nonjudgmental intensive follow-up (recovery) for the person “delivered” out of homosexuality.
These homosexual persons have often dealt with rejection from family, friends, society, and even churches. They have built up massive defensive mechanisms (impossible to overcome without unconditional love), walls (unforgivable sin) not to mention having a lifestyle that leads them to a reprobate mind. I have met a number of lesbians who claimed to be “born this way” yet usually had some serious abuse (incest, rape) and/or neglect from their father, father figure, or male relative. A reprobate mind is difficult to overcome without intensive “therapy”—recovery in a very structured, disciplined discipleship program centered on Christ, group support (“homosexual anonymous”?), and intensive loving church-centered (worship-centered) program. There is a lot involved in the homosexual lifestyle—mental illness (narcissism, violence, control, fantasy, acting out, gender identity confusion, abuse to abusive), alcohol & drugs, club scene, “gay pride movement “ (masquerades as civil rights movement) and much more and societal rejection (family, friends, church, community).
A good way to evaluate the effectiveness will be if the former homosexuals speak in tongues and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and with fire. If they cannot, then there is still a barrier or defensive wall/mechanism in the way.
Case Study,
Faith Bible College (FBC),
Rejection I
Rejection I Midterm
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Rejection & its fruits & roots
Dr. Z.
Midterm: plan of how to get closer to God—what to do? How to enact it?
My first thought in my plan of how to get closer to God—“continue to follow you (Dr. Nick) as you follow Christ!”—Actually, I know that both my wife Peggy and I have made tremendous strides in our walks with the Lord as we have gotten involved with Ebony & Ivory Ministries and deeper with Faith Bible College classes.
The Spirit has been highlighting areas in my life—hidden sins, forgotten sins, pride/ego, arrogance, and more that I need to work on. Fasting and prayer is definitely one way and one gift that the Lord has given me in order to start dealing with these areas. I know that I cannot accomplish what He is laying on me and His calling on my life without my life becoming holy, consecrated, and purified to Him and His Presence.
I am going to address this issue through the magnifying lenses of this past weekend. The sermons by Dr Eva about getting back what the devil has stolen and by Brenda about right time but wrong channel highlight some problems that I am working on and have worked on.
I am going to take an analogy from Bill Johnson—football analogy. Focusing on the works of the devil/satan is kind of like being on the greatest football team and having the football yet you look over at the opposing team’s nasty, cheating, dirty team practicing on the sidelines and take your focus off your quarterback (minister/mentor + Spirit) and off your coach (God the Father) and off the asst. coach, All of Time Star Quarterback (Jesus who died on the field)……BUT YOU HAVE THE BALL. What has been highlighted to me is to keep my focus on the MAIN THING (MAIN PERSON)—Jesus Christ and what He is calling me to.
I have dealt with an unexpected, spiritual attack and a “general legion”-influenced former friend (persons with multiple deliverances [so 1864512? demons] succeeding in giving “prophetic word” to a congregation in which I am a member so I have had conflict with my best friend who is an Elder and with my former mentor among others over how they could allow such a thing.
Peggy, my wife, and I had some powerful experiences where God highlighted our past (Friday night, Sunday morning), highlighted our present (prophetic prayer room on Saturday, ministering and praying in the Name of the Lord), and our future (Sunday afternoon, evening plus things from Friday and Sunday am). Dr. Nick and Ebony & Ivory Ministries along with associated ministries (like Ministeria Internacionales Dios Se Presenta ?) have the “ball” (anointing, enduement of power from on High) and backing of the Spirit, Jesus Christ, and God the Father. My way to go deeper is to allow the Lord God to do His work on me and my life to purify, consecrate, and cleanse me deeper, to grow my discernment of the spirits & Spirit, my wisdom and knowledge, and work on growing my prophetic gifts of tongues, fasting, preaching, prophecy, prayer, and healing. I want to be a faithful disciple and friend of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and yes, that means following and allowing myself to be mentored, corrected, and encouraged by Dr. Nick in this walk with Christ.
Faith Bible College
Rejection & its fruits & roots
Dr. Z.
Midterm: plan of how to get closer to God—what to do? How to enact it?
My first thought in my plan of how to get closer to God—“continue to follow you (Dr. Nick) as you follow Christ!”—Actually, I know that both my wife Peggy and I have made tremendous strides in our walks with the Lord as we have gotten involved with Ebony & Ivory Ministries and deeper with Faith Bible College classes.
The Spirit has been highlighting areas in my life—hidden sins, forgotten sins, pride/ego, arrogance, and more that I need to work on. Fasting and prayer is definitely one way and one gift that the Lord has given me in order to start dealing with these areas. I know that I cannot accomplish what He is laying on me and His calling on my life without my life becoming holy, consecrated, and purified to Him and His Presence.
I am going to address this issue through the magnifying lenses of this past weekend. The sermons by Dr Eva about getting back what the devil has stolen and by Brenda about right time but wrong channel highlight some problems that I am working on and have worked on.
I am going to take an analogy from Bill Johnson—football analogy. Focusing on the works of the devil/satan is kind of like being on the greatest football team and having the football yet you look over at the opposing team’s nasty, cheating, dirty team practicing on the sidelines and take your focus off your quarterback (minister/mentor + Spirit) and off your coach (God the Father) and off the asst. coach, All of Time Star Quarterback (Jesus who died on the field)……BUT YOU HAVE THE BALL. What has been highlighted to me is to keep my focus on the MAIN THING (MAIN PERSON)—Jesus Christ and what He is calling me to.
I have dealt with an unexpected, spiritual attack and a “general legion”-influenced former friend (persons with multiple deliverances [so 1864512? demons] succeeding in giving “prophetic word” to a congregation in which I am a member so I have had conflict with my best friend who is an Elder and with my former mentor among others over how they could allow such a thing.
Peggy, my wife, and I had some powerful experiences where God highlighted our past (Friday night, Sunday morning), highlighted our present (prophetic prayer room on Saturday, ministering and praying in the Name of the Lord), and our future (Sunday afternoon, evening plus things from Friday and Sunday am). Dr. Nick and Ebony & Ivory Ministries along with associated ministries (like Ministeria Internacionales Dios Se Presenta ?) have the “ball” (anointing, enduement of power from on High) and backing of the Spirit, Jesus Christ, and God the Father. My way to go deeper is to allow the Lord God to do His work on me and my life to purify, consecrate, and cleanse me deeper, to grow my discernment of the spirits & Spirit, my wisdom and knowledge, and work on growing my prophetic gifts of tongues, fasting, preaching, prophecy, prayer, and healing. I want to be a faithful disciple and friend of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and yes, that means following and allowing myself to be mentored, corrected, and encouraged by Dr. Nick in this walk with Christ.
Realize Your Dreams Midterm
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Realize Your Dreams
Sis. B
Midterm: How do your dreams fall in line with the plan that God has for your life?
The dreams that have been important to me include having a Christ-centered marriage and family, becoming a prophetic minister of the Gospel and anointed preacher of integrity, being a teacher and leader/founder in a prophetic, Spirit-directed school.
I believe that I have already expressed about my simplifying of my baptismal and discipleship covenant with God. We are called to “love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.” (Luke 10:27, Deuteronomy 6:5). My covenant with God is to do what He asks me to do in relation to His dreams desires and give my wants and dreams into His Hands. I have never achieved any of my dreams or desires through my own strength. After giving my dreams to God, I have not had any failures. (I am not saying that I have not made any mistakes—just that the secret to success in my life had been in complete partnership with God.)
I have had the desire to be married most of my life. I knew that I did not want to be single. I had to go through the heartbreak and mess of two failed marriages to learn to put this most important of decisions completely in the hands of God. I knew that I would not get married again without the full endorsement of God. My wife knew that years before that I was meant to be her husband as the Holy Spirit told her “Go get him….That’s your husband…” (April 2007) It took me longer. I began my classes at Faith Bible College (January 2010) and had a vision (almost like a “day-dream”) of getting married there developing in me over time. With the endorsement of Abba Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (6-25-2010) during a church camp experience, I then felt free to get married to my best friend and beloved Peggy. Peggy has been with me each step of the way (besides a 2 week mission trip to Mexico in 2009) and has done the most, after God, to help get my life on track to achieve my dreams that fit into the plans of God. Getting married with God’s endorsement (“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”-Genesis 2:24, Matt. 19:5) has been such a blessing to my life and has had God’s hand and the Spirit’s work all over the development of our friendship, our marital relationship, and our ministry together as prophetic intercessor/preacher (me) and intercessory prophet/seer (Peggy). I am so thankful for her in my life and the central role of Jesus in our marriage and ministry. It has made all the difference.
For many years, I have wanted to go back to school. I am a student and scholar at heart. I love to learn new things and “dig” into things that I do not understand or only know a little about. This is on the wall when you come into Faith Bible College—“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). I am so thankful to have been directed to Faith Bible College. I was actually accepted as a student at IHOPU (International House of Prayer University) but then did not have all the money to be able to attend. God had other plans which blessed my best friend Peggy (now my beloved wife) also—closer, cheaper, Spirit-filled, mentoring, and family relationships.
