
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Opening the Prophetic Gifts Book Report

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Opening the Prophetic Gifts “Book Report”
Dr. E.

Process of reaching this point and calling in ministry:

We had Holy Spirit fall on our class. The word of knowledge given to me was “You already know.” This was very true, but it almost made me laugh with joy because it was further confirmation that I am in the right place with the right persons at the right time and in the right way—“Christ as the Way” (John 14:6)—continued growth as a Faith Bible student, mentoring as Dr. Nick’s armor-bearer. My graduation on May 7, 2011 with a degree of Master’s in Ministry of the Prophet is the culmination of a number of steps and God-incidences (God blessed coincidences) and God-encounters leading me to this point.

This was not an easy journey. I grew up in church as a 6th generation RLDS member. I heard stories about my great-great grandfather Charles Cramer speaking in tongues and giving interpretation. I experienced God- & Spirit-encounters in connection with church camps and other similar experiences in college, but these experiences were few and far-between. One of these experiences involved a two-part dream with the first part focused on spiritual warfare with a devil/phantom stealing person’s faces and second part with me being vulnerable to a girl in school-I am naked from waist down (in the dream). I definitely have the gift of dreams because I’ve had other dreams in two prophetic parts that have guided me.

After failing in U.S. Air Force as a nurse and with my first marriage, I was in numerous jobs to attempt to get my life on track—mostly nursing jobs for the better pay though I was never really happy or fulfilled in my job. I went through a lot of personal issues—failure of a 2nd marriage, loss of last nursing job, loss of “being a Dad” (father-figure to stepson), loss of house, and more. All the doors closed in Ohio so I put a “fleece” (like Gideon—Judges 6:33-40) out about coming to Missouri. Despite numerous difficulties, I moved to Missouri, moved in with some new friends including Peggy, and began the slow, long process of re-building my life. I got involved with an inner city ministry called H.A.R.T. (Healing And Restoring Together) Ministries and began to take back some of my life as a I sought healing, refuge in the Lord.

This ministry with addicts, alcoholics, and homeless was something of a culture shock to my middle class and Ohio town upbringing. Yes, I had done some service work with Circle K (Kiwani’s) in college in Toledo and student nursing at a homeless shelter, but this was still something of a shock. The friendship between Peggy and me blossomed as we worked together often 5-6 mostly volunteer (very minimal pay) days/week in this ministry. We did everything from cooking, security, dish-washing, preaching, praying, deliverance, service planning and presiding, and more. Some highlights included a wedding for friends thrown together at Christmas using children dressed up for pageant,, baptizing a homeless guy named Willie who was recovering from a gunshot wound, and befriending another homeless guy James who played guitar as I preached plus looked out for Peggy when I worked at Benilde the first time. The leadership of HART Ministries favored others over Peggy and me (despite our dedication and work) and allowed a practicing homosexual to preach and minister against our opinions and feelings. Also God revealed of “familiar spirit” through discernment of the spirits. We were really not getting the mentoring we wanted so we decided to leave and take a break. We cut all ties.

During the same time as HART Ministries, Peggy helped to introduce me to CCM-Contemporary Christian Ministries—charismatic wing/group of Community of Christ (former RLDS). I found a lot of friends, “family”, support, and healing in this body of believers that still believed in the Gifts of the Spirit, sought the Presence of the Lord, and loved to be enthusiastic in worship. They also had a number of leaders who challenged my discipleship and walk with the Lord, gave prophetic ‘words of knowledge’ encouraging and stretching me, and helped to pointed my life more in the right direction. It was difficult being so far away from my family (3 states away) so CCM’ers became my family. I found out that I loved being around expectant, enthusiastic believers who yielded to God and flowed with the Gifts of the Spirit including healing, miracles, prophecy, anointed teaching, and more.

This kind of gives my background and covers the previous years up until the last several years (2009-2011). Peggy and I were looking for regular mentoring (week-in & week-out)—not just part-time mentoring (one week and number of weekends a year) as with CCM. I was also involved with a group (Hill Cumorah Expedition Team) that did mission/exploratory-archaeology trips to Mexico. I wanted to go on the trip in 2008 and could not so I asked God what He wanted me to do—lead the prayer coordination effort for the trip was the Godly inspiration given to me. We came up with prayer cards that we gave out and added congregations to the support of the group. This was quite a time of learning as I fasted, prayed, dealt with a spiritual attack (fraction of a second of pure hate, spite, anger), and was given a direct “word of knowledge”—“you will go next year”. In 2009, I did go on this trip to southern Mexico and was challenged more in my faith and discipleship walk. Peggy supported me in all of this as my best friend and co-worker and coordinator of the prayer effort in my absence in 2009..

