
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Preparation for Ministry III Finals Assignment

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Preparation for Ministry III
Elder Q

How has this class helped you help someone else? (Helps)

This class has been one of my favorites for this semester. Learning about the Ministry of Helps, as a supernatural calling vital to the body of Christ and as an important apprenticeship training program within the church, has been very helpful. This is illustrated in the story of Elijah and Elisha which was an excellent example to study and discuss on the ministry of helps.

One, I really liked the practical nature of the class and including us in the decision process of how we could be a blessing or be helpful to others at Faith Bible College. Our use of the prayer request box and providing intercessory prayer for others in need was something that greatly impacted me this semester. I think it was a great group project and one in which the ones we lifted up to Jesus Christ were blessed, and also we, as prayer warriors, were blessed. I tried to pray for as many as I could and even experienced an impression or “vision”/imagination in my head of Dr. Jerry Downs standing up and praising God. I told him and his wife. I was deeply touched and impacted to learn that he experienced a healing later and was standing up to praise God and Jesus. Hallelujah! Thank you for this opportunity to serve and learn Helps in a practical and challenging way regarding the power of prayer.

Two, I really appreciated you being open to Peggy joining us because I know that both she and I have been blessed to be a part of this class and to learn about the Ministry of Helps because the nature of our ministries in the past, the nature of present ministry together, and nature of ministries in the future will always involve the ministry of Helps. “When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God.” is a quote that means a lot to the both of us.

Three, I really appreciated going deep into the study and explanation of the Ministry of Helps and its integral part to a church as an anointed and supernatural ministry. I know that I want to be like Aaron and Hur in holding up the arms of Moses. I know that Peggy and I both want to be in that role for Dr. Nick and Dr. Eva (not that others are not) with Ebony and Ivory and with Faith Bible College.

Four, I really wanted the opportunity to have a class with you and get to know you better and that has happened. I have a greater appreciation for you and your background and the giftedness that you bring to Ebony and Ivory and Faith Bible College. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Elder Larry!

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