I began school at Faith Bible College in January 2010. On the 39th day of a 40 day fast, Holy Spirit gave me a question for Dr. Nichols—“What would you do with revival?” He did not have to answer me, but his answer endeared him to me even more as he desired to further the Kingdom of God and to save souls rather than build a religious monument or giant church or school. I realized his heart as a “true man of God”. I am blessed with a Spirit-filled mentor and “spiritual father” (see 2 Timothy 1:2 where Paul calls Timothy “my dearly beloved son”) and “spiritual mother” in Dr. Nick and Dr. Eva respectively. For awhile, Peggy and I had been looking and desiring this kind of relationship to aid in our development as ministers of the Gospel and becoming ministers of integrity and anointing with the Holy Spirit.
My final dream which I will be addressing involves the founding of a prophetic “school of the prophets” or “school of the Spirit”. I have graduated with my Master’s degree in Ministry of the Prophet at Faith Bible College (Class of 2011). Many persons have asked me what I am going to do with the degree now that I have achieved it. I usually end up telling them that it is only a beginning step and that I need to keep going with my first doctorate (first of many)-Class of 2012. I have been told that God is also developing me to be a yielding vessel and an instrument in His hands for the Kingdom. I would like to see a school that is completely Christ-centered and Spirit-directed and anointed that would be a “sister school” to Faith Bible College. This school would concentrate on Restoration Movement groups (Community of Christ/RLDS, LDS, Remnant, Restoration, Temple Lot, and more) but would be open to all seeking a deeper relationship with God and Christ.
My dreams fit very well into the plans of God in my life. My ministry and God’s plan for my life are very important, but my “anchors” in the midst of the storms and changes in my life will be my wife and our marital relationship centered on Christ, my family and church family—brothers & sisters in Christ, and my own personal development with the calling of God on my life—“…he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love”—Ephesians 1:4. I have had God’s calling on my life for a long time which is why I wear a ring on my right hand on the 4th finger—Luke 15:22 ring with “GOD-LOVE-WAY-TRUTH-LIFE-SERVE” (based on John 14:6, 1 John 4:7-12, John 13, and many more). I put this ring on my finger in college to signify my adult commitment to Christ. Jesus Christ had always been faithful even when I have not. He also has been faithful to prayers that I have prayed many years ago and putting me in the right place at the right time in order to achieve those dreams that match His will.
Faith Bible College
Realize Your Dreams
Sis. B
Midterm: How do your dreams fall in line with the plan that God has for your life?
The dreams that have been important to me include having a Christ-centered marriage and family, becoming a prophetic minister of the Gospel and anointed preacher of integrity, being a teacher and leader/founder in a prophetic, Spirit-directed school.
I believe that I have already expressed about my simplifying of my baptismal and discipleship covenant with God. We are called to “love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.” (Luke 10:27, Deuteronomy 6:5). My covenant with God is to do what He asks me to do in relation to His dreams desires and give my wants and dreams into His Hands. I have never achieved any of my dreams or desires through my own strength. After giving my dreams to God, I have not had any failures. (I am not saying that I have not made any mistakes—just that the secret to success in my life had been in complete partnership with God.)
I have had the desire to be married most of my life. I knew that I did not want to be single. I had to go through the heartbreak and mess of two failed marriages to learn to put this most important of decisions completely in the hands of God. I knew that I would not get married again without the full endorsement of God. My wife knew that years before that I was meant to be her husband as the Holy Spirit told her “Go get him….That’s your husband…” (April 2007) It took me longer. I began my classes at Faith Bible College (January 2010) and had a vision (almost like a “day-dream”) of getting married there developing in me over time. With the endorsement of Abba Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (6-25-2010) during a church camp experience, I then felt free to get married to my best friend and beloved Peggy. Peggy has been with me each step of the way (besides a 2 week mission trip to Mexico in 2009) and has done the most, after God, to help get my life on track to achieve my dreams that fit into the plans of God. Getting married with God’s endorsement (“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”-Genesis 2:24, Matt. 19:5) has been such a blessing to my life and has had God’s hand and the Spirit’s work all over the development of our friendship, our marital relationship, and our ministry together as prophetic intercessor/preacher (me) and intercessory prophet/seer (Peggy). I am so thankful for her in my life and the central role of Jesus in our marriage and ministry. It has made all the difference.
For many years, I have wanted to go back to school. I am a student and scholar at heart. I love to learn new things and “dig” into things that I do not understand or only know a little about. This is on the wall when you come into Faith Bible College—“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). I am so thankful to have been directed to Faith Bible College. I was actually accepted as a student at IHOPU (International House of Prayer University) but then did not have all the money to be able to attend. God had other plans which blessed my best friend Peggy (now my beloved wife) also—closer, cheaper, Spirit-filled, mentoring, and family relationships.
I began school at Faith Bible College in January 2010. On the 39th day of a 40 day fast, Holy Spirit gave me a question for Dr. Nichols—“What would you do with revival?” He did not have to answer me, but his answer endeared him to me even more as he desired to further the Kingdom of God and to save souls rather than build a religious monument or giant church or school. I realized his heart as a “true man of God”. I am blessed with a Spirit-filled mentor and “spiritual father” (see 2 Timothy 1:2 where Paul calls Timothy “my dearly beloved son”) and “spiritual mother” in Dr. Nick and Dr. Eva respectively. For awhile, Peggy and I had been looking and desiring this kind of relationship to aid in our development as ministers of the Gospel and becoming ministers of integrity and anointing with the Holy Spirit.
My final dream which I will be addressing involves the founding of a prophetic “school of the prophets” or “school of the Spirit”. I have graduated with my Master’s degree in Ministry of the Prophet at Faith Bible College (Class of 2011). Many persons have asked me what I am going to do with the degree now that I have achieved it. I usually end up telling them that it is only a beginning step and that I need to keep going with my first doctorate (first of many)-Class of 2012. I have been told that God is also developing me to be a yielding vessel and an instrument in His hands for the Kingdom. I would like to see a school that is completely Christ-centered and Spirit-directed and anointed that would be a “sister school” to Faith Bible College. This school would concentrate on Restoration Movement groups (Community of Christ/RLDS, LDS, Remnant, Restoration, Temple Lot, and more) but would be open to all seeking a deeper relationship with God and Christ.
My dreams fit very well into the plans of God in my life. My ministry and God’s plan for my life are very important, but my “anchors” in the midst of the storms and changes in my life will be my wife and our marital relationship centered on Christ, my family and church family—brothers & sisters in Christ, and my own personal development with the calling of God on my life—“…he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love”—Ephesians 1:4. I have had God’s calling on my life for a long time which is why I wear a ring on my right hand on the 4th finger—Luke 15:22 ring with “GOD-LOVE-WAY-TRUTH-LIFE-SERVE” (based on John 14:6, 1 John 4:7-12, John 13, and many more). I put this ring on my finger in college to signify my adult commitment to Christ. Jesus Christ had always been faithful even when I have not. He also has been faithful to prayers that I have prayed many years ago and putting me in the right place at the right time in order to achieve those dreams that match His will.
Preparation for Ministry III Finals Assignment
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Preparation for Ministry III
Elder Q
How has this class helped you help someone else? (Helps)
This class has been one of my favorites for this semester. Learning about the Ministry of Helps, as a supernatural calling vital to the body of Christ and as an important apprenticeship training program within the church, has been very helpful. This is illustrated in the story of Elijah and Elisha which was an excellent example to study and discuss on the ministry of helps.
One, I really liked the practical nature of the class and including us in the decision process of how we could be a blessing or be helpful to others at Faith Bible College. Our use of the prayer request box and providing intercessory prayer for others in need was something that greatly impacted me this semester. I think it was a great group project and one in which the ones we lifted up to Jesus Christ were blessed, and also we, as prayer warriors, were blessed. I tried to pray for as many as I could and even experienced an impression or “vision”/imagination in my head of Dr. Jerry Downs standing up and praising God. I told him and his wife. I was deeply touched and impacted to learn that he experienced a healing later and was standing up to praise God and Jesus. Hallelujah! Thank you for this opportunity to serve and learn Helps in a practical and challenging way regarding the power of prayer.
Two, I really appreciated you being open to Peggy joining us because I know that both she and I have been blessed to be a part of this class and to learn about the Ministry of Helps because the nature of our ministries in the past, the nature of present ministry together, and nature of ministries in the future will always involve the ministry of Helps. “When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God.” is a quote that means a lot to the both of us.
Three, I really appreciated going deep into the study and explanation of the Ministry of Helps and its integral part to a church as an anointed and supernatural ministry. I know that I want to be like Aaron and Hur in holding up the arms of Moses. I know that Peggy and I both want to be in that role for Dr. Nick and Dr. Eva (not that others are not) with Ebony and Ivory and with Faith Bible College.
Four, I really wanted the opportunity to have a class with you and get to know you better and that has happened. I have a greater appreciation for you and your background and the giftedness that you bring to Ebony and Ivory and Faith Bible College. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Elder Larry!
Faith Bible College
Preparation for Ministry III
Elder Q
How has this class helped you help someone else? (Helps)
This class has been one of my favorites for this semester. Learning about the Ministry of Helps, as a supernatural calling vital to the body of Christ and as an important apprenticeship training program within the church, has been very helpful. This is illustrated in the story of Elijah and Elisha which was an excellent example to study and discuss on the ministry of helps.
