
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Powerpoint presentation of Latter Days Dream Part 1

First slide: "Latter Days Dream"--Peggy J.; Interpretation help--Randall Lawrence and others

Slide 2--Disclaimer:
This dream and its interpretation is based solely on the opinions and confirmations of Randall Lawrence, Peggy J., and others.

It is seen as a warning in our opinion, but it does not represent any official position or interpretation of the Community of Christ or any other Restoration movement group.

Slide 3: Series of 4 storms-in-one: (1) Spiral (2) Octagon (3) Square (4) Triangle

Slide 4: Setting--friends sitting together

Friends-Peggy, Randall, and Dan are sitting in front of Peace Plaza looking toward Community of Christ Temple with joy while others are in a state of terror over the approach of these 4 storms-in-one

It has taken much prayer, help, and discussion for the revealing of the interpretation of this dream and the meaning of these storms

Slide 5: First storm: Spiral (picture of Temple looking east from Temple Lot/ Peace Plaza)

Slide 6: New symbol for church: spiral & cross (picture of spiral and cross with "Community of Christ")

Slide 7: Doctrine & Covenants 94:5c-f

…therefore let Zion rejoice, while all the wicked shall mourn…vengeance cometh speedily…as the whirlwind….Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her….I will visit her according to all her works….

Interpretation of first storm related to church and setting the church in line with God

Slide 8: Second Storm--Octagon

Description of second storm was like an 8-sided Chinese lantern with 3 tiers that came down from the top almost like breathing

Interpretation and confirmation came when praying at the Temple steps one night: “Could the 8 sides represent the G-8 industrialized nations?”

Confirmation by the Spirit seemed to indicate this was correct. It was also around the time that the world economy (& U.S.) was in crisis (2008-2009).

Slide 9: G-8 Industrialized Countries

G8 - Group of Eight Industrialized Nations
United Kingdom
United States

Slide 10: Third Storm: Square (picture of Temple Mount in Jerusalem with Dome of the Rock mosque from overhead)

Slide 11: Third Storm: Square--interpretation

Friend Don and I (Randall) were visiting IHOP –KC (International House of Prayer) to take in some 24/7 prayer, praise, and worship. I shared with Don about the storms and not having the interpretation for the 3rd and 4th storms.

He asked if the square could be the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Spirit confirmed to us that this is related to Israel, the Temple (re-built), and Jerusalem

Slide 12: Square/Rectangle diagram with terms: Solomon's Temple (lower left); Temple of Zerubbabel & Joshua (upper left); Herod's Temple (upper right); Future Re-built Temple (lower right); "Jerusalem Temple" in center

To be continued....


  1. I received this dream several years ago. It was so very vivid in color, sound, and emotion. I remember feeling this sense of excitement rising up in my spirit and knowing that Randall and Dan were also experiencing this as well. Seeing everyone around running in fear brought sadness to my heart. This sadness that I felt for them did not diminish my joy in seeing the oncoming storm. GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST THE TIME HAS FINALLY COME!!!

  2. Support for the above blog entry can be found in Roy Weldon's "Tantalizing Glimpses-Faint Whispers".
