
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rejection I Final: Case Study

Randall Q. Lawrence
Faith Bible College
Rejection & its fruits & roots
Dr. Zalmer Nichols

Class Final (1-Rejection): Case Study Solution:

Our case study (hypothetical) is built on an actual tragic situation where this young man was killed by a (former) homosexual lover. I bring this up because dealing with homosexuality becomes a life and death struggle (if not violence then HIV+ or another STD or Hepatitis).

I have been around a lesbian relationship built on abuse and control. One of these lesbians had had numerous “deliverances” done. Based on Luke 11:24-26, if a demon is removed (house swept clean) then it goes into the dry places and gets seven more worse than itself to inhabit the “clean house” body. [One can go from 1 to 8 to 64 to 512 = ‘general legion’.] Drastic as it may seem then I do not recommend deliverance without a supportive/loving/nonjudgmental intensive follow-up (recovery) for the person “delivered” out of homosexuality.

These homosexual persons have often dealt with rejection from family, friends, society, and even churches. They have built up massive defensive mechanisms (impossible to overcome without unconditional love), walls (unforgivable sin) not to mention having a lifestyle that leads them to a reprobate mind. I have met a number of lesbians who claimed to be “born this way” yet usually had some serious abuse (incest, rape) and/or neglect from their father, father figure, or male relative. A reprobate mind is difficult to overcome without intensive “therapy”—recovery in a very structured, disciplined discipleship program centered on Christ, group support (“homosexual anonymous”?), and intensive loving church-centered (worship-centered) program. There is a lot involved in the homosexual lifestyle—mental illness (narcissism, violence, control, fantasy, acting out, gender identity confusion, abuse to abusive), alcohol & drugs, club scene, “gay pride movement “ (masquerades as civil rights movement) and much more and societal rejection (family, friends, church, community).

A good way to evaluate the effectiveness will be if the former homosexuals speak in tongues and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and with fire. If they cannot, then there is still a barrier or defensive wall/mechanism in the way.

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