One, I really liked the practical nature of the class and including us in the decision process of how we could be a blessing or be helpful to others at Faith Bible College. Our use of the prayer request box and providing intercessory prayer for others in need was something that greatly impacted me this semester. I think it was a great group project and one in which the ones we lifted up to Jesus Christ were blessed, and also we, as prayer warriors, were blessed. I tried to pray for as many as I could and even experienced an impression or “vision”/imagination in my head of Dr. Jerry Downs standing up and praising God. I told him and his wife. I was deeply touched and impacted to learn that he experienced a healing later and was standing up to praise God and Jesus. Hallelujah! Thank you for this opportunity to serve and learn Helps in a practical and challenging way regarding the power of prayer.
Two, I really appreciated you being open to Peggy joining us because I know that both she and I have been blessed to be a part of this class and to learn about the Ministry of Helps because the nature of our ministries in the past, the nature of present ministry together, and nature of ministries in the future will always involve the ministry of Helps. “When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God.” is a quote that means a lot to the both of us.
Three, I really appreciated going deep into the study and explanation of the Ministry of Helps and its integral part to a church as an anointed and supernatural ministry. I know that I want to be like Aaron and Hur in holding up the arms of Moses. I know that Peggy and I both want to be in that role for Dr. Nick and Dr. Eva (not that others are not) with Ebony and Ivory and with Faith Bible College.
Four, I really wanted the opportunity to have a class with you and get to know you better and that has happened. I have a greater appreciation for you and your background and the giftedness that you bring to Ebony and Ivory and Faith Bible College. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Elder Larry!
Opening the Prophetic Gifts Midterm
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Dr. E.
Opening Prophetic Gifts
Midterm: how you get in the Spirit…
• Seeker—I hunger and thirst for knowledge. Peggy calls me a “sponge” when it comes to try to understand something whether it be prophetic gifts, end-times, tongues, Pentecostal movement, revival/endowment. I am not satisfied until I, at least, have a basic understanding.
• Preaching—used preach from a written sermon, then nothing written, and now an outline. I have felt a call to preaching for years and years. Enjoy looking at my audience and making eye contact and flowing with the Spirit in encouragement, challenge, and sharing about Jesus.
• Fasting—tried this in college with limited success. God has grown me from 3 day fasts to even a 16 day and 40 day fast as he has called me to them. I know that it is by His Grace that I am able. Fasting has put me on a quick learning curve for the prophetic gifts and prophetic understanding. IMO, it is absolutely vital for a walk with Christ and being in the Spirit.
• Tongues—I love this gifts—has “turbo-charged” all my other gifts—prophecy, dreams, healing, intercessory prayer, and more. Really enjoy using this gift. Now, I understand my prayer tongue as Navajo with God’s calling on my life to be a “code/wind talker” (intercessor, preacher)
• Dreams—very significant in my life….
• Healing—very important to me as an RN—realize God’s healing is way better than modern health-care system
• Intercessory Prayer—Randall—prophetic intercessor, Peggy—intercessory prophet—way we tend to mesh very well and powerfully especially in car, but also other places—learned that prayer needs to go on all the time—in line at post office, grocery store, in car, walking, etc. (except for God—prayer is strongest resource/power available)
• Worship—appreciate this more and more for getting focused and being in the Presence of God
• Prophecy—love sharing words of encouragement with others as God lays things on me to share
• Compassion—connecting with the Heart of Jesus for others and enlarging my heart to match His…
• Service—something important to me and also fitting with the heart of Jesus—need humility—understand it as a Supernatural calling of Helps
• Witnessing—sharing the gospel—often about being rather than doing—being an overflowing cup which God uses
Faith Bible College
Dr. E.
Opening Prophetic Gifts
Midterm: how you get in the Spirit…
• Seeker—I hunger and thirst for knowledge. Peggy calls me a “sponge” when it comes to try to understand something whether it be prophetic gifts, end-times, tongues, Pentecostal movement, revival/endowment. I am not satisfied until I, at least, have a basic understanding.
• Preaching—used preach from a written sermon, then nothing written, and now an outline. I have felt a call to preaching for years and years. Enjoy looking at my audience and making eye contact and flowing with the Spirit in encouragement, challenge, and sharing about Jesus.
• Fasting—tried this in college with limited success. God has grown me from 3 day fasts to even a 16 day and 40 day fast as he has called me to them. I know that it is by His Grace that I am able. Fasting has put me on a quick learning curve for the prophetic gifts and prophetic understanding. IMO, it is absolutely vital for a walk with Christ and being in the Spirit.
• Tongues—I love this gifts—has “turbo-charged” all my other gifts—prophecy, dreams, healing, intercessory prayer, and more. Really enjoy using this gift. Now, I understand my prayer tongue as Navajo with God’s calling on my life to be a “code/wind talker” (intercessor, preacher)
• Dreams—very significant in my life….
• Healing—very important to me as an RN—realize God’s healing is way better than modern health-care system
• Intercessory Prayer—Randall—prophetic intercessor, Peggy—intercessory prophet—way we tend to mesh very well and powerfully especially in car, but also other places—learned that prayer needs to go on all the time—in line at post office, grocery store, in car, walking, etc. (except for God—prayer is strongest resource/power available)
• Worship—appreciate this more and more for getting focused and being in the Presence of God
• Prophecy—love sharing words of encouragement with others as God lays things on me to share
• Compassion—connecting with the Heart of Jesus for others and enlarging my heart to match His…
• Service—something important to me and also fitting with the heart of Jesus—need humility—understand it as a Supernatural calling of Helps
• Witnessing—sharing the gospel—often about being rather than doing—being an overflowing cup which God uses
Opening the Prophetic Gifts Book Report

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Opening the Prophetic Gifts “Book Report”
Dr. E.
Process of reaching this point and calling in ministry:
We had Holy Spirit fall on our class. The word of knowledge given to me was “You already know.” This was very true, but it almost made me laugh with joy because it was further confirmation that I am in the right place with the right persons at the right time and in the right way—“Christ as the Way” (John 14:6)—continued growth as a Faith Bible student, mentoring as Dr. Nick’s armor-bearer. My graduation on May 7, 2011 with a degree of Master’s in Ministry of the Prophet is the culmination of a number of steps and God-incidences (God blessed coincidences) and God-encounters leading me to this point.
This was not an easy journey. I grew up in church as a 6th generation RLDS member. I heard stories about my great-great grandfather Charles Cramer speaking in tongues and giving interpretation. I experienced God- & Spirit-encounters in connection with church camps and other similar experiences in college, but these experiences were few and far-between. One of these experiences involved a two-part dream with the first part focused on spiritual warfare with a devil/phantom stealing person’s faces and second part with me being vulnerable to a girl in school-I am naked from waist down (in the dream). I definitely have the gift of dreams because I’ve had other dreams in two prophetic parts that have guided me.
After failing in U.S. Air Force as a nurse and with my first marriage, I was in numerous jobs to attempt to get my life on track—mostly nursing jobs for the better pay though I was never really happy or fulfilled in my job. I went through a lot of personal issues—failure of a 2nd marriage, loss of last nursing job, loss of “being a Dad” (father-figure to stepson), loss of house, and more. All the doors closed in Ohio so I put a “fleece” (like Gideon—Judges 6:33-40) out about coming to Missouri. Despite numerous difficulties, I moved to Missouri, moved in with some new friends including Peggy, and began the slow, long process of re-building my life. I got involved with an inner city ministry called H.A.R.T. (Healing And Restoring Together) Ministries and began to take back some of my life as a I sought healing, refuge in the Lord.
This ministry with addicts, alcoholics, and homeless was something of a culture shock to my middle class and Ohio town upbringing. Yes, I had done some service work with Circle K (Kiwani’s) in college in Toledo and student nursing at a homeless shelter, but this was still something of a shock. The friendship between Peggy and me blossomed as we worked together often 5-6 mostly volunteer (very minimal pay) days/week in this ministry. We did everything from cooking, security, dish-washing, preaching, praying, deliverance, service planning and presiding, and more. Some highlights included a wedding for friends thrown together at Christmas using children dressed up for pageant,, baptizing a homeless guy named Willie who was recovering from a gunshot wound, and befriending another homeless guy James who played guitar as I preached plus looked out for Peggy when I worked at Benilde the first time. The leadership of HART Ministries favored others over Peggy and me (despite our dedication and work) and allowed a practicing homosexual to preach and minister against our opinions and feelings. Also God revealed of “familiar spirit” through discernment of the spirits. We were really not getting the mentoring we wanted so we decided to leave and take a break. We cut all ties.
During the same time as HART Ministries, Peggy helped to introduce me to CCM-Contemporary Christian Ministries—charismatic wing/group of Community of Christ (former RLDS). I found a lot of friends, “family”, support, and healing in this body of believers that still believed in the Gifts of the Spirit, sought the Presence of the Lord, and loved to be enthusiastic in worship. They also had a number of leaders who challenged my discipleship and walk with the Lord, gave prophetic ‘words of knowledge’ encouraging and stretching me, and helped to pointed my life more in the right direction. It was difficult being so far away from my family (3 states away) so CCM’ers became my family. I found out that I loved being around expectant, enthusiastic believers who yielded to God and flowed with the Gifts of the Spirit including healing, miracles, prophecy, anointed teaching, and more.
