
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! & 40 day fast

I will look forward to posting about the New Year of 2010. We were called to a 40 day fast by Evangelist Bev Moor of Canada at the CCM Leadership Summit in November 2009. The focus of the fast was to be on what God is calling us to change in our lives and also to lift up the church going into World Conference 2010.

IMO, this is a critical time. A 40 day can seem intimidating, and it does to me, but I've slowly worked my way up to 3-4 day fasts not being so difficult. 15 days has been my maximum with the 2008 Hill Cumorah Expedition Team spring trip. If it seems difficult, maybe try fasting of TV, or internet games, or something else that seems addictive. I've got to admit that I am a little (maybe a lot) intimidated with 40 days, but I feel it is important. I will attempt it. I will also be concentrating on praying for the WC 2010 by getting in the WC Chamber and praying over the chairs in the lower level. I want to cover all the chairs even though they all might not be used. I will be praying for blessing, healing, God-incidences (God-blessed coincidences), miracles, surprises (IMO, God loves to surprise us with His Spirit and Presence), and, in general, a better conference than can be imagined.

I also look forward to recapping my experiences with onething09 and bringing in the New Year of 2010 with a bunch of fired up youth and young adults praising God, praying, and seeking the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. "Not the last or the longest fast you be on" A message given to you after the 15 day fast in 08. I also have chosen to take the challenge on. I will be fasting from morning internet and all internet games'Randall plays castle age on my fb thingy' So that one doesn't count. I will instead use my mornings to read scripture, pray and praise my Lord. It has been many years since I have devoted specific time to Him.

    Come and join us on this adventure with Jesus!!!
