
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Temple of Solomon Reflections 9 & 10 (weeks 11-12)-Furious Love Event

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Temple of Solomon
Bro. K.

Temple of Solomon Reflections 9 & 10 (Week 11-12)-Furious Love Event

This event was sponsored by Wanderlust Productions (‘Finger of God’ and ‘Furious Love’ movies) and held at Redeemer Fellowship—a charismatic, Spirit-filled “Baptist” church in Monroe, MI. The speakers included most of the ones in Furious Love—Will Hart (of Hart Ministries), Rolland & Heidi Baker (missionaries in Mozambique, Iris Ministries), Shampa Rice (Iris Ministries missionary in India-Bokaro school), Mattheus & Rebecca V. D. Steen (“Esther” in Furious Love, TRIN—Touch, Reach, Impact the Nations), Robby Dawkins (Vineyard pastor-Aurora, IL), Greg Boyd (pastor that’s written on war between God & satan), Angela Greenig (Set Free Ministries International), Philip Mantofa (Indonesian mega-church pastor & evangelist)—very powerful group. Most of the group shared their mistakes (even embarrassing moments) and failures and that their success and power can be attributed directly to Jesus Christ and their intimate relationship with Him.

I want to share a few of the very powerful, prophetic God-encounters. After getting lost for 1 & ½ hours for a church that was 5-10 minutes from our hotel, we finally made it to the church and were “blown away” by the prophetic art-work mostly done by Darren Wilson’s father—Elder and member of Redeemer Fellowship. We walked around checking it out. The church was very gracious and hospitable with its members and leaders volunteering as hosts for the event April 6-9. The church even had a canteen and dining area where you could get breakfast, lunch, and supper. Our first experience/God-encounter included meeting a young lady-Heather who had been an IHOPU student from NY who was graduating in the spring. We had prayer, and I got a ‘word of knowledge’ that her job (calling) following graduation would not come in the usual manner but in an unusual, God-ordained manner—powerful start with irony of a couple of Faith Bible students (one an IHOPU reject) blessing a former IHOPU student.

The FLE was awesome, Spirit-filled and really challenged Peggy and me. I loved listening and being challenged by Will Hart who shared his story of going astray, going to a charismatic meeting with a Spirit-filled boat captain and getting “slain in the Spirit” from a God-encounter. He shares how this boat captain, looking somewhat like Popeye”, kicked him in the foot while on the floor asking, “Boy, what are you doing on the floor?” (meaning what are you going to do now for the Lord). They got Will up, had him pray over another, and they both hit the floor. “Boy, I SAID, what are you doing on the floor?” Will Hart testified that his life has never been the same since—could not dress the same, talk the same, walk the same, and continues to serve the Lord—served with Iris Ministries in Mozambique and was in the Furious Love Movie for various encounters with the Lord and His “Furious Love”. We were so impacted that Peggy and I went on a “treasure hunt” (seeking to bless someone for the Lord through prophecy and word of knowledge and prayer) instead of going for the altar call.

I will finish with another God-encounter. It did not have to do with the main speakers. Peggy and I had lunch with Robin & Art Thomas and 2 m.o. Josiah Samuel. We asked Robin to pray over us, had a wonderful conversation with them, Art gave me his book signed-The Word of Knowledge in Action, and he gave us a Word of Knowledge that by this time (April 2010 to April 2011) next year that I would be holding my own child. I was so excited that I pulled Peggy by the hand outside to an open, grassy area and began yelling “Yes! I will take it! Yes!!!!” over and over. We claim it even now and have had other Words of Knowledge (for children) spoken over us. These were just a few of the God-incidences and blessings of the Lord with the Furious Love Event.

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