This kind of gives my background and covers the previous years up until the last several years (2009-2011). Peggy and I were looking for regular mentoring (week-in & week-out)—not just part-time mentoring (one week and number of weekends a year) as with CCM. I was also involved with a group (Hill Cumorah Expedition Team) that did mission/exploratory-archaeology trips to Mexico. I wanted to go on the trip in 2008 and could not so I asked God what He wanted me to do—lead the prayer coordination effort for the trip was the Godly inspiration given to me. We came up with prayer cards that we gave out and added congregations to the support of the group. This was quite a time of learning as I fasted, prayed, dealt with a spiritual attack (fraction of a second of pure hate, spite, anger), and was given a direct “word of knowledge”—“you will go next year”. In 2009, I did go on this trip to southern Mexico and was challenged more in my faith and discipleship walk. Peggy supported me in all of this as my best friend and co-worker and coordinator of the prayer effort in my absence in 2009..
Our friendship continued to deepen and grew. The 2009 CCM Leadership Summit with the guest ministry of Evangelist & healer Frank & Nephtali Seamster along with borrowing a “Finger of God” Deluxe Edition DVD from friend/CCM leader-Derek Sanders proved to be life-changing. Despite being voted a Community of Christ World Conference 2010 delegate and attending a MC conference with divisive (homosexuality) issues, we also attended this CCM retreat in Excelsior Springs by driving back and forth. I watched these Finger of God DVD’s and began to walk in a prolonged anointing with faith for healing (for Peggy) and giving ‘words of knowledge’ to other CCM persons. Peggy got a tremendous healing on her ankles and feet—laughing and screaming in delight with a healing for which she did not have faith. She was able to take steps up and down like a normal person—had never done that around me.
In the Summer 2009, I had applied and been accepted at IHOPU for an Intro. to IHOP-KC internship for Fall 2009. I had needed $900, but I only had $2-300. I figured that God would provide—Jehovah-Jireh (Genesis ). It did not happen and IHOPU later withdrew my acceptance since I could not sign their belief statement. At first, it was somewhat confusing why the door opened, but the means were not provided.
Our best friend Dan Enix then decided to visit Faith Bible College. He spoke with Dr. Eva (I thought that he spoke with Dr. Nick) who I visited a number of times before enrolling for the Spring 2010 term. The confirmation came when Dr. Nick prayed over me going to school there, the Spirit rested heavily, and money for IHOPU from Scripture class was given back to me for Faith Bible College classes. Peggy and I began to attend on Friday nights with Ebony & Ivory Ministry and some Sunday’s. I quickly realized that this was the place/people that we were looking for—cheaper, closer (within walking distance), and getting the week-in/week-out, regular mentoring in the prophetic/Spirit-filled walk. In addition, Peggy was blessed, taught, encouraged even before starting classes on her own. On Palm Sunday 2010, our prayer languages opened up to us. Shortly after starting classes, I had images in my head of Peggy and I getting married even though we were still just best friends. We began to meet with Dr. Nick every week for counseling and got “secretly–engaged” (just telling Dr. Nick & my parents) in May 2010.
CCM Celebration (family reunion) 2010 “Greater Things” became quite a God-encounter for Peggy and me. I was not even planning on going and felt the Spirit wanting me to go to help with the older (Sr. High) youth so I went even though Peggy had to work part of the week. I assisted—acting as an “armor-bearer” (catcher, supporter) with “fire tunnel” (double prayer line). I did not even go through myself, but I was blessed with insight of supporting the rising generation as they support/mentor the really young/new generation (each generation being greater in the Spirit than the one before). The Spirit rested on me about getting some “junk” out of my life—“don’t you dare leave with others getting completely free”. First time did not work at all—tug of war with demonic force(s) that was choking off my prayer language. I then spent the next day in fasting and prayer. Second time involved my best friends Dan and Peggy. I confessed to Dan and Peggy. Dan then offered prayer which became a prayer which became a prayer of unity for the two of us in the sight of God. He had insisted that the Presence of the Lord Jesus was with us prior to this prayer, and being free of something that had bound me for more than 3 decades had a tremendous effect with experiencing an “open Heaven” to the Father. We then went into an intercessory prayer round, first me, then Dan (each prayer building) then I insisted on praying again (claimed a “house of prayer” at Graceland University and 3-fold cord joining of the Restoration Movement-Prayer & Prophetic Movement-Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements) then Peggy “belted” out “Amazing Grace” and finished with powerful prayer. With this experience, we felt “married” in the “eyes of God” so decided to quickly get married on July 16, 2010, my 41st birthday.
On January 18, 2011, the Holy Spirit rested on me following work, and I awakened Peggy when I got home so she could anoint me with all the oils that we had. I then went into an extended period of time of “imagining our life 10-15 years from now” with the Spirit. While I spoke, Peggy actually saw what I described. This experience made it clear that I was free to develop and promote P.F.I. Z. (P.rayer F.urnaces I.n Z.ion) program—multiple 24/7/365 worship & intercession among the Restoration Movement groups in Independence, MO and more.
Our journey has deepened and grown more Spirit-filled with us both being Faith Bible College students and soon to be teachers, us both being part of the ministry team, us both having more God encounters, more Spirit-filled worship and Gifts manifesting. I could do a whole paper just on Ebony & Ivory Ministry and what it means to us and just on the Furious Love Event that we just attended. I will end here for now.
Minor Prophets Midterm
Randall Q. Lawrence
Minor Prophets
Dr. Q
Midterm: Jonah the Unintentional, Angry Revivalist
I decided to do my Midterm assignment on Jonah. I read something about him being one of the most successful revivalists ever in getting the whole city of Ninevah (120,000) persons—from lowest to highest with even the king (3:6-9)--to repent in sackcloth and ashes and turn away a Judgment of Destruction on the city.
Often, it is hard to be like Jesus or relate to powerfully anointed figures like Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, or Daniel. I can more easily relate to a figure like Peter pre-Pentecost or a prophet like Jonah who runs the other way from the work of God and then gets angry over the righteous response of his country’s enemies—the Assyrians and gets angry with God over a shade plant. (4:5-10) I can very much relate to the rather bumbling prophetic walk of Jonah in sleeping through a storm, going the wrong way, and being stubborn and angry with God.
I relate to Jonah in 3 main ways: (1) his avoiding the calling/commission of God—most of my life, I have stubbornly not obeyed and discerned the calling of God in my life. (2) getting angry over major(Ninevah repenting)/minor (shade plant dying) disappointments—this has been a problem in my life that I am working on dealing with with God’s help. (3) stumbling/bumbling in revival (3:10) & endowment of the Spirit (Luke 24:49, Acts 2, Joel 2) with the keys of repentance, turning to God, and prayer/fasting. Revival & endowment are great interests of mine.
Minor Prophets
Dr. Q
Midterm: Jonah the Unintentional, Angry Revivalist
I decided to do my Midterm assignment on Jonah. I read something about him being one of the most successful revivalists ever in getting the whole city of Ninevah (120,000) persons—from lowest to highest with even the king (3:6-9)--to repent in sackcloth and ashes and turn away a Judgment of Destruction on the city.
Often, it is hard to be like Jesus or relate to powerfully anointed figures like Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, or Daniel. I can more easily relate to a figure like Peter pre-Pentecost or a prophet like Jonah who runs the other way from the work of God and then gets angry over the righteous response of his country’s enemies—the Assyrians and gets angry with God over a shade plant. (4:5-10) I can very much relate to the rather bumbling prophetic walk of Jonah in sleeping through a storm, going the wrong way, and being stubborn and angry with God.
I relate to Jonah in 3 main ways: (1) his avoiding the calling/commission of God—most of my life, I have stubbornly not obeyed and discerned the calling of God in my life. (2) getting angry over major(Ninevah repenting)/minor (shade plant dying) disappointments—this has been a problem in my life that I am working on dealing with with God’s help. (3) stumbling/bumbling in revival (3:10) & endowment of the Spirit (Luke 24:49, Acts 2, Joel 2) with the keys of repentance, turning to God, and prayer/fasting. Revival & endowment are great interests of mine.
Gifts of the Spirit Book Report
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Dr. Z
Book Report: The Holy Spirit and You: A Study Guide to the Spirit-Filled Life by Dennis & Rita Bennett
Gifts of the Spirit
I finally finished the book The Holy Spirit and You by Dennis & Rita Bennett. In general, I really liked this book for the way that it examined the Gifts of the Spirit grouping them into 3 classes (of 3 gifts to each class):
Inspirational/Fellowship Gifts (Gift of Tongues, Gift of Interpretation, Gift of Prophecy)—“power to say”, Gifts of Power (Gifts of Healings, Working of Miracles, Gift of Faith)—“power to do”, and Gifts of Revelation (Discerning of Spirits, “Word of Knowledge”, “Word of Wisdom”)—“power to know”. (p. 83) The Bennett’s do an excellent job of looking at these gifts, gift by gift, looking at the relevant Scriptural passages, along with bringing up relevant experiences and testimonies regarding the functioning of these Gifts of the Spirit.
The question is asked, “What if I don’t speak in tongues? Can I receive the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues?” They answer, “It comes with the package!” (p. 64) “You don’t have to speak in tongues in order to be saved. You don’t have to speak in tongues in order to have the Holy Spirit in you. You don’t have to speak in tongues to have times of feeling filled with the Holy Spirit, but if you want the free and full outpouring that is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you must expect it to happen as in the Scripture, and to do what Peter, James, John, Paul, Mary, Mary Magdalen, Barnabas, and all the rest did!” (p. 65) This is a very good answer to non-believers and to believers questioning the issue of tongues and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The importance of the Gift of Tongues is discussed in the chapter on consecration in regards to the intellect. “The intellect comes into rest as it is yielded to God, and praying in tongues is one important means of letting the Holy Spirit renew and refresh our minds and souls.” (p. 185) I sought the Gift of Tongues and/or Prayer Language as I came to understand more and more about them. Gift of Tongues is for public use in church with Gift of Interpretation needed also in church while the Prayer Language does not necessarily require interpretation.