Our friendship continued to deepen and grew. The 2009 CCM Leadership Summit with the guest ministry of Evangelist & healer Frank & Nephtali Seamster along with borrowing a “Finger of God” Deluxe Edition DVD from friend/CCM leader-Derek Sanders proved to be life-changing. Despite being voted a Community of Christ World Conference 2010 delegate and attending a MC conference with divisive (homosexuality) issues, we also attended this CCM retreat in Excelsior Springs by driving back and forth. I watched these Finger of God DVD’s and began to walk in a prolonged anointing with faith for healing (for Peggy) and giving ‘words of knowledge’ to other CCM persons. Peggy got a tremendous healing on her ankles and feet—laughing and screaming in delight with a healing for which she did not have faith. She was able to take steps up and down like a normal person—had never done that around me.
In the Summer 2009, I had applied and been accepted at IHOPU for an Intro. to IHOP-KC internship for Fall 2009. I had needed $900, but I only had $2-300. I figured that God would provide—Jehovah-Jireh (Genesis ). It did not happen and IHOPU later withdrew my acceptance since I could not sign their belief statement. At first, it was somewhat confusing why the door opened, but the means were not provided.

Our best friend Dan Enix then decided to visit Faith Bible College. He spoke with Dr. Eva (I thought that he spoke with Dr. Nick) who I visited a number of times before enrolling for the Spring 2010 term. The confirmation came when Dr. Nick prayed over me going to school there, the Spirit rested heavily, and money for IHOPU from Scripture class was given back to me for Faith Bible College classes. Peggy and I began to attend on Friday nights with Ebony & Ivory Ministry and some Sunday’s. I quickly realized that this was the place/people that we were looking for—cheaper, closer (within walking distance), and getting the week-in/week-out, regular mentoring in the prophetic/Spirit-filled walk. In addition, Peggy was blessed, taught, encouraged even before starting classes on her own. On Palm Sunday 2010, our prayer languages opened up to us. Shortly after starting classes, I had images in my head of Peggy and I getting married even though we were still just best friends. We began to meet with Dr. Nick every week for counseling and got “secretly–engaged” (just telling Dr. Nick & my parents) in May 2010.

CCM Celebration (family reunion) 2010 “Greater Things” became quite a God-encounter for Peggy and me. I was not even planning on going and felt the Spirit wanting me to go to help with the older (Sr. High) youth so I went even though Peggy had to work part of the week. I assisted—acting as an “armor-bearer” (catcher, supporter) with “fire tunnel” (double prayer line). I did not even go through myself, but I was blessed with insight of supporting the rising generation as they support/mentor the really young/new generation (each generation being greater in the Spirit than the one before). The Spirit rested on me about getting some “junk” out of my life—“don’t you dare leave with others getting completely free”. First time did not work at all—tug of war with demonic force(s) that was choking off my prayer language. I then spent the next day in fasting and prayer. Second time involved my best friends Dan and Peggy. I confessed to Dan and Peggy. Dan then offered prayer which became a prayer which became a prayer of unity for the two of us in the sight of God. He had insisted that the Presence of the Lord Jesus was with us prior to this prayer, and being free of something that had bound me for more than 3 decades had a tremendous effect with experiencing an “open Heaven” to the Father. We then went into an intercessory prayer round, first me, then Dan (each prayer building) then I insisted on praying again (claimed a “house of prayer” at Graceland University and 3-fold cord joining of the Restoration Movement-Prayer & Prophetic Movement-Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements) then Peggy “belted” out “Amazing Grace” and finished with powerful prayer. With this experience, we felt “married” in the “eyes of God” so decided to quickly get married on July 16, 2010, my 41st birthday.

On January 18, 2011, the Holy Spirit rested on me following work, and I awakened Peggy when I got home so she could anoint me with all the oils that we had. I then went into an extended period of time of “imagining our life 10-15 years from now” with the Spirit. While I spoke, Peggy actually saw what I described. This experience made it clear that I was free to develop and promote P.F.I. Z. (P.rayer F.urnaces I.n Z.ion) program—multiple 24/7/365 worship & intercession among the Restoration Movement groups in Independence, MO and more.

Our journey has deepened and grown more Spirit-filled with us both being Faith Bible College students and soon to be teachers, us both being part of the ministry team, us both having more God encounters, more Spirit-filled worship and Gifts manifesting. I could do a whole paper just on Ebony & Ivory Ministry and what it means to us and just on the Furious Love Event that we just attended. I will end here for now.

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