
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tabernacle of David Assignment 1

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Tabernacle of David
Elder L.

Tabernacle of David assignment 1: What is it?

First, I would understand that this relates to King David of Judah/Israel who followed after King Saul who courted God’s disfavor. Most understand that David’s son, King Solomon, a man of peace, as opposed to King David, a man of war, built the Temple dedicated to the Lord, and the Lord God of Israel’s Presence (Shekhinah Glory) then enveloped the whole Temple like a cloud—very much like Moses on the mountain getting the Law and leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

Tabernacle would seem to indicate a connection with Moses and the Tabernacle of Moses (really God) that was portable and went with the Israelites everywhere they went. Tabernacle of David would seem to indicate that David restored something very much like the Tabernacle of Moses—portable, though it did not move because the Israelites mostly controlled Judea and Palestine thanks to the exploits of David and his mighty men.

Tabernacle of David would seem to indicate that King David played a role in honoring God through worship, prayer, and in seeking His will. We know that David got his start as a shepherd boy composing psalms to God and playing them in the wilderness. It would seem that there is a connection between music to God and seeking intimacy with God (David was a “man after God’s own heart”) that then can manifest courage in the face of battle whether lions, bears, or the giant Goliath. Music and prayer/intercession seem central to spiritual warfare.

I know that David set up worship leaders, music leaders for 24/7/365 worship, praising God and honoring God. David in his psalms and life was also prophetic for Jesus so I would expect the Tabernacle of David to foreshadow and point to the ministry of Christ and His Bride/Kingdom.

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