This Gift of Prayer Language was opened to me 5 minutes after it was opened to my best friend (& now wife) Peggy, and it was opened after I saw the use of Prayer Language in the rebuking of the spirit of death off Dr. Larry in ministering at a church in Excelsior Springs on Palm Sunday 2010. I was on a long fast and struggled to get my mind out of the way of my heart and spirit. I have greatly enjoyed this Prophetic Gift and its many uses. I did not see in this book where it speaks about Prayer Language (with the Holy Spirit) as turbo-charging the other Gifts of the Spirit along with blessing my interactions with others and even with animals. Many persons claimed that I had a Baptism in the Holy Spirit when this Gift opened up to me. However, I did not have any dramatic experience in the Lord like Pentecost was for the early church and disciples and did not really feel any different afterward. But, in order to have this Gift free flowing, then I needed to some serious deliverance work (in June 2010) because I had a demon trying to “pinch this Gift off of me”. Now, I am free, and it works and flows freely.
The beginning of the book spends an extensive amount of time and chapters in speaking about Baptism in the Spirit, what it is, how to get it, and more prior to a chapter on each of the 9 Gifts of the Spirit! The book also speaks about things that get in the way Baptism in the Spirit—like cults, the occult/New Age stuff, and things of the world not to mention demonic influences.
The end of the book then talks about the Excellent Way (“…balance and interplay between the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.” & centered in the Love of God—p. 176) along with consecration (of lives and material possessions) to the Lord along with use of the charts (Word of God) and the compass (not the Holy Spirit but our response to the Holy Spirit—p. 208) “So it is the Holy Spirit in you that makes you able to respond to God. It follows that your sensitivity will increase as you allow the Holy Spirit to inspire and move you more from within. This you do through praise and prayer, and closer personal fellowship with God and experience of Him. You sensitize your own instruments by using them.” (p. 208) I really liked this book, but I did take exception** to some of the things that they assumed in the writing of this book on the Holy Spirit and Gifts of the Spirit.
**From pp. 39-40….”Another powerful “cult”, often accepted as a true variety of Christianity, claims to be the only true “church,” that all others are false. It teaches that God the Father was, and is, a man, a being of “flesh and bone,” who became an almighty god.” It also teaches that men, if they will keep the teachings of the cult, can become “almighty gods,” and have their own planets to rule, which they will people with their “spirit children” that they have begotten by their many “spirit wives”! Rather obviously, one of the first requirements for full salvation in this cult is that you get married Jesus died on the cross, this group tells us, to bring all men to the point where they could save themselves by keeping the teachings of this particular cult. This group, like others, teaches that the Bible is not sufficient to show the way of salvation; it must be supplemented by other books and writings. In fact, the most important teachings of this cult are not drawn from the Bible at all, but from their special books—one of which was supposedly discovered written on “golden plates; and buried, and others written by “prophets” through the years. Many people are drawn to this cult because of a strong social welfare emphasis.”
We, in the RLDS/Community of Christ, have held to the “one true church” concept, but we do not any longer. We have never held to the Adam-God theory that we can become like God which, of course, also begs the question of who then created God if he had been a man. We also as a church were formed and been against polygamy along with the concept of temple sealing and celestial marriage which helped lead the bulk of the Restoration Movement into the apostasy of polygamy out west and an attempt to get out of the U.S.A. The Community of Christ also believes that Jesus is most important—died on the cross and rose again. We do not believe that you are only saved by following the teaching of the church. We do hold to the Book of Mormon, but the Book of Mormon is a Christ-centered and even a Pentecostal/Charismatic book long before there was such groups. It is interesting that there was a deliverance as one of the first miracles along with Gifts of the Spirit including tongues and interpretation in the early Restoration Movement and early Reorganization (R.L.D.S.).
Faith Bible College
Dr. Z
Book Report: The Holy Spirit and You: A Study Guide to the Spirit-Filled Life by Dennis & Rita Bennett
Gifts of the Spirit
I finally finished the book The Holy Spirit and You by Dennis & Rita Bennett. In general, I really liked this book for the way that it examined the Gifts of the Spirit grouping them into 3 classes (of 3 gifts to each class):
Inspirational/Fellowship Gifts (Gift of Tongues, Gift of Interpretation, Gift of Prophecy)—“power to say”, Gifts of Power (Gifts of Healings, Working of Miracles, Gift of Faith)—“power to do”, and Gifts of Revelation (Discerning of Spirits, “Word of Knowledge”, “Word of Wisdom”)—“power to know”. (p. 83) The Bennett’s do an excellent job of looking at these gifts, gift by gift, looking at the relevant Scriptural passages, along with bringing up relevant experiences and testimonies regarding the functioning of these Gifts of the Spirit.
The question is asked, “What if I don’t speak in tongues? Can I receive the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues?” They answer, “It comes with the package!” (p. 64) “You don’t have to speak in tongues in order to be saved. You don’t have to speak in tongues in order to have the Holy Spirit in you. You don’t have to speak in tongues to have times of feeling filled with the Holy Spirit, but if you want the free and full outpouring that is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you must expect it to happen as in the Scripture, and to do what Peter, James, John, Paul, Mary, Mary Magdalen, Barnabas, and all the rest did!” (p. 65) This is a very good answer to non-believers and to believers questioning the issue of tongues and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The importance of the Gift of Tongues is discussed in the chapter on consecration in regards to the intellect. “The intellect comes into rest as it is yielded to God, and praying in tongues is one important means of letting the Holy Spirit renew and refresh our minds and souls.” (p. 185) I sought the Gift of Tongues and/or Prayer Language as I came to understand more and more about them. Gift of Tongues is for public use in church with Gift of Interpretation needed also in church while the Prayer Language does not necessarily require interpretation.
This Gift of Prayer Language was opened to me 5 minutes after it was opened to my best friend (& now wife) Peggy, and it was opened after I saw the use of Prayer Language in the rebuking of the spirit of death off Dr. Larry in ministering at a church in Excelsior Springs on Palm Sunday 2010. I was on a long fast and struggled to get my mind out of the way of my heart and spirit. I have greatly enjoyed this Prophetic Gift and its many uses. I did not see in this book where it speaks about Prayer Language (with the Holy Spirit) as turbo-charging the other Gifts of the Spirit along with blessing my interactions with others and even with animals. Many persons claimed that I had a Baptism in the Holy Spirit when this Gift opened up to me. However, I did not have any dramatic experience in the Lord like Pentecost was for the early church and disciples and did not really feel any different afterward. But, in order to have this Gift free flowing, then I needed to some serious deliverance work (in June 2010) because I had a demon trying to “pinch this Gift off of me”. Now, I am free, and it works and flows freely.
The beginning of the book spends an extensive amount of time and chapters in speaking about Baptism in the Spirit, what it is, how to get it, and more prior to a chapter on each of the 9 Gifts of the Spirit! The book also speaks about things that get in the way Baptism in the Spirit—like cults, the occult/New Age stuff, and things of the world not to mention demonic influences.
The end of the book then talks about the Excellent Way (“…balance and interplay between the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.” & centered in the Love of God—p. 176) along with consecration (of lives and material possessions) to the Lord along with use of the charts (Word of God) and the compass (not the Holy Spirit but our response to the Holy Spirit—p. 208) “So it is the Holy Spirit in you that makes you able to respond to God. It follows that your sensitivity will increase as you allow the Holy Spirit to inspire and move you more from within. This you do through praise and prayer, and closer personal fellowship with God and experience of Him. You sensitize your own instruments by using them.” (p. 208) I really liked this book, but I did take exception** to some of the things that they assumed in the writing of this book on the Holy Spirit and Gifts of the Spirit.
**From pp. 39-40….”Another powerful “cult”, often accepted as a true variety of Christianity, claims to be the only true “church,” that all others are false. It teaches that God the Father was, and is, a man, a being of “flesh and bone,” who became an almighty god.” It also teaches that men, if they will keep the teachings of the cult, can become “almighty gods,” and have their own planets to rule, which they will people with their “spirit children” that they have begotten by their many “spirit wives”! Rather obviously, one of the first requirements for full salvation in this cult is that you get married Jesus died on the cross, this group tells us, to bring all men to the point where they could save themselves by keeping the teachings of this particular cult. This group, like others, teaches that the Bible is not sufficient to show the way of salvation; it must be supplemented by other books and writings. In fact, the most important teachings of this cult are not drawn from the Bible at all, but from their special books—one of which was supposedly discovered written on “golden plates; and buried, and others written by “prophets” through the years. Many people are drawn to this cult because of a strong social welfare emphasis.”
