
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rejection II Final

Randall Q. Lawrence
FBC Fall Term 2011
Rejection II
Dr. Z.

Rejection II Final: familiar spirits

I was interested in familiar spirits to an experience in 2008 with my former friend Mandy who claimed and supposedly walked in all kinds of prophetic giftedness. We (Peggy and I) and our former friends (Mandy & Dixie—actively practicing lesbians) were going to have some intercessory prayer together. The friendship was already strained, but we were trying to work on a little bit of reconciliation. I was chewing on some gum and wanted to throw it away so I told them that I would be right back since the trash container was a little walk away. When I returned, Mandy was claiming to be having Jesus speak through her (a common occurrence or claiming contact with an angel, archangel, or another Scriptural figure). I had predicted that Mandy would try something like this and also do not believe that Jesus would start a message and could not wait for me to return from throwing away my gum. I had felt a mighty, Spirit-filled prayer welling up inside of me. I deflated like a spent balloon, and asked, “God, is this of You….(pause) or is this a familiar spirit?!?” Immediately, the Holy Spirit confirmed to me that it was a familiar spirit.

Before attending Faith Bible College and taking this course, I cannot say that I really understood what a familiar spirit is. I knew that there were references to such a thing in the Bible. (O.T. references only with cases involving divination-Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:11; 1 Sam. 28:3, 7-9; 2 Ki. 21:6, 23:24; 1 Chr. 10:13; 2 Chr. 33:6; Isa. 8:19, 19:3, 29:4)

“First, a familiar spirit is a spirit that you are familiar with, through which you can manifest supernatural power. Second, a familiar spirit is one assigned to you and your family, to observe you and become familiar with you, so that he knows your weaknesses, sins, and strengths.” (p. 285) It goes on to say that, “Unfortunately, some Christians also have familiar (unclean) spirits, which masquerade as the Holy Spirit….appear as gifted people….minister in churches….manifest supernatural power….power displayed depends upon relative strength of the familiar spirit.” (p. 285)

I know that Mandy claimed healing from a multiple personality (narcissistic personality) disorder, addiction, and more. I also know that she had prayer for deliverance a number of times for the issue of homosexuality, but then she returned to the sin and even had a homosexual “marriage” ceremony (union). Later, we heard that she wanted to form promiscuous ties with other lesbians. We must be careful about performing a deliverance with someone going back to sin. (1 to 8 to 64 to 512 demons based on Luke 11:24-26 & 3 failed deliverances).

Thus, we can end up with someone claiming to be a prophetess, tongues-speaker and interpreter, healer (reiki master), prophetic dreamer and visionary, shaman, and more. “You will know them by their fruits…” (Mat. 7:15-20, Luke 6:43-45) which has now cost her partner her retirement, their house, their car, Mandy’s health (diabetes and now cancer).

When I examined what little I knew about Mandy, there were key factors all over the tree diagram from the roots (of Rejection-family, society, culture, peers) to the branches (of Fear—fantasy, terror, insecurity-inferiority, torment, perfection, self-pity & of Pride—paranoia, accusation, rebellion, stubborn, bitterness) to the rotting fruit (consumptive lifestyle, rage, nitpicking, poverty, abusive relationships, blame, cancer, and witchcraft).

In conclusion, I would not underestimate the power of a familiar spirit to mislead and deceive and underestimate the damage done by false (familiar spirit-led) and flesh-led prophets to the Body of Christ. I am not thrilled about being gullible and naïve to the above situation, but it gave me a very quick education in spiritual warfare, in discernment, and in appreciation of the true prophetic ministry vs. the false prophetic ministry.

After a recent retreat in which this person misled a senior prophetic minister and claimed an encounter with an archangel. I see that this familiar spirit continues to delude Mandy and others including her pastor who was claiming to speak for Jesus and be overpowered in the power of the Holy Spirit though others discerned it as “flesh” while I got the sense it was much worse with the influence of the demonic. This is not a spirit to underestimate or dismiss easily, and it can become a major strongman in destroying lives and health and misleading the persons affected and others.

[Note: names have been changed to protect this blogger]

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