
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Revelation Current Endtime Events Book Report

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Revelation Current Endtime Events
Dr. E.
12/7 or 14/2010

Finals Assignment: Book Report—Journal of the Unknown Prophet (Legacy to a renegade generation) by Wendy Alec

This prophetic book by Wendy Alec was published in 2002. I read it awhile back, but I know that it deals with the end-times so I decided to read it again. It is composed of 7 volumes: One-Mercy, Two-The Endtime Ministry, Three-The Church of the Last Age, Four-Judgement (Note: Wendy Alec is English so thus the different spelling), Five-Babylon, Six-The Father, Seven-Last Day’s Assignments Against the Elect. Volume 6 on “The Father” really spoke to me a number of years ago, but the whole book spoke to me in a deeper and more understandable way now. I will attempt to deal with each volume to a certain extent then I will deal with my overall impression of the book.

Like John accompanied by an angel for Revelation, the author is accompanied by Jesus Christ while shown these various prophetic visions and having these various prophetic/Spirit-ual encounters. The first volume (section) on mercy is almost like the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and new set of beatitudes with chapters focused on everything from “those passed over” to “those on the point of giving up” (other chapters include “…wronged”, weary, “ensnared in sin”, “….desperate”, “…in…grief”, “abandoned”, depressed, “betrayed”, “…misjudged”, “friends”, “….forsaken”, “bound in a homosexual lifestyle). These chapters include “the desert place” and “run to Me” and “My healing touch”. One quote that matches well with Dr. Nick’s messages on seeking the Healer and not the healing is this one:

“For you see, beloved, you do not need faith in miracles, you need faith in the One who works the miracles. You see, beloved, you do not need faith in healing, you need faith in the One who heals. You need faith in the One who spoke the Word—in the One who IS the Word made flesh.” (p. 53)

Volume 2 focuses on Endtime Ministry especially the 5-fold ministry of Evangelists, Teachers, Pastors, Prophets, Apostles (Ephesians 4:11). It also includes “Intercessors”, “Pastors/Elders/Home Cell Leaders-Great Joining”, and “Stadium Evangelism”. This section describes it as the “last great call to fight in the Epic Battle of the Ages” (p. 75) The chapters challenge those with these callings to a deeper commitment, a deeper relationship with Jesus, the Spirit, and Abba Father, and a greater anointing than ever before. Let me share an interesting comment—“And My intercessors shall join with My prophets and become a mighty and fearsome army.” (p. 102) When it speaks about the stadium evangelism, “But surely I tell you that in the last great outpouring, the stadiums that you see shall be crammed from one city to the next… advertising will be needed…stadiums shall be crammed to overflowing in every city across every nation.” (p. 107)

Volume 3 deals with the church of the last age. It has sections on preparing for a time of suffering, the prerequisites to healings, miracles, and power, and the harvest. It also has special chapters on certain end-time nations: China, Arab nations, Germany, and Israel (“Intro”, “My Beloved-the Father Speaks”, “Betrayal by Her Allies”). This is how it begins: “For up until now, it has been an easy thing to walk in the West as a follower of Mine….How I weep for you, My beloved Church, for I tell you, there is none, not one, who is truly equipped for the day that will come upon you.” (p. 119) Over and over, ministers and teachers and more are implored to teach and prepare for what is coming for “…all that is temporal shall in a day perish.” (p. 121)

“And then My glorious Church shall rise. Oh yes THEN shall My glorious Church rise. For surely I came for a Church more glorious than My first Church. I came for a Church where each man and woman and son and daughter laid their life down for the proclamation of My Gospel. Where the cost is counted and embraced that My name might be glorified, that all may be one, that to suffer for My sake is the pearl of great price, that My Gospel may be preached to all nations. That is My glorious Church. That is My spotless Bride, that shall rise at the end of the age.” (p. 122)

The prerequisite for healings, miracles, and power in the end times will be to seek Jesus and Him alone, seek His presence and not His miracles, seek Him in worship. On these that He can trust then He will pour out His Spirit in abundance. For the end-time harvest, this book calls for greater degree of holiness, separation, and consecration. It speaks of the earth being “…covered with My glory and the glory of My Gospel…” (p. 129).

The book goes on to speak about endtime nations—China, Arab nations, Germany, and Israel. Prophecy is given of a very short season for a mighty move of God in China even with the government, but then the worst kind of persecution will rise up in response. The book gives prophecy about visitations of Jesus and His Church arising in a powerful way among Arab nations especially with Egypt which protected Jesus as a baby (Matthew 2:13-15). The book has 3 chapters on the role of Israel with the warning—“For truly I tell you that to disregard the cause of Israel and her people is to disregard the cause of the Most Holy Father Himself”. (p. 147) It goes on to describe how they will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and Lord and Savior—“Him that thou pierced” (p. 151,??) Germany will have a divine mandate to stand by Israel—satan twisted this calling into the Holocaust of the Jews by Nazi Germany. It finishes by speaking how Israel will be betrayed by her allies. (Note: The United States of America is conspicuously absent from this list of end-time nations.)