We, in the RLDS/Community of Christ, have held to the “one true church” concept, but we do not any longer. We have never held to the Adam-God theory that we can become like God which, of course, also begs the question of who then created God if he had been a man. We also as a church were formed and been against polygamy along with the concept of temple sealing and celestial marriage which helped lead the bulk of the Restoration Movement into the apostasy of polygamy out west and an attempt to get out of the U.S.A. The Community of Christ also believes that Jesus is most important—died on the cross and rose again. We do not believe that you are only saved by following the teaching of the church. We do hold to the Book of Mormon, but the Book of Mormon is a Christ-centered and even a Pentecostal/Charismatic book long before there was such groups. It is interesting that there was a deliverance as one of the first miracles along with Gifts of the Spirit including tongues and interpretation in the early Restoration Movement and early Reorganization (R.L.D.S.).
Gifts of the Spirit Midterm
Randall Q. Lawrence
Gifts of the Spirit
Dr. Z.
Midterm: Faith
I was not sure if I wanted to do my paper on Gifts of Healings or Faith. I have a tremendous interest in John G. Lake, the tremendous Pentecostal pioneer who blazed a trail of healing from South Africa to Spokane and Portland and more. I also have a great interest in Smith Wigglesworth, another Pentecostal pioneer, nicknamed the “Apostle of Faith”. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me reveal which Gift to focus on in this paper. I opened my Bible to Acts 6:8 “And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.” [emphasis mine] That seemed to settle it in that I should do this paper on faith (in Jesus Christ) which is the foundation on which all the other Gifts of the Spirit rest and become magnified.
Two Scriptures stick out regarding faith: Hebrews 11:1 “Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” and Romans 4:17 (speaking of Abraham) “…and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Hebrews 11 lists Abraham and Sarah as great heroes of faith among others in the Bible. Smith Wigglesworth would answer his critics with “I am not moved by what I see or hear; I am moved by what I believe.”
Stephen was filled with faith (and trust in Jesus Christ) and power (endowment and baptism of the Holy Spirit) which was foundational for the doing of wonders (things not seen before) and miracles (substance of what the recipients of the miracles hoped for). Stephen, moved by what he believed, called forth those things that were not and established them.
Abraham walked in faith not only according to Romans 4 describing him as “strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:20) looking to the promises of God rather than the age and physical limitations (past child-bearing years) of his and Sarah’s bodies. (Romans 4:19) Abraham looked at the spiritual (promise) and walked by faith and relationship and covenant with God the Father. Abraham and Sarah left their family to be obedient to God, and God blessed them. They are listed as pillars or heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 which recounts the major persons of the Bible walking in faith and then blessed with miracles. Smith Wigglesworth, in the early 1900’s, challenged persons to “Only Believe!”, and the dead were raised, the sick were made well, persons were saved and delivered—similar miracles as Jesus and miracles and wonders like the great leaders in the Bible.
Hebrews 11:6 states, “But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]….”. Romans 4:22 states, “And therefore it [faith in promises of God] was imputed to him [Abraham] for righteousness. Faith is the foundation and magnification for all the Gifts of the Spirit. Faith in Jesus Christ and His resurrection and His authority positions us as being righteous through the Blood of Jesus and is the way to please God. We only need to believe!!!
Gifts of the Spirit
Dr. Z.
Midterm: Faith
I was not sure if I wanted to do my paper on Gifts of Healings or Faith. I have a tremendous interest in John G. Lake, the tremendous Pentecostal pioneer who blazed a trail of healing from South Africa to Spokane and Portland and more. I also have a great interest in Smith Wigglesworth, another Pentecostal pioneer, nicknamed the “Apostle of Faith”. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me reveal which Gift to focus on in this paper. I opened my Bible to Acts 6:8 “And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.” [emphasis mine] That seemed to settle it in that I should do this paper on faith (in Jesus Christ) which is the foundation on which all the other Gifts of the Spirit rest and become magnified.
Two Scriptures stick out regarding faith: Hebrews 11:1 “Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” and Romans 4:17 (speaking of Abraham) “…and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Hebrews 11 lists Abraham and Sarah as great heroes of faith among others in the Bible. Smith Wigglesworth would answer his critics with “I am not moved by what I see or hear; I am moved by what I believe.”
Stephen was filled with faith (and trust in Jesus Christ) and power (endowment and baptism of the Holy Spirit) which was foundational for the doing of wonders (things not seen before) and miracles (substance of what the recipients of the miracles hoped for). Stephen, moved by what he believed, called forth those things that were not and established them.
Abraham walked in faith not only according to Romans 4 describing him as “strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:20) looking to the promises of God rather than the age and physical limitations (past child-bearing years) of his and Sarah’s bodies. (Romans 4:19) Abraham looked at the spiritual (promise) and walked by faith and relationship and covenant with God the Father. Abraham and Sarah left their family to be obedient to God, and God blessed them. They are listed as pillars or heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 which recounts the major persons of the Bible walking in faith and then blessed with miracles. Smith Wigglesworth, in the early 1900’s, challenged persons to “Only Believe!”, and the dead were raised, the sick were made well, persons were saved and delivered—similar miracles as Jesus and miracles and wonders like the great leaders in the Bible.
Hebrews 11:6 states, “But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]….”. Romans 4:22 states, “And therefore it [faith in promises of God] was imputed to him [Abraham] for righteousness. Faith is the foundation and magnification for all the Gifts of the Spirit. Faith in Jesus Christ and His resurrection and His authority positions us as being righteous through the Blood of Jesus and is the way to please God. We only need to believe!!!
Dreams, Visions, Nightmares, and Meanings Book Report
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Dr. E
Book Report: Dreams Interpretations Guidelines: Christian Dream Symbols by Brenda McDonald
Dreams, Visions, Nightmares & Meanings
I really liked this little book. It matched what we learned in class about seeking the interpretation first and foremost through God and Holy Spirit. The author states, “I truly trust with all my heart, as we seek the Lord in these matters of supernatural encounters, whether it is His dreams, His parables in the night, or in our waking experiences with Him, He will show us ‘His way,’ to receive godly inspiration and direction from the Holy Spirit.” (p. 19)
The ultimate source of dreams and their interpretation is God as we have learned in class though Christian brothers and sisters can be used in confirmation and increased understanding of dreams and their meanings.
Brenda McDonald also supported the fact that dreams even with others are generally with a message for us at the time. This also matched what we learned in class. It was interesting to have the author point out possible meanings of differences in perspective: if observing, then it (the dream) may be for someone else vs. if participating in the dream, then it (the dream) is probably for us (pp. 76-81). This was an interesting characteristic and possible insight into whether the dream is for us personally or for someone else.
The author also emphasized the difference between dreams from God that match up with the Word of God/Scriptures and can be life-transforming and edifying vs. dreams “from the dark side”—nightmares used by the enemy to try to undermine our walk with the Lord. She goes into the characteristics of each. This is something else that we discussed in class—disposing and casting down nightmares, temptations, and attacks from the devil (2 Cor. 10:5) while “digging” into, seeking the interpretation, carefully looking at Scriptures, praying, and asking with dreams from God (Job 33:14-16, 29).
Overall, I thought this book was a sound introduction to dreams, discernment between godly/good dreams and not so good dreams, principles of dream interpretation, and a little glossary of meanings and symbols. [My only criticism is I thought it could have been organized a little clearer with chapters and page #’s with table of contents and needed a proof-reader; otherwise, it matched well with class.]
Faith Bible College
Dr. E
Book Report: Dreams Interpretations Guidelines: Christian Dream Symbols by Brenda McDonald
Dreams, Visions, Nightmares & Meanings
I really liked this little book. It matched what we learned in class about seeking the interpretation first and foremost through God and Holy Spirit. The author states, “I truly trust with all my heart, as we seek the Lord in these matters of supernatural encounters, whether it is His dreams, His parables in the night, or in our waking experiences with Him, He will show us ‘His way,’ to receive godly inspiration and direction from the Holy Spirit.” (p. 19)
The ultimate source of dreams and their interpretation is God as we have learned in class though Christian brothers and sisters can be used in confirmation and increased understanding of dreams and their meanings.
Brenda McDonald also supported the fact that dreams even with others are generally with a message for us at the time. This also matched what we learned in class. It was interesting to have the author point out possible meanings of differences in perspective: if observing, then it (the dream) may be for someone else vs. if participating in the dream, then it (the dream) is probably for us (pp. 76-81). This was an interesting characteristic and possible insight into whether the dream is for us personally or for someone else.
The author also emphasized the difference between dreams from God that match up with the Word of God/Scriptures and can be life-transforming and edifying vs. dreams “from the dark side”—nightmares used by the enemy to try to undermine our walk with the Lord. She goes into the characteristics of each. This is something else that we discussed in class—disposing and casting down nightmares, temptations, and attacks from the devil (2 Cor. 10:5) while “digging” into, seeking the interpretation, carefully looking at Scriptures, praying, and asking with dreams from God (Job 33:14-16, 29).
Overall, I thought this book was a sound introduction to dreams, discernment between godly/good dreams and not so good dreams, principles of dream interpretation, and a little glossary of meanings and symbols. [My only criticism is I thought it could have been organized a little clearer with chapters and page #’s with table of contents and needed a proof-reader; otherwise, it matched well with class.]
