
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dreams, Visions, Nightmares, and Meanings Book Report

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Dr. E

Book Report: Dreams Interpretations Guidelines: Christian Dream Symbols by Brenda McDonald

Dreams, Visions, Nightmares & Meanings

I really liked this little book. It matched what we learned in class about seeking the interpretation first and foremost through God and Holy Spirit. The author states, “I truly trust with all my heart, as we seek the Lord in these matters of supernatural encounters, whether it is His dreams, His parables in the night, or in our waking experiences with Him, He will show us ‘His way,’ to receive godly inspiration and direction from the Holy Spirit.” (p. 19)

The ultimate source of dreams and their interpretation is God as we have learned in class though Christian brothers and sisters can be used in confirmation and increased understanding of dreams and their meanings.

Brenda McDonald also supported the fact that dreams even with others are generally with a message for us at the time. This also matched what we learned in class. It was interesting to have the author point out possible meanings of differences in perspective: if observing, then it (the dream) may be for someone else vs. if participating in the dream, then it (the dream) is probably for us (pp. 76-81). This was an interesting characteristic and possible insight into whether the dream is for us personally or for someone else.

The author also emphasized the difference between dreams from God that match up with the Word of God/Scriptures and can be life-transforming and edifying vs. dreams “from the dark side”—nightmares used by the enemy to try to undermine our walk with the Lord. She goes into the characteristics of each. This is something else that we discussed in class—disposing and casting down nightmares, temptations, and attacks from the devil (2 Cor. 10:5) while “digging” into, seeking the interpretation, carefully looking at Scriptures, praying, and asking with dreams from God (Job 33:14-16, 29).

Overall, I thought this book was a sound introduction to dreams, discernment between godly/good dreams and not so good dreams, principles of dream interpretation, and a little glossary of meanings and symbols. [My only criticism is I thought it could have been organized a little clearer with chapters and page #’s with table of contents and needed a proof-reader; otherwise, it matched well with class.]

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