Volume 4 is focused on “Judgement” (English spelling)—“My Father’s House-A Place of Whoredoms”, “…Against Shepherds”, “….Leaders”, “Those with Crooked Tongues”, “The Word-An Idol in Men’s Hearts”, “…Those Who Serve Mammon”, and “The Spirit of Treachery”. It is a warning to focus on the Jesus and ministering to the people rather than on money-making, power, a building. It is about the accountability of ministers, leaders, and congregations in the Western church. The shepherds and their hearts will be weighed and judged—are you truly feeding and tending the sheep with right intent?!? There is a challenge to the generals (church leaders), challenge to watch your speech (criticism, gossip, backbiting), warning about the Bible having become an idol-“…embraced the Book of the Lord and have neglected the Lord of the Book.” (p. 183) There is also warning about pride, building and neglecting the poor and missionaries, and being too worldly. The final “judgement” is on treachery and betrayal—brother vs. brother, minister vs. minister, and considering status above the mission of the church—to the meek, lowly, humble, poor, etc.—betrayal of message of Christ.

Volume 5 focuses on “Babylon”—“…disobedient sons of men in this renegade generation” (p. 199)—Media, Politicians, World’s Trading Systems, False Secular Church. After the “judgements” (on the above) then there is an appeal from Jesus to the politicians, lawyers, media moguls, business executives, and all who have forgotten. The Media is castigated as having become “propagators of death and of violence, of destruction, of moral decay, and of every evil known to mankind” (p. 206) and feeding persons rebellion, lawlessness, and blasphemy. Politicians and leaders are judged on blood of fetuses crying out (abortions) and removing of faith in God and prayer from schools. It speaks that “…the trading systems of the great nations shall, even in a matter of a forty-eight-hour period, collapse.” (p. 213). There is judgment on a False Secular Church that has focused on power and influence and trades in substance, arms, violence, murder, extortion, and innocent lives. There is a final appeal and longing of Jesus to the world leaders in “Babylon”—world system.

Volume 6 is my personal favorite “The Father”—“Beyond the Veil”, “The Son’s Yearning for the Father Revealed”, “The Voice of the Father”, “The Vision”, and “Journey into Heaven”. The vision starts with the author walking beside Jesus in Heaven on the way to the Father. The connection and love between Father and Son are shown in the focus and Love of Jesus for His Abba Father. The throne room of Heaven is described as immense with millions if not billions of personages/angels—“so great a cloud of witnesses…” (Hebrews 12:1) The author describes herself as not particularly worthy, dirty, mired in sin, battered and bruised in the battle. The Almighty Father is very much like the Father in the Prodigal Son story (Luke 15) with a focus and incredible, infinite, “beyond words” Love and then embrace for the author in the midst of Heaven and the Almighty’s Throne Room and in the midst of “the witnesses”—

“…I felt him lift me and draw me to Himself and my face was buried in His embrace and it seemed like I was drowning in His all-consuming love for me. And He held—it felt like for all eternity—and again He whispered my name and I felt His tears fall onto my hands and onto my hair.

And still I clung to Him. And still He held me. And Heaven waited…” (pp. 249-250)

This section brings tears to my eyes with how it demonstrates the All-encompassing Love of the Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, and His love for His children.

Volume 7, the final section, covers the “Last Days Assignments Against the Elect”—“Unleashing of the Endtime Seducing Spirits”, “The Falling Away”, “Pride and Self-Righteousness”, “Discouragement and Strong Delusion”, “Seduction, Lust, & Jezebel”. Jesus speaks with the author as the veil is taken away to show satan’s strategy of using his evil and dark principalities and powers to target the “champions of God and Jesus”. This is lucifer’s end-time strategy—outpouring of evil and darkness directed at the “champions of God and Christ” in 3 parts: first, lust of flesh and lust of eyes—area of morality—seduce My children away from the Father; two, pride—of life, pride & self-righteousness—stronghold of Jezebel; three, discouragementstrong delusion and The Great Blinding (p. 262). (This matches with what Dr. Nick shared about a pastor’s conference with secret sin of “pornography” for both male and female pastors.) Jesus warns about the danger of activity over intimate fellowship and relationship. When the author asks about overcoming, then Jesus speaks about repentance and maintaining first love for Me (p. 279, Revelation 2:4), keeping yourself from idols and fervent in the Spirit, and finally the cross—“..take up the cross daily and die to everything in their souls and their minds which opposes My truth….continual daily crucifying of their flesh…” (pp. 279-280)—

“…when you feel that hell is sucking you in—it is then that you must cry out to Me. Cry out to My Father. Cry out Our Name, and in that very second, We will come to you and rescue you. We will draw you in and protect you from every wile of the evil one [‘evil one’ not capitalized by me]…” (pp. 280-281)

(Note: The book finishes with index of Scripture references. I counted 62.)

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