References to "Holy Spirit/Ghost" in Acts
References to "Holy Spirit/Ghost" in Acts
Ch. "Spirit" Ch. "Spirit"
1: 2, 5, 8, 16 ....... 15: 8, 28
2: 4, 17, 18, 33.......16: 6
3: ______..............17: ____
4: 8, 31...............18:____
5: 3, 9, 32............19: 2, 6
6: 3, 5................20: 23, 28
7: 51, 55..............21: 4, 11
8: 15, 18, 19, 29,39...22: ____
9: 17,31...............23: ____
10: 19, 38, 44, 47.....24: ____
11: 12, 15, 24, 28.....25: ____
12: ____...............26: ____
13: 2, 4, 9, 52........27: ____
14: ____...............28: 25
Ch. "Spirit" Ch. "Spirit"
1: 2, 5, 8, 16 ....... 15: 8, 28
2: 4, 17, 18, 33.......16: 6
3: ______..............17: ____
4: 8, 31...............18:____
5: 3, 9, 32............19: 2, 6
6: 3, 5................20: 23, 28
7: 51, 55..............21: 4, 11
8: 15, 18, 19, 29,39...22: ____
9: 17,31...............23: ____
10: 19, 38, 44, 47.....24: ____
11: 12, 15, 24, 28.....25: ____
12: ____...............26: ____
13: 2, 4, 9, 52........27: ____
14: ____...............28: 25
Book of Acts,
Faith Bible College (FBC),
Holy Spirit
Bible Prophecy I Final
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Sis. B
Bible Prophecy I Final: Abrahamic & New Covenant & meanings
Galatians 3:29 states, “And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” This above verse connects the New Covenant of Christ with the promise and covenant of Abraham (found in Genesis 12 & 15 respectively). The promise of Abraham is found in Genesis 12:1-3 “….Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house To a land that I will show you….And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
I can relate to the above—not that I am saying that I have a calling like Abraham to be a “father to multitudes” (meaning of Abraham) and in him and through his line (line to Jesus Christ) then all the people and world will be blessed. I felt the Spirit of God calling me out to Missouri in 1996 when I first visited this area. I resisted this call for 11 years until 2007 when all the doors closed in Ohio and the only open door was in moving to Missouri. I left my family in Ohio, but I have now established a new family here in Missouri with my wife Peggy (7-16-2010), with her children Jon & Anna, and with many friends and church family in the area and in many other areas around the country. The Holy Spirit working in our lives allows us to become a blessing to ourselves, our families, our churches, and our communities.
Jesus promised in John 8:39, “…If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.” Abraham walked in tremendous faith with his covenant with God and with the promises of God as a prophetic founding patriarch of God. Jesus connected His New Covenant with His followers to being “children of Abraham”—children of promise and covenant as faithful and Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus. There is 36 references to Abraham in the 4 Gospels and like 40 more references in the rest of the New Testament besides all the O.T. references. When Scripture connects things and repeats things like connections and relationships (like about 250 total references) then this is something which we need to pay attention to in our walk with Jesus and Holy Spirit. The New Covenant of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross was hidden, hinted at, pointed to, inside “types and shadows” in the Old Covenant—for example Isaiah 53 “The Suffering Servant” and Psalm of David # 22. This covenant and my walk and calling of Jesus in my life mean everything to me, to my family. An important understanding of this is found in the relationship of Abraham to God and others, God’s Covenant with Abraham, God’s Promises with Abraham, and the example of Abraham. Father Abraham is important for so much more than just in being an ancestor of Jesus. The near sacrifice of Isaac, the fulfillment of the long awaited promise to Abraham & Sarah, in of itself, points so precisely to the sacrifice/crucifixion of Jesus Christ (“His Only Begotten” in John 3:16) by God the Father. I now have a greater appreciation to my Lord and Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ along with a spiritual “father” and example in Abraham. We are called as “children of Abraham” and ambassadors/brothers/friends of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!!!!
Faith Bible College
Sis. B
Bible Prophecy I Final: Abrahamic & New Covenant & meanings
Galatians 3:29 states, “And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” This above verse connects the New Covenant of Christ with the promise and covenant of Abraham (found in Genesis 12 & 15 respectively). The promise of Abraham is found in Genesis 12:1-3 “….Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house To a land that I will show you….And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
I can relate to the above—not that I am saying that I have a calling like Abraham to be a “father to multitudes” (meaning of Abraham) and in him and through his line (line to Jesus Christ) then all the people and world will be blessed. I felt the Spirit of God calling me out to Missouri in 1996 when I first visited this area. I resisted this call for 11 years until 2007 when all the doors closed in Ohio and the only open door was in moving to Missouri. I left my family in Ohio, but I have now established a new family here in Missouri with my wife Peggy (7-16-2010), with her children Jon & Anna, and with many friends and church family in the area and in many other areas around the country. The Holy Spirit working in our lives allows us to become a blessing to ourselves, our families, our churches, and our communities.
Jesus promised in John 8:39, “…If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.” Abraham walked in tremendous faith with his covenant with God and with the promises of God as a prophetic founding patriarch of God. Jesus connected His New Covenant with His followers to being “children of Abraham”—children of promise and covenant as faithful and Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus. There is 36 references to Abraham in the 4 Gospels and like 40 more references in the rest of the New Testament besides all the O.T. references. When Scripture connects things and repeats things like connections and relationships (like about 250 total references) then this is something which we need to pay attention to in our walk with Jesus and Holy Spirit. The New Covenant of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross was hidden, hinted at, pointed to, inside “types and shadows” in the Old Covenant—for example Isaiah 53 “The Suffering Servant” and Psalm of David # 22. This covenant and my walk and calling of Jesus in my life mean everything to me, to my family. An important understanding of this is found in the relationship of Abraham to God and others, God’s Covenant with Abraham, God’s Promises with Abraham, and the example of Abraham. Father Abraham is important for so much more than just in being an ancestor of Jesus. The near sacrifice of Isaac, the fulfillment of the long awaited promise to Abraham & Sarah, in of itself, points so precisely to the sacrifice/crucifixion of Jesus Christ (“His Only Begotten” in John 3:16) by God the Father. I now have a greater appreciation to my Lord and Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ along with a spiritual “father” and example in Abraham. We are called as “children of Abraham” and ambassadors/brothers/friends of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!!!!
Bible Prophecy I Midterm
Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Sis. B
Midterm: Daniel & his prophetic significance, his prophetic dreams, the 4 Beasts, Ancient of Days, Son of Man
The Book of Daniel has a tremendous significance as the Old Testament’s Apocalyptic (End Times) book. It is also significant in showing the real and true power of the Lord God of Israel. The Jewish nation, despite repeated warnings from prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah, is conquered and taken into exile. To the world, it would appear as if Babylon and their gods/idols were more powerful than the God of the Jews. The Book of Daniel shows young men (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah) who despite this national crisis stand true and strong in their faith and covenants with the Lord God of Israel.
]The prophetic significance of Daniel is shown in the miracle-working power of God in the fiery furnace, in the lion’s den, and in the dream interpretations of Nebuchadnezzar among others. Nebuchadnezzar is humbled and then acknowledges the God “Most High” & “King of Heaven” three times—dream given and interpreted, 3 (4) in the fiery furnace, losing and regaining his mind. (Daniel 2:46-47; 3:26, 28-29; 4:34-37)
]Disrespect for the sacred things is illustrated in Daniel chapter 5. King Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar, throws a feast with all his lords, wives, and concubines—a feast for their gods—idols of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood. He calls for the sacred objects taken from the Temple of Solomon in Judah—gold & silver vessels dedicated to God. Belshazzar and his guests profane or desecrate the sacred in this act of disrespect. A hand appears that writes on the wall. Daniel is called to interpret and gives prophetic warning about the arrogance of Belshazzar and his guests—numbered, measured, found wanting, and soon to lose his kingdom to the Medes and Persians. (Dan. 5:25-28)
]During the reign of Belshazzar, Daniel had his dream of the 4 Beasts: first, lion with eagle wings; second, lopsided bear with 3 ribs in its mouth; three, leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads; four, beast “dreadful and terrible” (7:7) with iron teeth and ten horns. 3 horns of the 4th beast were uprooted with another horn with eyes and a mouth speaking arrogant words. (Dan. 7:1-8) Daniel’s dream then continued with a view of the “Ancient of Days” seated on the throne with 100 million surrounding the throne (7:9-10) then the judgment on the 4th beast and little horn and the other 3 beasts (7:11-12), then the “Son of Man” coming to the throne of the “Ancient of Days” and being given an everlasting Kingdom. (7:13-14)
The interpretation of the dream of Daniel is given in the second half of the chapter—Daniel 7:15-28. These 4 Beasts are representative of 4 world-dominating kingdoms. 1st, the lion with eagle wings matches with the head of gold in the “colossus” dream of Nebuchadnezzar (2:32, 38) which represents the kingdom of Babylon. 2nd, the lopsided bear chewing on three ribs matches with the chest and arms of silver (2:32, 39) of the colossus and represents the Medes and Persians with the Persians superseding the Medes. Its size represents the size of the armies available with the ribs possibly representing the major kingdoms conquered—Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. 3rd, the leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads matches with the belly and thighs of bronze of the colossus of Nebuchadnezzar and represented the coming of the Grecian Kingdom under Alexander the Great with the division of this kingdom into 4 under Alexander’s generals. (see also vision of ram & he-goat in Daniel 8). 4th, this great and terrible beast with iron claws and dominating the previous kingdoms would match the legs of iron and feet of iron/clay (Dan. 2:33, 40-43) representing the coming of the Roman Empire along with its division into Eastern and Western (2 legs) empires.
