
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rejection II Midterm: Leprosy and Cancer

Randall Q. Lawrence
Rejection & Its Roots II
Dr. Z.

Midterm: Leprosy & Cancer

I did a thorough search of all the Biblical references to leprosy. The earliest reference to leprosy is Exodus 4:6 with it as a sign of the power of God to be used by Moses with Pharaoh. The guidelines of the Mosaic Law for leprosy (other skin diseases, black mold?) are found in Leviticus 13 & 14. Stories or more guidelines are found in Lev. 22:4, Num. 5:2, 12:10, Deut. 24:8 plus 2 Sam. 3:29, 2 Kings 5 with story of Naaman, and 2 Kings 7:8.

New Testament references consist of 10 references found in Matthew (8:2-3, 10:8, 11:5, 26:6), Mark (1:40-42, 14:3), and Luke (4:27, 5:12-13, 7:22, 17:12-19)—some parallels and repetitions between these 3 Gospels. With prayer and continued research (not to mention the ending of fast), it quickly became apparent with the tremendous help of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ distinguished between healing of disease or injury and cleansing of lepers, leprosy.

A leper cried out to Jesus “If You will, make me clean….” (Matt. 8:2, Mark 1:40, Luke 5:12). Jesus willed it and then instructed him to follow the Levitical (Law of Moses) Guidelines. In addition, Jesus stayed in the house of Simon the Leper (Matt. 26:6, Mark 14:3) which points to the importance of our house being dedicated to the use of Christ Jesus. Jesus also spoke of the cleansing of Naaman (Luke 4:27) and cleansed a good Samaritan leper (Luke 17:12-19)—true good Samaritan story (not just a parable, story) about 1/10 cleansed leper—only one that sought the Cleanser and not just the cleansing. Jesus instructed the 12 Apostles to “cleanse the lepers” (Matt. 10:8) and pointed the disciples of John to evidence of His Messiah-ship and Christ-ship in the “cleansing of the lepers” (Matthew 11:5, Luke 7:22)

Central Biblical themes revolve around obedience (Naaman, Moses, 4 lepers, leper in Gospels), disobedience (Miriam & Aaron, Uzziah, Gehazi, Joab, Mark’s healed leper), gratitude (Samaritan leper/’foreigner’, Simon?), hospitality (Simon the leper), treatment involved cleansing, #7 (7 days, 7x2=14 days, sprinkling house 7x, Naaman dipping himself 7x in Jordan river), treatment involved sacrifice and showing oneself to priest, treatment/diagnosis focused on body (physical), clothes (Lev. 13:47-59), and houses (Lev. 14:33-53).

A couple of things warrant further exploration: (1) use of “cleansing” term in place of “healing” for cancer, (2) opening of revelation from Abba Father and the Holy Ghost through fasting, (3) also the examination of cleansing of body (physical, spiritual genealogy), clothes (emotions, countenance, mind, personal objects), home (family, friends, associations) which matched the Levitical Guidelines for leprosy in inner cleansing from cancer and from addictions.

[On a end note or tangent, this Gospel leper cleansing story (Matt. 8, Mark 1, Luke 5) runs counter to praying “If it be Your Will….” over the sick or injured. One cannot name a time when it was or is not the will of Jesus].

1 comment:

  1. We (Peggy and I) both felt the Spirit touch us when Dr. Nick spoke about asking the Holy Spirit how to be more effective in the treatment of cancer. He was told to look at leprosy in the Bible. We both felt the Spirit on this when he shared it. I then did research in the Old and New Testament on leprosy. I was given the revelation after the 40 day fast in connection with the Restoration JCRB that CCM endorsed. The revelation that I received and that the Scriptures back up is that Jesus did not "heal" lepers, but that all the Scriptures in the Gospels speak of Jesus "cleansing lepers".