It is good to compare Daniel 2 (Nebuchadnezzar’s dream “Colossus” and interpretation) with the dream and interpretation of Daniel 7(“4 Beasts”). The arrogant sounding horn coming out of the Roman Empire might have pointed to the emperor Nero as a type and shadow for the coming antichrist (persecutor of Christians in Rome and Roman Empire). The horn coming out of the he goat in Daniel 7 would represent Antiochus IV Epiphanes who desecrated the 2nd Temple (“abomination of desolation”) and forbid the daily sacrifice and tried to exterminate the Jews. Antiochus Epiphanes represents another type and shadow for the antichrist (persecutor of Jews in the Grecian/Hellenistic/Seleucid empire). Hitler, dominating Germany/Austria (Holy Roman Empire) & dictating to Mussolini in Italy (Roman Empire) & conquering France (part of Roman empire and Holy Roman Empire) also became another type and shadow of the antichrist (persecutor and exterminator of Jews during World War II).
Rising out of the fourth kingdom (iron legs and feet, fourth great & terrible beast) of the Roman Empire comes the 5th Kingdom—“kingdom which shall never be destroyed” and “stone cut out of the mountain without hands” (Dan. 2:44-45). Peter speaks about Jesus as a “…chief corner stone, elect, precious…” (1 Pet. 2:6) Jesus speaks about Himself as the “stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner” (Mark 12:10, quoting Ps. 118:22). Dan. 7 speaks of “One like the Son of Man” coming to the Ancient of Days and being “given dominion and glory and a kingdom….one which shall not be destroyed.” (Dan. 7:13-14, 2:44) This reference to “Son of Man” (a favorite term of Jesus) is the first reference to this term in relation to the Messiah or Christ. “Son of Man” as a phrase is found 80-90 times in the 4 Gospels in the King James Version with the following breakdown per Gospel: Matthew (33), Mark (16), Luke (29), John (12).
It is almost impossible to read Daniel especially chapter 7 without looking then at the parallels of this O.T. Apocalyptic book with the New Testament Apocalypse—Book of Revelation. The imagery is nearly identical or is exactly identical between Daniel and Revelation. The “Ancient of Days” (God the Father) was described with “His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool.” (Dan. 7:9) The “Son of Man” (Jesus Christ) in Revelation is described that “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow…” (Rev. 1:14) Jesus told Philip that “…he that hath seen me hath seen the Father…” (John 14:9). “A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him [Ancient of Days]..” (Daniel 7:10) exactly matches the number around Jesus [Lamb] in Revelation 5:11—“…and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,….”. Daniel has “…And the books were opened.” (7:10) with Revelation having “…and books were opened.” (Rev. 20:12) We can contrast (a little) the parallels with the pompous horn and beast being “slain…and given to the burning flame” (Dan. 7:11) vs. being “cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” (Rev. 19:20) More parallels between Daniel and Revelation include “all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.” (Dan. 7:14) along with “Out of every tribe and tongue [language] and people and nation…” (Rev. 5:9) Just like Daniel 7 builds on Daniel 2 so the book of Revelation builds on the book of Daniel.
Faith Bible College
Sis. B
Midterm: Daniel & his prophetic significance, his prophetic dreams, the 4 Beasts, Ancient of Days, Son of Man
The Book of Daniel has a tremendous significance as the Old Testament’s Apocalyptic (End Times) book. It is also significant in showing the real and true power of the Lord God of Israel. The Jewish nation, despite repeated warnings from prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah, is conquered and taken into exile. To the world, it would appear as if Babylon and their gods/idols were more powerful than the God of the Jews. The Book of Daniel shows young men (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah) who despite this national crisis stand true and strong in their faith and covenants with the Lord God of Israel.
]The prophetic significance of Daniel is shown in the miracle-working power of God in the fiery furnace, in the lion’s den, and in the dream interpretations of Nebuchadnezzar among others. Nebuchadnezzar is humbled and then acknowledges the God “Most High” & “King of Heaven” three times—dream given and interpreted, 3 (4) in the fiery furnace, losing and regaining his mind. (Daniel 2:46-47; 3:26, 28-29; 4:34-37)
]Disrespect for the sacred things is illustrated in Daniel chapter 5. King Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar, throws a feast with all his lords, wives, and concubines—a feast for their gods—idols of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood. He calls for the sacred objects taken from the Temple of Solomon in Judah—gold & silver vessels dedicated to God. Belshazzar and his guests profane or desecrate the sacred in this act of disrespect. A hand appears that writes on the wall. Daniel is called to interpret and gives prophetic warning about the arrogance of Belshazzar and his guests—numbered, measured, found wanting, and soon to lose his kingdom to the Medes and Persians. (Dan. 5:25-28)
]During the reign of Belshazzar, Daniel had his dream of the 4 Beasts: first, lion with eagle wings; second, lopsided bear with 3 ribs in its mouth; three, leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads; four, beast “dreadful and terrible” (7:7) with iron teeth and ten horns. 3 horns of the 4th beast were uprooted with another horn with eyes and a mouth speaking arrogant words. (Dan. 7:1-8) Daniel’s dream then continued with a view of the “Ancient of Days” seated on the throne with 100 million surrounding the throne (7:9-10) then the judgment on the 4th beast and little horn and the other 3 beasts (7:11-12), then the “Son of Man” coming to the throne of the “Ancient of Days” and being given an everlasting Kingdom. (7:13-14)
The interpretation of the dream of Daniel is given in the second half of the chapter—Daniel 7:15-28. These 4 Beasts are representative of 4 world-dominating kingdoms. 1st, the lion with eagle wings matches with the head of gold in the “colossus” dream of Nebuchadnezzar (2:32, 38) which represents the kingdom of Babylon. 2nd, the lopsided bear chewing on three ribs matches with the chest and arms of silver (2:32, 39) of the colossus and represents the Medes and Persians with the Persians superseding the Medes. Its size represents the size of the armies available with the ribs possibly representing the major kingdoms conquered—Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. 3rd, the leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads matches with the belly and thighs of bronze of the colossus of Nebuchadnezzar and represented the coming of the Grecian Kingdom under Alexander the Great with the division of this kingdom into 4 under Alexander’s generals. (see also vision of ram & he-goat in Daniel 8). 4th, this great and terrible beast with iron claws and dominating the previous kingdoms would match the legs of iron and feet of iron/clay (Dan. 2:33, 40-43) representing the coming of the Roman Empire along with its division into Eastern and Western (2 legs) empires.
It is good to compare Daniel 2 (Nebuchadnezzar’s dream “Colossus” and interpretation) with the dream and interpretation of Daniel 7(“4 Beasts”). The arrogant sounding horn coming out of the Roman Empire might have pointed to the emperor Nero as a type and shadow for the coming antichrist (persecutor of Christians in Rome and Roman Empire). The horn coming out of the he goat in Daniel 7 would represent Antiochus IV Epiphanes who desecrated the 2nd Temple (“abomination of desolation”) and forbid the daily sacrifice and tried to exterminate the Jews. Antiochus Epiphanes represents another type and shadow for the antichrist (persecutor of Jews in the Grecian/Hellenistic/Seleucid empire). Hitler, dominating Germany/Austria (Holy Roman Empire) & dictating to Mussolini in Italy (Roman Empire) & conquering France (part of Roman empire and Holy Roman Empire) also became another type and shadow of the antichrist (persecutor and exterminator of Jews during World War II).
Rising out of the fourth kingdom (iron legs and feet, fourth great & terrible beast) of the Roman Empire comes the 5th Kingdom—“kingdom which shall never be destroyed” and “stone cut out of the mountain without hands” (Dan. 2:44-45). Peter speaks about Jesus as a “…chief corner stone, elect, precious…” (1 Pet. 2:6) Jesus speaks about Himself as the “stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner” (Mark 12:10, quoting Ps. 118:22). Dan. 7 speaks of “One like the Son of Man” coming to the Ancient of Days and being “given dominion and glory and a kingdom….one which shall not be destroyed.” (Dan. 7:13-14, 2:44) This reference to “Son of Man” (a favorite term of Jesus) is the first reference to this term in relation to the Messiah or Christ. “Son of Man” as a phrase is found 80-90 times in the 4 Gospels in the King James Version with the following breakdown per Gospel: Matthew (33), Mark (16), Luke (29), John (12).
It is almost impossible to read Daniel especially chapter 7 without looking then at the parallels of this O.T. Apocalyptic book with the New Testament Apocalypse—Book of Revelation. The imagery is nearly identical or is exactly identical between Daniel and Revelation. The “Ancient of Days” (God the Father) was described with “His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool.” (Dan. 7:9) The “Son of Man” (Jesus Christ) in Revelation is described that “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow…” (Rev. 1:14) Jesus told Philip that “…he that hath seen me hath seen the Father…” (John 14:9). “A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him [Ancient of Days]..” (Daniel 7:10) exactly matches the number around Jesus [Lamb] in Revelation 5:11—“…and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,….”. Daniel has “…And the books were opened.” (7:10) with Revelation having “…and books were opened.” (Rev. 20:12) We can contrast (a little) the parallels with the pompous horn and beast being “slain…and given to the burning flame” (Dan. 7:11) vs. being “cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” (Rev. 19:20) More parallels between Daniel and Revelation include “all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.” (Dan. 7:14) along with “Out of every tribe and tongue [language] and people and nation…” (Rev. 5:9) Just like Daniel 7 builds on Daniel 2 so the book of Revelation builds on the book of Daniel.
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